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The work of FAO

African forestry commission
Latin-American conifers
Torrent control and protection from avalanches (European forestry commission)
Chemical Conversion of Wood
FAO technical assistance reports on forestry and forest products

African forestry commission

Two new Regional Forestry Commissions - the African Forestry Commission and the North-American Forestry Commission - were established by the last Conference of FAO to complete the pattern so as to cover all the Member Nations of the Organization. The North-American Forestry Commission will meet for the first time in Mexico City in mid-1961. The African Forestry Commission held its first session at the Federal Department of Forest Research in Ibadan, from 31 October to 7 November 1960, at the kind invitation of the Government of Nigeria.

Over 40 delegates from 22 countries participated as follows: Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, Dahomey, France, Gabun, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Portugal (Angola, Mozambique), Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Senegal, Sudan, Togo, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom (Sierra Leone, Southern Cameroon, Tanganyika, Uganda), Upper Volta, and the United States of America. The Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara (CCTA) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) were also represented. Sir Henry Beresford-Peirse, Deputy Director of the Forestry and Forest Products Division, represented the Director-General of FAO.

His Excellency the Governor of Western Nigeria, Sir Adesoji Aderemi, delivered an address of welcome and stressed the fact that this was the first international meeting to be held in Nigeria since the country became independent. It was very appropriate, he said, that the first session of the African Forestry Commission should take place in Western Nigeria, because the forest was one of the mainstays of its economy. Forest exploitation, in point of fact, had, become one of the major industries of Western Nigeria, and timber represented its fourth most valuable export.

The session was formally opened by Federal Minister Alhaji Shehu Shagari, who also underlined the happy coincidence that the first session of the Commission was the first international meeting to be held in independent Nigeria. If it were true, added the Federal Minister, that social and economic development in Africa has often been hindered by the forest, it was just as true that forest destruction was now proceeding at an alarming pace and widespread soil erosion was its natural but most harmful consequence.

The Commission elected Mr. Olu Akpata, Chief Conservator of Forests of Western Nigeria, as its Chairman until the beginning of its second session. Messrs. Robert G. Sangster (Chief Conservator of Forest's of Tanganyika), François Eko-Ebongué (Directeur des eaux et forêts of Cameroun) and Houssa Touré (Inspecteur national des eaux et forêts of Guinea), were elected Vice-Chairmen for the same term of office. Two Rapporteurs; were appointed in the persons of Mr. Ronald W. J. Keay, Director of the Federal Department of Forest Research (Nigeria), and Mr. Louis Bégué, Inspecteur général des eaux et forêts of the Service de coopération technique d'Outre-Mer (France). The FAO regional forestry officer, G. G. Watterson, served as Secretary.

Policy issues

With the accession of countries to independence, national forest policies are liable to reorientation. The first function of the Commission appeared to be to assist and advise those governments in the elaboration of forest policies calculated to further the welfare of the community, suited to national and local conditions, and satisfying both immediate and long-term needs. It was the general consensus that:

(a) Systematic forestry can only be satisfactorily practiced in areas specifically and permanently set aside for the purpose. The location, extent and nature of these areas are dependent upon the two basic considerations of the forest's protective and productive roles.

(b) Where the retention or extension of forest cover is necessary for the maintenance of land stability and climatic conditions, and for the regulation of water supplies, this is an overriding consideration.

(c) As to the productive role of the forest, the satisfaction of present and future local and national requirements, and provision for export of timber and other produce derived from forest and tree cover on a sustained yield basis, must largely determine the distribution and size of such areas.

(d) On land outside such areas, the role of trees in providing additional sources of fodder, fruit, fuel and other produce of value to the agricultural and pastoral communities, should be maintained and encouraged.

The following were the Commission's main conclusions:

(a) There is need to know what forest resources exist and the requirements they must meet.

(b) A sufficient and properly trained forestry staff, provided with financial and other means, is essential to manage such resources.

(c) An understanding and co-operative public opinion is indispensable to the forester.

(d) Comprehensive and systematic research is basic to sustained progress in forestry.

FIGURE 1. - A map of Africa showing the countries which are Members and Associate Members of FAO.

The shortage of trained staff at all levels was one of the more serious obstacles to development of forestry in Africa, and concern was felt about the inadequacy of educational and training facilities within the region.

