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Sender Institution:

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Pomology Svetosimunska 25, 41 000 Zagreb - Croatia
Phone: +385 - 41 - 235077/235777
Fax: +385 - 41 - 233519

Research project


"Selection of almond from local populations"

Project leader:



Pavicic N., Cmelik Z., Bencic D.

Funding institution:

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Pomology Svetosimunska 25, 41 000 Zagreb - Croatia

Starting year:




Project objectives:

Selection of new late flowering and productive cultivars from local populations.

Project summary:

In numerous local population of almond there are a lot of types with good biological and economical characteristics. Beside that, there are types that show resistance to diseases. Selection is directed to types with late flowering, good productivity, fruit quality and resistance to diseases.

Related publications:

(please add further sheets if needed)

BROZIK Š., 1967. Mandulafajták értékelése, Szõlõ-és gyümölcstermesztés 3 20-30, Budapest.

GRASSELLY CH., 1969. Considération générales sur l'espèce Amandier. Bull Tech. Infor. 279: 389

KESTER D. E., 1965. Inheritance of time of bloom in certain progenies of almond. Proc. Amer. Soc.
Sci. 87: 214-221.

RIKHTER A.A., 1969. Puti i metodi selekciji mindalja. Nikitsky Rot Sad

Sender Institution:

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Pomology Svetosimunska 25, 41 000 Zagreb - Croatia
Phone: +385 - 41-235077 /235777
Fax: +385 - 41-233519

Research project


"Research on physiology of almond fruit growth"

Project leader:



Vrsaljko A., Bencic D., Jemric T.

Funding institution:

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Pomology Svetosimunska 25, 41 000 Zagreb - Croatia

Starting year:




Project objectives:

Fruit growth dynamics and changes in chemical composition during fruit growth

Project summary:

Research on dynamics of accumulation of mineral and organic components and dry matter has big importance. Determination of the changes in chemical composition and fruit quality evaluation is of big value.

Related publications:

(please add further sheets if needed)

GODINI A., 1984. The influence of fresh pericarp on the kernel production in almond. 5th GREMPA, Sfax (Tunisia), May. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ (84/II), 1984: 57-61.

GODINI A., 1983. Hull, shell and kernel relationship in almond fresh fruits. 5th GREMPA, Sfax (Tunisia), May. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ (84/II), 1984: 53-56.

LORETI F., XILOYANNIS C., 1977. Osservazioni suite caratteristiche tecnologiche di alcune cultivar di Mandorlo. Atti della III riunione del GREMPA, Valenzano (Bari), 3-7 ottobre. Riv. Ortoflorofrutticoltura It.1984. 62(2): 147-154.

LOTTI G., AVERNA V., BAZAN E., 1965. Composizione lipidica e caratteristiche analitiche delle mandorledella Sicilia. Olearia 9-10: 181-188.

MILJKOVI I., 1985. Aktualni problemi i smjerniee za uzgoj i unapredenje proizvodnie lješnjaka i bajama u našoj zemlji. Agronomski glasnik 1-2: 35-51.

MONASTRA F., 1975. Application du diagnostic foliare à la fumure des amandiers. Atti dot 2 Colloque du G.R.E.M.P.A., Montpellier-Nimes, 8-11/9.

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