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Sender Institution:

I.R.T.A. - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
* Departament de Genètica Vegetal. Centre de Cabrils, 08348 Cabrils - Spain
Phone: +34 - 93 - 7507511
Fax: +34 -93 - 7533954
**Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània - Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415, 43280 Reus - Spain
Phone: +34 - 977 - 343252
Fax: +34 - 977 - 344055

Research project


"Use of genetic markers in almond breeding. Construction of a basic genetic map"

Project leader:



De Vicente M.C. *, Messeguer R. *, Truco M.J. *, Vargas F.J. **, Batlle I. **

Funding institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) This project has also received finantial support from: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) and the European Community (EC).

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

To reduce the time and cost of breeding new almond cultivars, by developing techniques (molecular markers) that improve the efficiency of selection.

To construct a basic map for almond of approximately 250 markers.

To elaborate a reduced map (a map with 30-50 markers covering the entire genome at regular genetic distance intervals) for some populations using markers which show useful variation in its parents.

Project summary:

Almond is an important nut crop in Spain. Conventional breeding for almond cultivars is slow. The participants in this project are developing molecular markers (isozymes, RFLPs and RAPs) for almond, with the main aim to facilitate and early preselection of young seedlings. The analysis of some progenies will allow to detect cosegregations (genetic linkages) between the markers and the agronomic characters. Thus identify valuable early selection criteria which will increase the efficiency of the breeding programme.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

ARUS P. VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., 1990. Linkage analysis of isozyme genes in almond. VIII Reunion Grempa-Agrimed, Nîmes (Francia). Rapport EUR 14081 FR: 201-207.

ARUS P., OLARTE C., ROMERO M.A., VARGAS F.J., 1994. Linkage analysis of ten isozime genes in F1 segregating progenies of almond. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 119 (2): 339-344.

VIRUEL M.A., MESSEGUER R., DE VINCENTE M.C., GARCIA MAS J., PUIGDOMENECH P., VARGAS F., ARUS P., 1995. A linkage map with RFLP and isozyme markers for almond. Theor. Appl. Genet., 91: 964-971.

Sender Institution:

I.R.T.A. - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània - Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415, 43280 Reus - Spain
Phone: +34 - 977 - 343252
Fax: +34 - 977 - 344055

Research project


"Almond cultivars breeding"

Project leader:



Romero M.A., Battle I., Rovira M., Clavé J.

Funding institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries - IRTA
This project has also received finantial support from: Duputación de Tarragona, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) and the European Community (EC).

Starting date:



30 years

Project objectives:

The objective is to obtain varieties with outstanding agronomic and commercial features: late blooming, self-fertility, high productivity, strong vigour, limited branching, upright tree growth habit, fruit of quality (with hard or semi-soft shell, absence of double kernel and good kernel appearance), etc.

Project summary:

The development of the project has had two distinct phases. In the first phase, carried out during the period 1975-85, a large number of crosses, with a relatively reduced number of seedlings per progeny, were made. The objective was to get outstanding cultivars and also information about the heredability of important traits. During this phase, some native cultivars, producing nut of quality, were extensively crossed with late blooming foreign cultivars. In the second phase, started in 1990, a larger number of seedlings per progeny are being produced. In many progenies, early selection of very young seedlings is carried out in the nursery using different criteria. Some crosses are used to try to find linkages between molecular markers and important tree and nut traits.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., ROVIRA M., GIRONA J., 1983. Amelioration de l'amandier par croisements des variétés. Résultats préliminaires à Tarragone (Espagne). V Reunion del GREMPA, Sfax. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ 84/II: 101-122.

VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., 1987. Comparación entre descendencias intervarietales de almendro en relación con la época de floración y la calidad del fruto. VII Reunion GREMPA-AGRIMED, Reus. Rapport EUR, 11557: 59-72.

VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., 1993. Masbovera, Glorieta and Francolì, three new almond varieties from IRTA. I Int. Cong. on Almond, Agrigento. Acta Horticulturae, 373: 75-82.

VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., BATLLE I., 1995. Selección precoz en la mejora del almendro. Actas del VI Congreso de la SECH, Barcelona: 100.

