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Sender Institution:

I.N.R.A.T. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie
Rue Hédi Karray, 2049 Ariana - Tunisia
Phone: +216 - 230024 / 231693 / 230239

Research project


"Breeding of late blooming and fungus resistant almond cultivars suitable for cold and most areas of Tunisia"

Project leader:



El Gharbi A.

Funding institution:

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

Breeding of cultivars for such areas where spring frost and high humidity constitute limiting factors for almond cultivation, specially with main local varieties which are early blooming and sensitive to fungus disease.

Project summary:

Local and top cultivars (Achaak, Mazzetto, Fournat, Marcona) were crossed with late blooming cultivars (Ferragnes, Texas, Non Pareil, Burbank). Several promising hybrids have been selected and are presently studied for agronomical characteristics.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

EL GHARBI A., 1976. La culture d'amandier en Tunisie: répartition géographique, caractéristiques variétales, programme de sélection et d'hybridation. Options Méditerranéennes, n. 32.

EL GHARBI A., 1977. Résultats préliminaires sur les besions en froid d'amandier hybrides. Relation entre la dormance des graines et la date de floraison. 3ème Colloque du GREMPA, Bari.

EL GHARBI A., 1980. Résultats de croisements intervariétaux d'amandier réalisé en Tunisie. 4ème Colloque du GREMPA, Izmir.

EL GHARBI A., 1984. Influence de la pollinisation par les abeille sur l'accroissement de la production de variétés d'amandier de la collection d'Ettaous. Sfax Options Médit. séries études.

EL GHARBI A., 1990. Comportment des variétés d'amandier dans une région à hiver frais. GREMPA, Nimes.

Sender Institution:

I.N.R.A.T. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie
Rue Hédi Karray, 2049 Ariana - Tunisia
Phone: +216 - 230024 / 231693 / 230239

Research project


"Breeding of self compatible almond cultivars suitable for Southern and Central areas of Tunisia"

Project leader:



Jraïdi B.

Funding institution:

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

· Study the transmission of self compatible character in Almond species.

· Breeding of self compatible almond cultivars for areas where almond blooming occurs in periods

· insuitable for bee activity (late december - early january).

Project summary:

Top almond cultivars (Achaak, Marcona, Fournat, Ferragnes, Non Pareil) were cross pollinated with self compatible variety Mazzetto (Tuono). Some self compatible hybrids have been selected and the most promising will be soon released for propagation.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

EL GHARBI A., 1980. Résultats de croisement intervariétaux d'amandier réalisés en Tunisie. 4ème Colloque du GREMPA, Izmir.

EL GHARBI A., 1984. Influence de la pollinisation par les abeille sur l'accroissement de la production de variétés d'amandier de la collection d'Ettaous. Sfax, Options Médit. series études.

JRAIDI B. et NEFZI A., 1987. Transmission de l'autocompatibilité chez l'amandier. Colloque GREMPA, Tarragone, Juin.

Sender Institution:

I.N.R.A.T. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie
Rue Hédi Karray, 2049 Ariana - Tunisia
Phone: +216 - 230024 / 231693 / 230239

Research project


"Research of almond and peach rootstocks resistant to root parasites and suitable for calcareas soils"

Project leader:



Jraïdi B.

Funding institution:

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

Meloidogyne nematodes and calcareous soils are the main handicap for the use of almond and peach rootstocks now available. However, in some areas highly suitable for nematode pullulation, such as tunisian oasis, some peach and almond seedlings grow apparently normally. The main purpose of the project are to test this material and to introduce it a program of rootstock breeding for seed production, interspecific hybridization and resistance to ferric chlorosis.

Project summary:

The main steps of the project are:

- prospection of material from oasis;
- evaluation of the rootstock resistance to Meloidogyne and ferric chlorosis;
- establishing a germplasm of local and Grempa material;
- cross pollination between promising peach and almond clones.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

EL GHARBI A., 1988. Influence de l'origine du scion sur le pourcentage de reprise a la plantation, la vigueur et le rendement des variétés d'amandier Achaak et Ksontini plantées en région semi-aride. GREMPA, Saragosse, novembre.

JRAIDI B. et BELFELAH Z., 1990. La multiplication des hybrides pêcher × amandier par bouturage ligneux. GREMPA, Nîmes.

EL GHARBI A. et JRAIDI B., 1992. Etude de la résistance des porte-greffes d'amandier et de pêcher a la chlorose ferrique. GREMPA, Agrigento.

Sender Institution:

Dep. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova
Adana 01330 - Turkey
Phone: +90 - 322 - 3386748
Fax: +90 - 322 - 3386748/3386388

Research project


"Adaptations of some selected almonds to Mediterranean region of Turkey"

Project leader:



Küden A., Kaska N.

Funding institution:

Fac. Agric., Univ. Cukurova and the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey

Starting date:




Project objectives:

To find out the adaptations of selected almonds from different parts of the country and to determine the differences between the cultivars and to select the late bearing ones.

Project summary:

During the years between 1984-1990, an adaptation work was carried out to find the most adaptable almond types to Mediterranean ecological conditions and compared with Texas almond cultivar.