Problems of the savanna

Greater attention should be given to fast-growing indigenous species whose possible contribution had so far been neglected, In this connection, the Commission requested that preliminary information on experience with fast-growing indigenous species, their silviculture and especially their utilization, be collected and published by FAO.

There was urgent need also for further work on exotic species (other than those already introduced) which might be suited to the savanna and areas of the African region.

In view of the wide impact that a better utilization of the savanna may have on the economic development of many countries of the region, it was decided to set up an ad hoe working party to study the problem and report to the next session of the Commission. The terms of reference were:

1. To enquire into, and determine as far as possible, the requirements for the successful establishment of plantations within the savanna areas of the region by:

(a) examination of the work already carried out in order to

(i) determine the methods which have met with success, and to identify the main difficulties which have been encountered,

(ii) suggest possible methods for the assessment, before planting, of suitable sites (e.g., by the use of indicator species, soil surveys, water table surveys, etc.);

(b) examination of such species trials as have already been carried out, in order to give guidance for the choice of species.

2. To recommend with some precision the lines of research likely to yield information which will enable the difficulties to be overcome.

3. To suggest, by examination of species used or occurring in areas of other regions having similar climatic factors to the savanna areas of Africa, possible species for trial in this region.

Wildlife management

Of all the regions of the world, Africa is unique in the wealth of its wildlife. In stressing that it was one of the great natural resources of the continent, the Commission pointed out that, like other renewable resources, wildlife could be wasted through lack of proper management. The situation was in fact already critical in some places and, unless steps were taken quickly, there was a real risk that it would be impossible to put matters right.

Wildlife was threatened by:

(a) illegal hunting;
(b) inadequate game laws, or laws impossible to enforce due to inadequacy of funds;
(c) introduction of unsuitable domestic animals in certain areas to the exclusion of native fauna, which might be managed more profitably.

The problem areas were broadly subdivided into:

(a) those which rapidly deteriorated under artificial systems of land usage;

(b) those marginal to any form of artificial use, where indigenous fauna affords the only known possibility for economic revenue;

(c) those (such as the tse-tse belts) in which disease makes domestic livestock production difficult and costly, and protein deficiency in human nutrition is consequently acute.

The Commission stressed the need for:

(a) A clear and constructive declaration of policy by each country in regard to its wealth of wildlife, and on the recognition of this as a part of the African culture and as a factor of the economic expansion of the region, wholly consistent with the upsurge of national growth in the African continent.

(b) A clear designation of areas where the conservation of wild animals is to be recognized as a socioeconomic activity; and, within such areas, the creation of reserves to serve as breeding sanctuaries, accessible to the public during certain times of the year to promote awareness and understanding of the value of such a resource.

(c) Inventories, surveys on the economics of wildlife management, and research into the biology and behavior of wild animals. It was pointed out that such work could best be done on a national basis because of the great variation of local conditions and with a view to promoting local interest, but that it should be co-ordinated at the regional or subregional level.

(d) Country extension programs aimed at obtaining the understanding and co-operation of the local communities, primarily through their active participation in the benefits derived from wildlife.

(e) Facilities to be created, at existing universities in Africa south of the Sahara, for higher-level education in wildlife management.

The Commission accordingly decided to set up an ad hoe working party to report to the next session with terms of reference as follows:

1. To examine the wildlife policies which Member Nations intend to put into operation.

2. To determine what common factors exist between these policies.

3. To summarize the major points of divergence in the wildlife policies of Member Nations.

4. To examine the London and Bukavu conventions and determine how far they fall short of the policies of Member Nations.

5. To prepare before the Conference of the Joint Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa South of the Sahara (CCTA) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Conference in Tanganyika, September 1961, a report for circulation to Member Nations embodying in separate sections:

(a) points of policy which are common to the majority of Member Nations;
(b) points of policy on which there is a measure of agreement between groups of Member Nations;
(c) points of policy which are peculiar to single Member Nations.

6. Having received the comments of Member Nations, to prepare in consultation with CCTA, IUCN, UNESCO and other interested institutions - a draft African convention for the conservation of wildlife through controlled use, for circulation to Member Nations and consideration at the second session of the African Forestry Commission.