Sender Institution:

I.R.T.A. - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània - Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415, 43280 Reus - Spain
Phone: +34 - 977 - 343252
Fax: +34 - 977 - 344055

Research project


"Almond rootstocks selection"

Project leader:



Romero M.A., Aletà N.

Funding institution:

Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries - IRTA
This project has also received finantial support from: Duputación de Tarragona, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) and the European Community (EC).

Starting date:



20 years

Project objectives:

To select almond × peach hybrids, obtained at IRTA Mas Bové, to be useful as rootstocks for almond and peach.

To study the interest of almond cultivars, to be used as producers of seedling rootstocks, for almond growing in dry land.

Project summary:

In the period 1979-81, 60 hybrids were obtained at Mas Bové by raising various almond × peach crosses. This trees have been tested for their ability as almond or peach rootstocks. Aptitude to propagation, vigour and tolerance to dry conditions are outstanding features in the process of selection. Three hybrids have been preselected and will be included in trials to assess their interest.

In addition, several trial have been made, in orchard and in nursery, to evaluate the behaviour, as rootstock for almond, of seedlings derived from various almond cultivars. This research line was closed at IRTA Mas Bové in early 1995.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., ALETA N., 1985. Porte-greffes d'amandier: aspects importants des programmes du Centre Agropecuari "Mas Bové". VI Réunion du GREMPA, Tesalónica. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ 85/I: 61-68.

VARGAS F.J., ROMERO M.A., 1993. Comportamiento de patrones francos de almendro. II Congreso Ibérico de Ciencias Hortícolas, Zaragoza. Ed. Sech-Aph Actas de Horticultura, 9 (1): 194-199.

Sender Institution:

I.R.T.A. - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries
Departament d'Arboricultura Mediterrània - Centre de Mas Bové
Apartat 415, 43280 Reus - Spain
Phone: *34 - 977 - 343252
Fax: +34 - 977 - 344055
Email: [email protected]

Research project


"Almond breeding for drought resistance"

Project leader:



Sanz G., Vargas F.J., Romero M.A., Save. R., de Herralde F., Biel C, Cohen M., de Vicente M.C., Arús P., Campalans A., Messeguer R., Pages M.

Funding institution:

Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)

Starting date:



3 years

Project objectives:

The aim is to introduce drought resistance into the current scion almond breeding programme.

Project summary:

Cultivars and segregating progenies derived from controlled crosses will be used to measure genetic differences in drought resistance. The project has the following objectives: a) to determine physiological characters responsible for drought resistance in almond, b) to identify, isolate and characterize genes related to water stress resistance, c) to introduce these genes into our linkage map of almond, d) to identify molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to resistance to drought stress. Parameters affecting mechanisms of drought resistance will be assessed to develop point a). Protein expression in dehidrated or water stressed tissues of different cultivars will be studied in point b), and for points c) and d) the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to water stress resistance and their association to markers will be carried out using segregating families.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

BATLLE I., SANZ G., ROMERO M., VARGAS F.J., SAVE R., DE HERRALDE F., COHEN M., BIEL C., CAMPALANS A., MESSEGUER R., PAGES M., DE VICENTE C., ARÚS P., 1997. Almond Breeding for drought resistance. II International Symposium on Pistachios and Almonds, California (USA).

DE HERRALDE F., BIEL C., COHEN M., BATLLE I., SAVE R., 1997. Conductividad hidráulica y resistencia a la sequía en dos cultivares de almendro. Congreso de la SEFV. Córdoba (Spain).

Sender Institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A.
Apartado 202 - 50080 Zaragoza - Spain
Phone: +34 - 76 - 576411
Fax: +34 - 76 - 575501

Research project


"Almond breeding"

Project leader:



Felipe A.J., Gomez Aparisi J., Asensio M. G.,

Funding institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A. - Zaragoza

Starting date:



Permanent with temporary revision every 3 years

Project objectives:

The aim of this project is the release of new cultivars improving the present ones mainly by their agronomical and commercial quality and their productivity. These objectives can be attained by the introduction of the tzo main traits of self-compatibility and late blooming. Other objectives include a constant and high production, easy management (compensated branching to reduce pruning and easy mechanical harvesting). Pest and disease resistance will be evaluated, as also the adaptability to irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The plants obtained during the development of previous projects will be finally evaluated and selected. Eventually new crosses will be planned. At the same time genetic studies on the transmission of several traits, mainly self-compatibility, will be carried out.

