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Sender Institution:

I.N.R.A. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Station de Recherches Fruitières Méditerranéennes Domaine Saint-Paul
Site Agroparc 84914 Avignon Cedex 9 - France
Phone: +33 - 4 - 90 - 316000
Fax: +33 - 4 - 90 - 316298

Research project


"Almond rootstocks breeding"

Project leader:



Legave J.M., Duval H., Grasselly C.

Funding institution:

I.N.R.A. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Station de Recherches Fruitières Méditerranéennes Domaine Saint-Paul

Starting year:



40 years

Project objectives:

Project summary:

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Sender Institution:

I.N.R.A. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Station de Recherches Fruitières Méditerranéennes Domaine Saint-Paul
Site Agroparc - 84914 Avignon Cedex 9 - France
Phone: +33 - 4 - 90 - 316000
Fax: +33 - 4 - 90 - 316298

Research project


" Almond variety breeding"

Project leader:



Legave J.M., Simard M.H., Grasselly C.

Funding institution:

I.N.R.A. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - Station de Recherches Fruitières Méditerranéennes Domaine Saint-Paul

Starting year:



30 years

Project objectives:

The aim is to obtain almond varieties with high kernel production in the French growing conditions.

The expected kernel yield average is 1.2 tons per hectare and per year.

In addition of a high production, others criteria are researched:

- self-fertility to optimize the pollination
- late flowering to avoid winter frosts
- not alternate bearing
- disease resistance
- kernel quality

Project summary:

The project involves the creation and the evaluation of new hybrids by controlled crosses with specific genitors for every searched traits:

Productivity, vigor: Ferragnes, Cristomorto.

Self-fertility: Tuono, Lauranne and others preselections.

Late flowering: Tardy Nonpareil and others preselections.

In the first years, this French breeding program leaded by C. Grasselly gave very high productive and vigorous varieties: Ferragnes, Ferraduel, Ferrastar. In the second stage of the program, two self-fertile varieties were released in 1989: Lauranne et Steliette.

In the third stage, we try to obtain self fertile varieties with the high vigor and the productivity of

Related publications:

(please add further sheets if needed)

DUVAL H., 1993. Les varietes autofertiles. Fruits et leg. 110: 32-33.

DUVAL H., GRASSELLY CH., 1994. Behaviour of some self-fertile almond selections in the south east of France. Acta Horticulturae.

DUVAL H., GRASSELLY CH., 1996. L'amandier. Editions CTIFL (sons presse)

GRASSELLY CH., 1984. Reflexions diverges sur l'evolution des objectifs d'amelioration de l'amandier. Options mediterranéennes. Serie etudes 2: 147-150.

GRASSELLY CH., 1985. Avancement du programme autocompatibilite chez l'amandier. Options mediterranéennes. Serie etudes 1: 39-41.

GRASSELLY CH., 1986. Progrés recents et potentiels de l'amelioration de l'espece amandier. Application aux objectifs francais. CR. Acad. Agric. Fr. 4: 343-352.

KESTER D.E., GRADZIEL T., GRASSELLY CH., 1990. Almonds. In genetic resources of temperate fruit and nut crops. J. N. Moore and J.R. Jr. Ballington, editors. International Society for Horticultural Science, Wageningen. The Netherlands. 699-758.

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