Regional study of wood resources and requirements

The net imports of wood products by value have doubled over the past several years, and countries of the African region will have to decide either to increase domestic production of forest products, to endure shortages which might slow down their development, or pay ever-increasing import bills. The Commission was informed that a project had been included in the current program of work of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, for a survey, jointly with FAO, of the forestry sector of the economy of the African region.

There were many difficult problems in carrying out such a survey: detailed inventory data were available for but a fraction of the region's forests; statistics of forest products consumption and trade were far from complete, and such data as were available covered but a short time span; very little was known about the scale and pattern of wood consumption. It was, nevertheless, considered possible - given the close support and collaboration of the Forest Services and other Government Departments concerned - to establish, for the first time, orders of magnitude for the principal trends of timber requirements and supply possibilities, to draw attention to the principal problems requiring solution in the different areas of Africa, to indicate the kind of data needed for the solution of these problems, and - in certain cases - to point to suitable lines of action and suggest priorities.

The Commission believed that the results of a study of this nature would be of value to all concerned with the formulation of forest policy and plans for forest industries. It was, however, stressed that the regional study should not be regarded as a substitute for, but should rather stimulate the undertaking of national studies on timber resources and requirements. The Commission concurred in principle with a suggestion made by the Secretariat for a simple survey of wood consumption to provide the data necessary for the African timber trends study. It was hoped that the study would be ready for submission to the Commission's next session to be held in 1962, probably in a country of East Africa.

Latin-American conifers

Twenty-one countries, concerned with introducing or improving plantations of conifers originating from Mexico and Central America sent 26 participants to a seminar and study tour organized by FAO at the request of the Latin-American Forestry Commission, with the generous co-operation of the Government of Mexico.

Assembling in Mexico City on 20 September 1960, the group had a brief introductory session at the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales. During the next four weeks, the party toured exhaustively, in more senses of the word than one, the whole length and most of the breadth of the Republic of Mexico and on their return to Mexico City spent another week from 21 to 28 October in technical discussions. More than half of the group then continued to British Honduras for five days and to Cuba for another five days to see how the coniferous species of those countries are managed.

FIGURE 2. - Trucks loaded with logs from the Sierra de Juarez forests on their way down to the government-built paper mill at Tuxtepec, Mexico. From an altitude of some 10,000 feet these trucks must travel along a winding road down to the mill, located at an attitude of 1,300 feet (400 a.) above sea level. Construction of timber roads and adoption of equipment suitable for the haul involved are but two of the many phases of the Goverment's forestry development program in which experts from FAO are lending technical assistance.

Courtesy: United Nations

The primary objectives of the seminar and study tour were the observation, discussion, and exchange of knowledge and experience as to the value of the many. species encountered, their possibilities for introduction in various soils and climates of the interested countries, the improvement of their productivity and quality, co-operative arrangements for the procurement of authentic seed and exchange of planting materials, the results of research, and the co-ordination of future research.

The participants not only presented statements on the experience with the various species within their own countries, but also discussed and summarized the information gleaned during the tour. The following recommendations were made:

1. Areas of untouched natural forest should be set a-side in the main forest regions and preserved against external influences in order that biological research can be carried out in undisturbed conditions.

2. The very important results of planting Latin-American coniferous species in various countries, particularly in Africa, should be the basis for a future study tour in those areas.

3. Future work with Latin-American conifers should be followed on a continuing basis by appropriate action under the leadership of FAO.

4. High priority should be given to organizing the procurement of authentic seed supplies.

The co-directors for the seminar and study tour were R. A. Villaseñor for the Government of Mexico and A. Y. Goor for FAO. As stated by Dr. Goor at the close of the seminar: "A large measure of the success of this seminar and study tour is due to the tremendous amount of cooperation, technical assistance, and generous hospitality we received wherever we went, for which we are greatly indebted to the managements and personnel of the many forest industries and units visited. Without their assistance, our task would have been impossible. For allowing us to make such a comprehensive visit and for undertaking the vast amount of preparation and organization we wish to record our sincere gratitude to the Government of Mexico and particularly to Professor Enrique Beltran, its Under-Secretary for Forests and Wildlife Resources, and to the staff of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales."

A report of the seminar and study tour embodying the summaries of information and recommendations for further work is available on request.