Project summary:

Two points have been lately stressed: the study of self setting in several advanced selection and the presence of double kernels. The first trait is related to autogamy and to flower morphology. The second traits seems to depend on the opening time of the flowers producing fruits.

Related publications:
(Please add further sheets if needed)

FELIPE A., SOCIAS I COMPANY R., ESPIAU E., 1992. Nuevas variedades de almendro y su difusión en Espa a. Frutic. Prof. 45: 49-56.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., FELIPE MANSERGAS A.J., 1992. Self compatibility and autogamy in "Guara" almond. J. Hort. Sci. 67 (3): 313-317.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., 1992. Dinámica de floración y cuajado en el almendro "Guara". Inf. Técn. Ecón. Agrar. 88V (3): 193-199.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., ESPADA J.L., FELIPE A.J., 1992. Dise o de plantación y cuajado en el almendro. II Jornadas Experimentación Frutal SECH, Valencia 11-12 noviembre.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., 1992. Où sommes-nous dans l'amelioration génétique pour l'autocompatibilité? VIII Coll. GREMPA, Rap. EUR 14081: 27-48.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., 1992. Est-ce que la pollinisation était préveu au Moyen age? VIII Coll. GREMPA, Rap. EUR 14081: 217-218.

SOCIAS I COMPANY, R. FELIPE A.J., 1992. Certains facteurs de l'autocompatibilité et de la productivité chez l'amandier. GREMPA, Rap. EUR 14081: 49-50.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., FELIPE A.J., 1993. Momento de la floración y pepitas dobles en almendro. Actas de Horticulture, 9: 131-136.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., FELIPE A.J., 1993. La autogamia. Un nuevo reto en el almendro. Hortofruticultura 4 (11): 59-62.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., FELIPE A.J., 1993. Flower quality and fruit quality in almond, conflicting objectives? Eucarpia Fruit Section Meeting. Einsideln, Suiza, agosto-septiembre, 1993.

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., FELIPE A.J., 1993. Cross-incompatibility of "Ferragnes" and "Ferralise" implication for self-compatibility transmission in almond. I. Int. Congr. Almond, Agrigento, Italia, 17-19 mayo, 1993.

Sender Institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A.
Apartado 202 - 50080 Zaragoza - Spain
Phone: +34 - 76 - 576411
Fax: +34 - 76 - 575501

Research project


"Rootstock breeding and selection for almond"

Project leader:



Felipe A.J., Socias i Company R.

Funding institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A. - Zaragoza

Starting date:



Permanent, with temporary revision every 3 years

Project objectives:

The aim of this Project is to work in two parallel ways:

a) Obtention and selection of rootstocks belonging to the "pollizos" (P. insititia) population, compatibles with almond, as possible stocks for intensive, irrigated, orchards.

b) Inter specific Prunus hybrids in order to obtain and select rootstocks for dry land and irrigated areas with better performance than the used at present.

- Showing higher propagation rate by hardwood cuttings.

- With less feather emission in the cutting production hedge.

- Erect behaviour of the plants in the nursery row.

- With differential characteristics to avoid errors to the nurseryman

- Resistant to adverse conditions as: asphyxia, soil pathogens (animals or cryptogamous): nematodes, Agrobacterium, etc.

Project summary:

The work of this project started some twenty years ago with a collection of "pollizo" seedlings. The first step was the selection of those showing a good ability to root by hardwood cuttings. The better ones were put in nurseries to test the compatibility with peach, almond, apricot and plums. The result is the selection of two clones, "Montizo" and "Monpol". Trials in progress are being done to study the behaviour of these promising rootstocks.

A breeding program by Prunus hybridisation ten started ten years ago with some trials aiming to individualise almond varieties capable to root by hardwood cuttings. "Garfi" was selected as the almond parent to cross with peaches or other Prunus. Crosses with "Nemared" peach gave a hybrid red leafed offspring. Successive trials for propagation capability, chlorosis and nematode resistance, etc., are in progress.

