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Lord Robinson is shortly relinquishing his position as Director General of Forestry, United Kingdom, but will continue his chairmanship of the Commission for Forestry which he has held since 1932.

Mr. W. T. Taylor, now Deputy Director General, will take his place as Director General.

Major W. Newland Hillas was elevated from the Vice-Presidency of the Timber Trade Federation of Great Britain into the Presidential Chair. Major Hillas is governing director of W. N. Hillas and Company, Limited.

Mr. Norman A Wright will be the new Vice-President of the Timber Trade Federation.

Sir Edwin Plowden, whose appointment as Chief Planning Officer to the Government was announced, was formerly a member of the British Wood Pulp Association as a representative of Messrs. C. Tennant Sons and Company, Limited, of which firm he is a director. Sir Edwin, who was made a K.B.E. in last year's birthday honors, was chief executive of the Ministry of Aircraft Production during the war.

The death of Mr. Ernest W Tickle, editor of Timber and Plywood, has been announced. A practical timber man with years of timber experience, he became editor in 1930 of that well-known British publication.

J. D. Long, for the past seven years on the staff of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association in Tacoma, Washington, has resigned to go to Colombia, South America, to assist in setting up a program of agricultural engineering for that country. The work is a part of the Colombian Government's postwar plan for the improvement and modernization of agriculture throughout the country.

Jan C. MacQueen, formerly with the British Columbia Forest Service, has joined C. D. Shulz and Company, Vancouver, B. C., foresters and forest engineers. In addition to general forestry and engineering, he will specialize in fire control problems.

Señor Silvestre Aguilar has been appointed Director General of Forestry and Hunting in Mexico.

Dr. Alf Langsaether and Dr. Elias Mork have been appointed Professors at the Norwegian Forestry Research Institute.

Mr. T. Ruden has become Chief of the Forest Tree Breeding Section at the Norwegian Forest Research Institute. Mr. Ruden has spent the spring and summer of 1947 in Sweden and Denmark for further study with regard to his new assignment.

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