Torrent control and protection from avalanches (European forestry commission)

A fifth session of the Working Party on Torrent Control and Protection from Avalanches, sponsored by the Spanish Government, took place from 3 to 12 October 1960 and consisted, as is usual, of a study tour interspersed with business meetings.

The tour, well organized by the Spanish Forest Service headed by Navarro Garnica, Assistant Director of State Forests, and the Chiefs of the Hydrology and Forestry Divisions of Saragossa and Barcelona, Messrs. de Ayerbe Valles and Coll Ortega, covered mainly the Pyrenees valleys near Jaca, and Pobla de Segura. It was particularly interesting because it enabled the participants to visit plantations, some established and others still in process of formation, combined with some highly ingenious engineering structures for torrent and avalanche control worked out by the Spanish Forest Service. Begun as far back as 1912 to protect the frontier railway station of Canfranc, the project particularly attracted the attention of the members of the Working Party who recommended that a research program be developed in these valleys for technicians from all countries interested in problems connected with snow and avalanches. (See also Unasylva, Volume 9, Number 3.)

During the technical meetings, many topics were considered by the Working Party. It decided that in future member countries would be requested to send in regular progress reports on research into the most economical methods of torrent and avalanche control, whether in the form of special engineering structure, the use of new materials, new methods of calculation of dimensions, or improved organization of work camps, etc. It would become a regular practice of the Working Party to analyze and discuss these reports at its sessions.

Progress was reported in compiling terminologies on subjects with which the Working Party is concerned and arrangements were made for having these terminologies put into final form. The difficult and vital question of classification of torrent basins for the purpose of making sound assessments of how much it would cost to bring them under control, and whether the efforts required would be justified, was introduced in an excellent paper by the Rapporteur, M. P. Maragaropoulos (Greece). His studies on this subject will be continued.

Finally, in compliance with the wishes of the European Forestry Commission, the Working Party proposed a widening of its terms of reference, reflected in a change of name to Groupe de travail de la correction des torrents, de la lutte contre les avalanches et de l'aménagement des bassins-versants (Working Party on Torrent Control, Protection from Avalanches and Watershed Management). The desirability was stressed of close cooperation with agricultural economists and farming experts interested in problems of high mountain areas.

Thirty representatives from 10 countries attended the session, which was presided over by J. Messines (France), with A. Weber (Austria) acting as Vice-Chairman. The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) sent an observer, as did also the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), to whose close collaboration the Working Party attaches great value.

Chemical Conversion of Wood

Wood saccharification has been used in several countries during national emergencies in order to produce yeast and alcohol, but except in the U.S.S.R. there are no full-scale commercial plants in operation today. A significant development is, however, taking place in Japan where a wood sugar plant that will use 70 tons of wood per day is now under construction. Several other projects for mills with wood intakes of about 100 tons per day are in preparation. The mills will be equipped to produce crystallized dextrose and xylose sugars of high purity.

These developments form part of a program to promote sugar production in Japan, from sugar beets and corn as well as from wood, in order to reduce the heavy dependency on imported sugar. They will also serve to provide outlets for wood residues as well as small-sized timber and will give opportunities for the better management of hardwood forests, for instance on Hokkaido.

Such was the background of the second meeting of the FAO Working Party on Wood Hydrolysis which was held in Tokyo, 10 to 15 October 1960, at the invitation of the Japanese Government and under the sponsorship of the Japanese wood and chemical processing industries. There were 43 participants from six countries.

Information submitted to the meeting brought to light much hitherto unpublished work and demonstrated the great Japanese efforts made in this field. It was possible to assemble comparative data on no less than four different wood hydrolysis processes.

The prime purpose of the new industry is the production of dextrose sugar, i.e., wood saccharification. However, the utilization of the other sugars, primarily xylose as well as of the lignin residue, attracted much attention. With the fuller use of the wood components which is planned in connection with several of the new projects, the term chemical conversion of wood more accurately describes the new industry than wood saccharification. In view of the rapid development of the wood hydrolysis industry that is expected to take place in Japan the meeting recommended that the FAO Technical Panel on Wood Chemistry should plan a further meeting to review the progress made over the next few years.

FAO technical assistance reports on forestry and forest products

Then reports are in the. main confidential documents and are not usually available for general distribution. As they appear, they are noted in Forestry Abstracts, published quarterly by the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Oxford.