New crosses are been done more recently and some others are foreseen aiming to obtain complex hybrids with the idea to assemble interesting traits that are present in different Prunus species.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

FELIPE A.J., 1976. Compatibilitad entre cultivares de almendro y patron de ciruelo "Pollizo". I Congr. Int. de Almendra y Avellana: 331-336.

FELIPE A.J., HERRERO J., 1977. Ensayos de patrones para el cultivo de almendro en regadio. An. I.N.I.A. - Serie Prod. Vegetal: 7 (1977): 113 - 124.

BLASCO A.B., FELIPE A.J., 1981. Cropping efficiency in almond: a rootstock trial under irrigation.
Options Mediterraneènnes, 1981/1: 137-138.

FELIPE A.J., 1983. Bouturage ligneux de l'amandier. Options Mediterraneènnes, 1984/II: 97-100.

OPAZO E., FELIPE A.J., GELLA R., 1984. Enraizamiento de estaquillas le osas de hibridos entre melocotonero y almendro. Inf. Téc. Econ. Agrar. Vol. Extra n. 3: 60-68.

PASCUAL MO.T., FELIPE A.J., 1986. Efecto de diferentes factores en la propagacion for estaquilla le osa del hibrido INRA-GF-677. Actas del II Congr. Nac. S.E.C.H., Vol. 1: 71-78.

FELIPE A.J., 1987. Patrones para el almendro. Fruticultura Professional, 11: 67-70.

FELIPE A.J., BLASCO A.B., GELLA R., 1988. "Montizo": un clon selecto de "Pollizo de Murcia". Actas de Horticultura, 1: 113-118.

FELIPE A.J., 1989. Rootstocks for almond. Present situation. Options Mediterraneènnes,. Serie A n. 5: 13-17.

FELIPE A.J., BLASCO A.B., CARRERA M., GELLA R., 1989. "Monpol"- 465 y "Montizo"- 646: dos clones selectos de "Pollizo" de Murcia. Inf. Téc. Econ. Agrar., 83: 41-46.

FELIPE A.J., 1990. Patrones para las nuevas plantaciones frutales. Frut, Revista de Fruticultura: 307-319.

FELIPE A.J., 1990. Situacion actual de los patrones frutales en Espa a. Inf. Téc. Econ. Agrar., Vol. Extra, 9: 11-39.

FELIPE A.J., GOMEZ APARISI J., 1990. Enraizamiento de estaquillas de almendro, melocotonero e hibridos. I Congreso iberico de Ciencias Horticolas: Lisboa, Junio. Resumenes n. 235.

PASCUAL MO.T., FELIPE A.J., 1990. Enraizamiento de estaquillas le osas de hibridos melocotonero × almendro. I efecto de tratamientos en calor de fondo. I Congreso iberico de Ciencias Horticolas: Lisboa, Junio. Resumenes n. 336.

PASCUAL MO.T., HERRERO Ma., FELIPE A.J., 1990. Enraizamiento de estaquillas le osas de hibrido melocotonero × almendro. II cambiuos anatomicos y evolucion de carbohidratos. I Congreso iberico de Ciencias Horticolas. Lisboa, Junio. Resumenes n. 345.

FELIPE A.J., 1990. Aptitude pour la propagation chez l'amandier "Garrigues" et sa descendence. VIII Colloque du G.R.E.M.P.A.: Nimes, Junio. Rapport EUR 14081: 73-79.

FELIPE A.J., 1990. Situacion actual de los patrones frutales en Espa a. Inf. Téc. Econ. Agraria. Vol. Extra, 9: 13-39.

FELIPE A.J., PASCUAL Ma.T., 1990. Propagacion de los nuevos clones de ciruelo "Pollizo": "Monpol" y "Montizo". Inf. Téc. Econ. Agraria. Vol. Extra, 9: 215-220.

FELIPE A.J., 1990. Patrones para el almendro: situacion actual y perspectivas para un futuro proximo. Frut. Revista de Fruticultura, 5 (1): 47-52.

FELIPE A.J., 1991. Obtencion de nuevas variedades y patrones. Hortofruticultura, 2 (1): 76-81.

CANALS J., PINOCHET J., FELIPE A.J., 1992. Temperature and age of plant affect resistance in peach × almond hybrid rootstock infected with Meloidogyne javanica. Hortscience, 27 (11): 1211-1213.

