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Meetings and conventions

The British Forestry Commission is sponsoring a conference to start 27 November 1947 in order to consider measures to be taken to prevent the introduction of Ips typographus and other insect pests with German timber imports.

The first meeting of a new organization called the European Federation of Wood and Packing Material Manufacturers was held at Paris 14 March 1947. Belgian and Dutch delegates participated and the British group announced its intention of joining the Federation. Monsieur Moretton was provisionally appointed president. The aims of the new organization were stated at its first meeting: distribution of raw materials, price schedules, and salary scales.

At the last meeting of the French Poplar Commission the suggestion was brought forward of creating an International Poplar Commission. The motion was sponsored by the Belgian, Dutch, and Swedish delegations as well as by a number of other countries. FAO has kept in touch with the French Poplar Commission and would gladly welcome a favorable outcome of the motion put forward at the meeting.

The Sixth Scandinavian Forestry Congress was held in Norway from 16-21 June 1947. The Norwegian Director of Government Forests, K. Sørhus, was appointed president. Mr. J. Mathiesen and Mr. Niels N. Ihlen were appointed vice-presidents. Mr. W. Opsahl of the Norwegian Department of Agriculture acted as secretary-general.

The Natural Resources Department of the United States Chamber of Commerce will sponsor five regional forestry conferences in 1947. The first conference was held at Portland 6-7 March 1947.

An American Lumber Congress - the first nationwide meeting for lumbermen to be held in 25 years - was held in Chicago, 16-18 June, sponsored by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association of Washington, D.C.

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