Ref. No 321

Forest Policy and Forest Development - 1954

E. H. F. Swain

Ref. No 321

The FAO Forestry Mission - 1956

H. Vernède

Ref. No 675

La forêts et le développement économique - 1957

H. Vernède

Ref. No 1143

Forestry Development - 1959

W. C. Bosshard


Ref. No 863

Prospects of Development of the Forest Industry - 1958

M. N. Gallant


Ref. No 952

The Timber Production Potential of Liberia - 1958

M. N. Gallant

Northern Rhodesia

Ref. No 274

Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1954

B. Steenberg


Ref. No 803

Création d'une station de recherches forestières - 1958

A. Métro

Asia and Pacific


Ref. No 734

Forestry Development - 1958

B. Clarke


Ref. No 16

Integration of Forests and Industries - 1952

J. A. von Monroy

Ref. No 16

A Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

Ref. No 456

Part I: Division of Forest

Research - 1956

M. Näslund

Supplement - 1958

M. Näslund

Ref. No 498

Part II: Division of Forest

Products Research -1956 and Supplement

F. F. P. Kollmann

Ref. No 614

Mechanization of Teak Extraction - 1957

K. A. Miedler

Ref. No 692

The Teakwood Trade - 1958

M. N. Gallant

Ref. No 692

Wood Anatomy and Biology 1960

P. J. H. Gottwald


Ref. No 41

Mechanical Logging - 1952

A. C. Decamps

Ref. No 41

Wood-working Machinery and Saw Doctoring - 1954

J. McVeigh

Ref. No 377

Reforestation - 1955

C. Letourneux

Ref. No 613

Mechanical Logging - 1956

A. C. Decamps

Ref. No 996

Mechanical Logging and Timber Production - 1958

R. W. Burwell


Ref. No 60

Wood Technology 1952

F. F. P. Kollmann

Ref. No 141

High Mountain Timber Extraction - 1953

A. Huber

Ref. No 145

Sawmilling in the Andaman Islands - 1953

V. Hasek

Ref. No 155

Plywood Industry - 1953

O. Kraemer

Ref. No 268

Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1954

A. Sundelin

Ref. No 367

Saw Doctoring in the Andaman Islands - 1955

B. E. Fredriksson

Ref. No 378

Control of the Arid Zone of Rajasthan - 1955

A. Y. Goor

Ref. No 490

Efficiency Promotion and Research - 1956

A. Koroleff

Ref. No 630

Development of Forest Industries in the State of Assam - 1957

L. Vinton Burns

Ref. No 630

Training of Forest Workers in Northern India - 1957

H. G. Winkelmann

Ref. No 680

Soil Conservation - 1957

R. M. Gorrie

Ref. No 716

The Plywood Industry - 1957

R. Cabell

Ref. No 795

The Protection of Wood against Marine Borers - 1958

G. Becker

Ref. No 890

Resin Tapping - 1958

J. D. Strange

Ref. No 1087

The Logging Training Center at Batote - 1959

H. G. Winkelmarm

Ref. No 1106

Bamboo Preservation and Soft Rot - 1959

W. Liese

Ref. No 1229

The Sandal Spike Disease - 1960

H. R. Kristensen

Ref. No 1236

Watershed Management Re search in India - 1960

B. Frank

Ref. No 1237

Saw Doctoring in the Andaman Islands - 1960

B. Fredriksson


Ref. No 294

Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1954

J. A. von Monroy and R. Maronne

Ref. No 309

Logging 1954

F. Cermak

Ref. No 646

Forest Industry Development Program - 1956

J. A. von Monroy

Ref. No 671

Development Program for the Match, Veneer and Plywood Industry - 1957

K. Fraedrich

Ref. No 1020

Pulpwood Logging 1959

A. Koroleff

Ref. No 1080

Wood Preservation 1959

W. Liese

Ref. No 1105

Development of the Match, Veneer and Plywood Industry - 1959

K. Fraedrich


Forestry in South Korea - 1953 (Part III of FAO/UNKRA Report)