SAID A., FELIPE A.J., GOMEZ APARISI J., 1993. Patrones hibridos de almendro × melocotonero: comportamiento en condiciones clorosantes. Actas de Horticultura, 9: 254-261.

FELIPE A.J., GOMEZ APARISI J., 1994. Propagacion de patrones. De la maceta al campo. Y despues?. Inf Téc. Econ. Agrar. Vol. Extra, 15: 145-147.

MARULL J., PINOCHET J., FELIPE A.J., CENIS J.L., 1994. Resistance verification in Prunus selections to a mixture of thirteen Meloidogyne isolates and resistance mechanisms of a peach-almond hybrid to M. javanica. Fundam. appl. Nematol., 17 (1): 85-92.

FERNÁNDEZ C., PINOCHET J., ESMENJAUD D., SALESSES G., FELIPE A., 1994. Resistance among new prunus rootstocks and selections to root-knot nematodes in Spain and France. HortScience, 29 (9). 1064-1067.

Sender Institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A.
Apartado 202 - 50080 Zaragoza - Spain
Phone: +34 - 76 - 576411
Fax: +34 - 76 - 575501

Research project


"Almond germplasm"

Project leader:



Felipe A.J.

Funding institution :

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D. G. A. - Zaragoza

Starting date:



Permanent, with temporary revision every three years

Project objectives:

Conservation, identification and evaluation of the GREMPA almond collection for maintaining and use in the almond breeding program.

Elaboration of clone descriptors according to IBPGR almond descriptors.

Project summary:

The collection has been maintained and data on phenology and fruits characters have been taken for most clones.

Related publications:
(Please add further sheets if needed)

SOCIAS I COMPANY R., FELIPE MANSERGAS A., 1992. Almond: a diverse germplasm. Hort Science 27 (7): 717-718, 803.

SOCIAS I COMPANY, R., 1993. El almendro en Marruecos. Frutic. Prof. 58: 9-16.

BERNAD D., SOCIAS I COMPANY R., 1994. Caracterización morfológica y bioquímica de algunas selecciones autocompatibles de almendro. Inf. Técn. Econ. Agrar. 9V (2): 103-110.

Sender Institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A.
Apartado 202 - 50080 Zaragoza - Spain
Phone: +34 - 76 - 576411
Fax: +34 - 76 - 575501

Research project


"Prunus rootstock resistance to nematodes"

Project leader:



Marrull J., Felipe A.J., Soler A.

Funding institution:

Servicio de Investigación Agraria D.G.A. - Zaragoza

Starting date:



Permanent with temporary revision every 3 years

Project objectives:

The aim of this proposed research project is to study the behaviour of several Prunus rootstocks against root-knot (Meloidogyne spp.) and lesion forming nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.).

Nematode populations will be characterised and maintained throughout the study. Plant material supplied by SIA will be subjected to screening tests under greenhouse conditions. Rootstocks of agronomic interest, both susceptible and resistant, will be evaluated in micro plot in field conditions. Resistant genotypes will be verified with multiple inoculations (several species and populations) to check the range of resistance to Meloidogyne spp.

Wild Prunus species will be screened in the search for possible source of resistance against Pratylenchus vulnus. Rootstock evaluations will be complemented with histological studies with the purpose of having a better knowledge of the mechanisms of resistance involved. The expected benefits will allow to control these pests in rootstocks that are currently in the process of selection in the most economic and effective way avoiding the use of nematicides and thus the risk of affecting the environment.

Project summary:

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

PINOCHET J., VERDEJO S., MARULL J., 1989. Reaccion de siete patrones de Prunus a tres especies de Meloidogyne en España. Nematropica 19: 125-134.

MARULL J., PINOCHET J., VERDEJO S., 1990. Respuesta de cinco variedades de almendro a cuatro especies de nematodos lesionadores en España. Nematropica 20: 143-151.

PINOCHET J., MARULL J., VERDEJO S., SOLER A., 1990. La selección de patrones de almendro, melocotonero e hibridos de melocotón × almendro frente a nematodos agalladores, Meloidogyne spp. Fruticultura Profesional 29: 22-27.