Among the earliest almond types, especially 48-5 was determined as the highest yielding and regular beares almond type. The flowering periods of 101-9, 101-3 and 106-1 almond types and Gülcan-I were observed as even later cultivars than Texas. Generally, 7-21, 48-1 and 48-3 were determined as intermediate shelled almonds with about 40% of kernel ratio.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Adaptation of selected almonds to Mediterranean region of Turkey. ISHS I International Congress on Almond, Agrigento, Italy. May 17-19, 1993.

Studies on the adaptations of almond cultivars selected from different regions of Turkey to Adana ecological conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 17 (1): 97-110, 1993.

Determination of the chilling requirements and growing degree hours of some almond cultivar. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 17 (1): 197-203, 1993.

Late flowering almond growing in Adana and Pozart. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (in print).

Sender Institution:

Dep. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova
Adana 01330 - Turkey
Phone: +90 - 322 - 3386748
Fax +90 - 322 - 3386748 / 3386388

Research project


"Inducing the lateral root development of almond seedlings"

Project leader:



Küden A., Kaska N.

Funding institution:

Fac. Agric., Univ. Çukurova

Starting date:




Project objectives:

To induce the lateral root development of almond seedlings and to see the effects of root pinching on the seedling height, lateral and tap root growing.

Project summary:

The first experiments were carried out during 1990-91 winter and spring period in the experimental orchards of Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cukurova. The seeds of 48 4 and 48-5 local almond clones were used as materials in the experiments. The aim of this study was to stimulate the lateral root development of the germinated seeds by pinching the radicils about 0.5-1.0 mm.

According to the results, root pinching increased the plant length and lateral root development, but decreased the tap root elongation.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Inducing lateral root development of almond seedlings. Journal of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, 8 (2): 153-158, 1993.

Comparison of the lateral root information of some local and foreign almond cultivars. Journal of Univ. of Çukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, 10(4): 149-158, 1995.

Sender Institution:

Dep. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova
Adana 01330 - Turkey
Phone: +90 - 322 - 3386748
Fax: +90 - 322 - 3386748/3386388

Research project


"Almond production in Southeast Anatolia"

Project leader:



Küden A., Küden A.B.

Funding institution:

Fac. Agric., Univ. Cukurova and Turkish Government

Starting date:




Project objectives:

To find out the adaptations of some selected local almonds and some foreign cultivars to the South East Anatolia conditions.

Project summary:

The experiments were carried out during 1988-1992 in Southeast Anatolia which has a typical temperate zone climate with cold winters and hot summer very limited precipitation (about 300 mm). In addition to Texas, Drake and Nonpareil cultivars, 48-1, 48-2, 48-5, 101-9, 101-13 and Gülcan-I local almond types were used in the experiments. Although Nonpareil almond cultivar showed the highest trunk diameter growth (66.34 mm) 4 years old Texas trees gave the highest yield per tree (3.67).

On the other hand, 48-5 local almond type was found to be the earliest flowering cultivars.

According to the results, GAP region found to be a promising almond growing region besides pistachio.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Almond production in Southeast Anatolia. ISHS - I International Congress on Almond, Agrigento, Italy. May 17-19, 1993.

Sender Institution:

Dep. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova
Adana 01330 - Turkey
Phone: +90 - 322 - 3386748
Fax: +90 - 322 - 3386748 / 3386388

Research project


"Almond cultivar breeding"

Project leader:



Kaska N.

Funding institution:

Fac. Agric., Univ. Cukurova

Starting date:




Project objectives:

To find late flowering, drought resistant and quality new cultivars, using late flowering local and foreign cultivars as parents by cross breeding method.

Project summary:

Four local, late flowering almond types and five foreign cultivars are used as parents. The experiment is in the very early stage to give some results.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Sender Institution:

Dep. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture University of Çukurova
Adana 01330 - Turkey
Phone: +90 - 322 - 3386748
Fax: +90 - 322 - 3386748/3386388

Research project


"Almond rootstock selection"

Project leader:



Küden A., Kaska N.

Funding institution:

Fac. Agric., Univ. Çukurova

Starting date:




Project objectives:

To find late flowering, drought resistant and quality almond rootstocks, by a selection work especially in South East Anatolia.

Project summary:

A selection work will be done in the almond growing areas. To find a drought resistant almond rootstocks a selection work will be done in South East Anatolia.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Sender Institution:

Dep. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova
Adana 01330 - Turkey
Phone: +90 - 322 - 3386748
Fax: +90 - 322 - 3386748 / 3386388

Research project


"Cold hardiness experiments on almonds"

Project leader:



Sarierogullarndan A.

Funding institution:

Fac. Agric., Univ. Çukurova

Starting date:




Project objectives:

To determine the cold hardiness of the flower and vegetative buds of several almond cultivars to various cold temperatures and durations.

Project summary:

The experiments carried out with 4 local and 14 foreign almond cultivars. The cuttings of the cultivars were exposed to -20°C during the period, -5°C during the shorter period, -3°C during the green to period, - 1 °C during the pink flower period and 0°C and - 1 °C during the full bloom period. Different cold hardiness of the buds were determined according to the cultivars, chilling temperatures and durations.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Determination of the cold hardiness of some almond types and cultivars at different flowering times. Second Turkish National Horticultural Congress, 3-6 October, 1995, Adana, 1: 361-365.

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