Sir Herbert Howard


Ref. No 209

Forestry - 1954

E. Robbe


Timber Extraction in East Pakistan - 1951

A. Rule

A Study of the Medicinal Plants of West Pakistan - 1952

G. M. Hocking

Ref. No 64

Integration of Forests and Industries - 1953

J. A. von Monroy

Ref. No 65

Sawmilling 1953

F. Cermak

Ref. No 275

Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1954

J. A. von Monroy and A. Sundelin

Ref. No 564

Desert Areas of West Pakistan - 1957

D. M. Currie

Ref. No 564

Wood Research Division at the Pakistan Forest Research Institute - 1957

A. A. Dosoudil


Ref. No 382

The Development of the Pulp and Paper Industry - 1955 Annexes 1-6


Ref. No 470

Forest Policy and Legislation - 1966

H. G. Keith


Ref. No 1189

Export of Ramin - 1960

M. N. Gallant


Ref. No 37

Sawmilling - 1952

K. McAlister

Ref. No 47

Reforestation - 1952

C. Letourneux

Ref. No 479

Sawmill Modernization - 1956

M. A. F. Dijkmans

Ref. No 532

Silvicultural Research - 1956

J. Prasad

Ref. No 545

Inventory Methods for Tropical Forests - 1956

F. Loetsch

Ref. No 895

Forest Inventory of the Northern Teak Bearing Provinces - 1958

F. Loetsch

Ref. No 895

Timber Seasoning and Preservation Research - 1958

K. A. Miedler


Ref. No 539

Les perspectives du développement au Viet-Nam - 1956


Ref. No 751

La possibilité de produire des panneaux de construction avec des déchets organiques et plus particulièrement sur la construction d'habitations populaires - 1958

W. Rosa do Pauli

Ref. No 897

Possibilité de développement d'une Industrie de papier du pays - 1959

W. Piesslinger Schweiger



Australia Study Tour on Eucalypts - 1952



Timber Grading School - 1952

C. O. Flemmich

Ref. No 183

Mechanical Logging Training Center - 1953

H. G. Keith

Ref. No 504

Forest Research Workers' Seminar - 1956

J. G. Osborne

Ref. No 703

Development Center on Watershed Management - 1957

C. Holscher




An Austrian Investment Pro gram for Forestry and Forest Industries - 1950

D. R. Cameron and E. Glesinger


Forestry Fund - 1952

J. A. de Vaissière


Sawmilling in Austria - 1952

A. Simonsson


Application of Aerial Photography to Austrian Forest Inventory - 1953

D. A. Boon

Ref. No 142

Das Oesterreichische Forschungsinstitut für Forstprodukte - 1953

G. M. Hunt

Ref. No 143

Die Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt für die Waldstandsaufnahme - 1953

M. Näslund

Ref. No 218

Investment Program for Forestry and Forest Industries - 1953

E. Glesinger

Ref. No 307

Reforestation - 1954

Raiford F. Brown



Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey 1953

R. von Dückelmann and A. Sundelin


Ref. No 58

Forestry 1952

R. F. Taylor



FAO Forestry Mission to Ire land - 1951

D. R. Cameron


Ref. No 131

Forest Policy - 1953

D. R. Cameron

Ref. No 586

Shelterbelts and Windbreaks - 1957

W. Naegeli


Ref. No 551

Afforestation of Waste Lands and the Development of Tree Planting on Agricultural Lands - 1956

H. G. Keith



Logging Techniques and Training - 1957

P. J. P. Nipkow

Ref. No 932

Reforestation - 1958

L. W. Isaac

Ref. No 1153

Logging and Forest Road Construction - 1959

E. Wettstein

Ref. No 1233

Logging and Forest Road Construction - 1960

P. Nipkow


Ref. No 54

Fast Growing Tree Species - 1953

J. Pourtet

Ref. No 57

L'industrie des contreplaqués - 1953

J. S. Bethel

Ref. No 59

L'utilisation des déchets du bois - 1953

F. Bender


Seed and Genetics - 1953

C. Syrach Larsen

Ref. No 62

La conservation des sols - 1952

A. Dugelay

Ref. No 70

La création d'un Institut du bois à Zagreb - 1953

C. W. Scott

Ref. No 96

Le déroulage et le tranchage du bois - 1953

J. Venet


Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

F. Bender

Ref. No 201

La politique forestière - 1953

J. A. de Vaissière

Ref. No 224

Die Methoden zur Verbesserung des Zuwachses und der Produktion der Wälder Jugoslaviens - 1954