PINOCHET J., SOLER A., FELIPE A.J., 1990. "Evaluacion de patrones de ciruelo, pollizo, membrillero y peral al nematodo de la agallas Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid y White) Chitwood". Bol. San. Veg. Plagas 16: 77-72.

PINOCHET J., SOLER A., VERDEJO S., MARULL J., 1990. Los nematodes agalladores en frutales. Fruticultura Profesional 30: 19-26.

PINOCHET J., MARULL J., VERDEJO S., SOLER A., FELIPE A., 1990. Evaluación de patrones de ciruelo, pollizo, membrillero y peral al nematodo de las agallas, Meloidogyne incognita. Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal. Plagas 16: 717-722.

VERDEJO S., PINOCHET J., 1990. Reproduction of the root-lesion nematode Zigotylenchus guevari in monoxenic cultures. Revue de Nematologie 14: 217-220.

FELIPE A.J., 1991. Obtencion de nuevas variedades y patrones. Hortofruticultura 2 (1): 76-81.

MARULL J., PINOCHET J., VERDEJO S., SOLER A., 1991. Reaction of Prunus rootstocks to Meloidogyne incognita and M arenaria in Spain. Journal of Nematology 23: 564-569.

MARULL J., PINOCHET J., 1991. Host suitability of Prunus rootstocks to four Meloidogyne species and Pratylenchus vulnus in Spain. Nematropica 21: 185-195.

PINOCHET J., RODRIGUEZ-KABANA R., MARULL J., 1991. La resistencia en patrones de frutales frente a nematodos. Fruticultura Profesional 37: 40-49.

PINOCHET J., VERDEJO S., MARULL J., 1991. Host suitability of eight Prunus spp. and one Pyrus communis rootstocks to Pratylenchus vulnus, P. neglectus and P. thornei. Journal of Nematology 23: 570-575.

CANALES J., PINOCHET J., FELIPE A.J., 1992. Temperature and age of plant affect resistance in peach × almond hybrid rootstock infected with Meloidogyne javanica. Hortscience, 27 (11): 1211 - 1213.

PINOCHET J., 1992. Los nematodes en melocotonero. Fruticultura Profesional n. 48: 35-41

PINOCHET J., BELLO A., RODRIGUEZ-KABANA R., 1992. Nematodes en viveros frutales y citricos, su introduccion, dispersion y control. Fruticultura Profesional n. 44: 55-61.

PINOCHET J., MARULL J., FELIPE A.J., 1992. Respuesta de patrones de melocotonero, ciruelo y cerezo de reciente introduccion en España. A Meloidogyne javanica. Nematropica: 22: 109-112.

PINOCHET J., RODRIGUEZ-KABANA R., MARULL J., McGAWLEY E.C., 1992. Meloidogyne javanica and Pratylenchus vulnus on pecans (Carya illinoensis). Fundamental and Applied Nematology 15.

PINOCHET J., VERDEJO S., SOLER A., CANALES J., 1992. Host range of the lesion nematode Pratylenchus vulnus in commercial fruit, nut tree, citrus and grape rootstocks in Spain. Journal of Nematology 24.

VERDEJO S., PINOCHET J., 1992. Nematodos asociados a plantones de frutales y citricos en viveros comerciales. Investigación Agraria 6: 379-385.

FERNANDEZ C., PINOCHET J., ESMENJAUD D., SALESSES G., FELIPE A. 1994. Resistance among new prunus rootstocks and selections to root-knot nematodes in Spain and France. Hortscience, 29 (9): 1064-1067.

Sender Institution:

C.E.B.A.S., Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del Segura - C.S.I.C.
Apartado 4195 - 30080 Murcia (Spain)
Phone: +34 - 68 - 217657
Fax: +34 - 68 - 266613
E-mail: [email protected]

Research project


"Almond breeding"

Project leader:



Egea J., Burgos S.L., Berenguer T.

Funding institution:

C.E.B.A.S. - C.S.I.C.

Starting date:



3 years

Project objectives:

The aim this project is the release of new cultivars improving the present ones mainly by their agronomical and commercial quality and their productivity. These objectives can be attained by the introduction of the two main trais of self-compatibility and late blooming.

Project summary:

The several spanish almond cultivars have early or medium blooming time if we compare them with cultivars growing in other world countries.

At the same time, with the exception of "Aylés", "Guara" and "Moncayo" cultivars (resulting from breeding programs in S.I.A. - Zaragosse) does not exist others spanish self-compatible cultivars.

A later blooming would coincide with a higher favourable climatology and would avoid these unfavourable conditions. Likewise, introducing self-compatibility it will be avoided the need of pollonizers in the orchard.

Breeding programs conducted to obtain late flowering end or self-compatibility cultivars has been fulfilled.

At present we are proceeding to the selection of the progenies obtained and we intend in the light of new knowledge, to accomplish new crosses in order to release new cultivars with a higher self-compatibility and late flowering time than those obtained until now. In the selection process we also will consider as interesting characteristics drought and pest resistances.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

EGEA J., GARCÍA J. E., DICENTA F. 1995. Almond breeding for resistance to environmental stress. Nucis, 3: 2-3.

GARCIA J. E., DICENTA F., BERENGUER T., EGEA J., 1996. Características de las selecciones avanzadas de almendro obtenidas en el CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia. Fruticoltura Profesional, 81.

GARCIA J. E., DICENTA F., BERENGUER T., EGEA J. 1996. New selections of self-compatible and late blooming almond from CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia. Nucis n° 5.

EGEA J., BURGOS L., 1995. Clima and double kerneled fruits in almond. Acta Hort. 373, 219-224.

Sender Institution :

C.E.B.A.S., Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del Segura C.S.I.C.
Apartado 4195 - 30080 Murcia - Spain
Phone: +34 - 68 - 217657
Fax: +34 - 68 - 266613

Research project


"Almond breeding"

Project leader:



Dicenta F., Egea J., Berenguer T.

Funding institution:

C.E.B.A.S. - C.S.I.C.

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

The several spanish almond cultivars have early or medium blooming time if we compare them with cultivars growing in other world countries. Breeding programs conducted to obtain late flowering and or self-compatibility cultivars has been fulfilled.

Project summary:

The aim of this project is the release of new cultivars improving the present ones mainly by their agronomical and commercial quality and their productivity. These objectives can be attained by the introduction of the two main traits of self-compatibility and late blooming. Other objectives include a constant and high production, easy management (compensated branching to reduce pruning and easy mechanical harvesting). Pest and disease resistance will be evaluated, as also the adaptability to irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The plants obtained during the development of previous projects will be finally evaluated and selected. Eventually new crosses will be planned. At the same time genetic studies on the transmission of several traits, mainly self-compatibility, will be carried out.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

ASINS M.J., MAESTRE P., GARCIA J.E., DICENTA F., CARBONELL E.A., 1994. Genotype × environment interaction in QTL analysis of an intervarietal almond cross by means of genetic markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 89: 358-364.

DICENTA F., GARCIA J.E., 1992. Informatizaciòn del manejo de datos en un programma de mejora del almendro. Informaciòn Técnica Econòmica Agraria, vol. 88V (2): 105-112.

DICENTA F., GARCIA J.E., CARBONELL E.A., 1993. Heritability of flowering, productivity and maturity in almond. Journal of Horticultural Science, 68 (1): 113-120.

DICENTA F., GARCIA J.E., CARBONELL E.A., 1993. Heritability of fruit characters in almond. Journal of Horticultural Science, 68 (1): 121-126.

DICENTA F., GARCIA J.E., 1993. Inheritance of kernel flavour in almond. Heredity 70: 308-312.

DICENTA F., GARCIA J.E., 1993. Inheritance of self-compatibility in almond Heredity, 70: 77-80.

GARCIA J.E., DICENTA F., CARBONELL E.A., 1994. Combining ability in almond. Plant Breeding, 112: 141-150.

GARCÍA J.E., EGEA J., 1994. Variedades de almendro. en España. Hortofruticultura 1, 59-64.

GARCIA J.E., DICENTA F., 1994. Evaluating losses of plant material during an almond breeding programme. Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 48: 155-160.

GARCIA J.E., EGEA L., BERENGUER T., DICENTA F., EGEA J. 1994. News about the almond breeding programme in CEBAS, Murcia. Acta Horticolturae, 373: 65-68.

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