H. Leibundgut

Ref. No 240

Die Rationalisierung der Holzexploitation in Gebirgsgebieten - 1954

A. Huber

Ref. No 312

Les scieries à rubans - 1954

V. Degraeve

Ref. No 341

Kiln Drying - 1954

E. J. Sahlman

Ref. No 351

Les problèmes do reboisement - 1954

J. L. Prax

Ref. No 492

Réunion d'experts forestiers sur les problèmes d'assistance technique - 1956


Ref. No 599

The Prevention of Erosion and Torrent Action - 1957

G. Naegeli

Ref. No 657

L'aménagement des bassins de réception et, le contrôle de l'érosion des sols - 1957

W. E. Bullard P. de Luca and J. Messines

Ref. No 774

Die Rationalisierung des Holztransportes und die Forstaufsehliessung in Gebirgsgebieten - 1958

E. Hafner

Ref. No 811

Forest Inventory Methods - 1958

B. Simonsson

Ref. No 848

Waldbauseminar in Jugoslawien über Femelschlagbetrieb - 1958

H. Leibundgut


Ref. No 789

Forestry Seminar and Study Tour in the U.S.S.R. - 1956

M. Andersen

Ref. No 379

Séminaire de politique forestière - 1955


Ref. No 859

Silviculture of Pure and Mixed Forests, Study Tour in Czechoslovakia - 1958

M. A. Hüberman

Near East


Ref. No 44

La carbonisation - 1952

E. E. F. Uhart

Ref. No 140

La politique et la législation on matière forestière - 1953

E. E. F. Uhart

Ref. No 199

Wood Technology - 1953

W. Varossieu

Ref. No 290

Forest Range Management - 1954

V. P. Carocci Busi

Ref. No 436

La politique forestière et l'organisation de l'administration forestière - 1955

F. Genty

Ref. No 511

L'utilisation du bois - 1956

H. Kühne

Ref. No 520

Les études écologiques sur la flore ligneuse do la région caspienne - 1956

R. Rol


Forest Policy - 1955

Sir Herbert Howard

Ref. No 541

L'établissement d'un Centre de recherches forestières - 1957

E. Allegri

Ref. No 561

L'organisation de la recherche forestière - 1957

R. Morandini

Ref. No 579

Le problème du pâturage en forêt - 1957

J. Rolley

Ref. No 790

Les directives à suivre en matière de politique forestière - 1958

F. Genty


La méthode d'aménagement expéditive des forêts du nord de l'Iran et annexe - 1959

V. Tregubov

Ref. No 1176

Development of Forestry, Forest Utilization and Forest Industries, and the Demonstration Forest Training Center, Lowe - 1959

H. A. M. Gläser

Ref. No 1297

Politique de développement forestier - 1961

V. Tregubov



Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

J. Messines and R. Maronne

Ref. No 169

Eucalyptus Cultivation - 1953

L. Pryor


Poplar Cultivation - 1953

E. Allegri

Ref. No 537

Aerial Photographs for Forestry Purposes - 1956

D. A. Stellingwerf


Forestry Research - 1957

J. K. Jackson


Poplar Cultivation - 1958

E. Allegri


Forest Research - 1957

J. V. Thirgood

Ref. No 1040

Forestry Development - 1959

G. W. Chapman



Eucalyptus for Afforestation - 1953

L. Pryor

Ref. No 549

Ecological Survey of the Vegetation in Relation to Forestry and Grazing - 1956

B. Kasapligil


Ref. No 22

Forestry - 1952

J. Messines

Ref. No 378

Forestry Activities 1952-1954-1955

J. Moser


Ref. No 554

Sawmilling - 1957

V. Hasek


Forest Inventory - 1960

D. A. Francis

Ref. No 1291

Forest Management - 1960

J. K. Jackson


Ref. No 368

Forestry Development - 1955

M. van Bottenburg

Ref. No 841

Aerial Photographs for Forest Inventory - 1958

D. A. Stellingwerf


Ref. No 379

Forest Policy Seminar, Turkey - 1955

R. G. Fontaine

Latin America


Ref. No 711

Summary of the Pulp and Paper Situation in Argentina - 1957

A. Sundelin

Ref. No 983

El Aprovechamiento de la Madera de Eucalipto - 1959

C. S. Elliot

Ref. No 1019

La Ecología del Eucalipto en Argentina - 1959

M. R. Jacobs

Ref. No 1030

La Reorganización y el Mejoramiento Técnico de la Industria de Envases de la Madera del País - 1959

F. Nájera

Ref. No 1142

El Problema Torrencial - 1959

J. M. Garcia Nájera



Forestry (UN Report Chapter IX) - 1950

H. S. Kernan

Ref. No 512

Algunos Problemas Forestales - 1956

Ph. Cochin

Ref. No 962

L'établissement de nouvelles industries forestières et la modernisation des scieries - 1959

P. F. Berthon

Ref. No 1241

Producción y Clasificación de la Caoba y otras Maderas para la Exportación - 1960

J. P. Guillard


Ref. No 171

Forest Development in the Amazon Valley - 1953

K. P. McGrath, R. Gachot and M. N. Gallant

Ref. No 206

Silvicultural Problems of Araucaria angustifolia - 1953

L. J. Rogers

Ref. No 601

Forest Inventory in the Amazon Valley, Part I - 1957

D. Heinsdijk

Ref. No 949

Forest Inventory in the Amazon Valley, Part II - 1959

D. Heinsdijk

Ref. No 969

Forest Inventory in the Amazon Valley, Part III - 1959

D. Heinsdijk

Ref. No 992

Forest Inventory in the Amazon Valley, Part IV - 1959

D. Heinsdijk

Ref. No 1250

Forest Inventory in the Amazon Valley, Part V - 1960

B. B. Gierum

Ref. No 1271

Forest Inventory in the Amazon Valley, Part VI - 1960

B. B. Gierum and J. Smit

Ref. No 756

The Organization of a Forest Research Center in the Amazon Region, Part I - 1957

E. Meijer Drees

Ref. No 1068

The Organization of a Forest Research Center in the Amazon Region, Part II - 1959

E. Meijer Drees

Ref. No 1179

Mamanguape River Basin - 1960

J. P. Guillard

Ref. No 1284

Dryland Forest on the Tertiary and Quaternary South of the Amazon River - 1960

D. Heinsdijk

British Guiana


Economic Development - 1953 (IBRD Report Part V - Forestry)

E. Reichard

Ref. No 296

Sawmilling - 1954

D. L. Yost


Ref. No 477

A Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1956

P. Le Cacheux

Ref. No 1060

Forestry: The Timber Trade in the Caribbean Area, Parts I and II - 1959

M. N. Gallant



The Agricultural Economy of Chile (Forestry Development) - 1952



Forest Education Program 1952-53 - 1953

P. M. Dunn


Yaretales - 1952

C. Pilla


Work of the FAO Mission 1952-53

E. I. Kotok


Centro Forestal de Investigación y Capacitación de Llancacura, - 1956

H. L. Person

Ref. No 466

Cursos de Afilado de Sierras en el Centro Forestal de Llancacura - 1956

C. Proulx

Ref. No 500

Repoblación Forestal y Rehabilitación do la Zona Arida del Norte - 1956

A. Y. Goor

Ref. No 560

Chile - Potential Pulp and Paper Exporter - 1956

A. Sundelin


La Industria de la Aserraduría en las Plantaciones de Pino Insigne - 1957

L. A. Hartman

Ref. No 865

Enseñanza y la Investigación en el Aprovechamiento de los Productos Forestales - 1958

C. W. Scott


Considerations Affecting Choice of Pulp Mill Sites - 1959

A. Wohlbank


La Industria Forestal y sus Posibilidades de Desarrollo on la Explotación de los Bosques Naturales Chilenos - 1956

L. A. Hartman

Ref. No 1192

Misión Forestal de la FAO - 1960

H. Igler, H. Gripenberg, C. Hutchins and F. Knudson


Ref. No 52

Planificación Forestal - 1952

M. van Bottenburg


Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

K. A. Forrest and W. R. Barbour


Ref. No 876

Política Forestal y su Ejecución - 1958

L. Huguet

Ref. No 1223

Politica, Legislación y Administración Forestales y Ejecución de un Programa de Fomento Forestal - 1960

L. Huguet

Dominican Republic


Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

H. Baars



Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

K. A. Forrest and W. R. Barbour

Ref. No 748

Un Estudio Forestal - 1958

W. R. Barbour and M. Gonzales de Moya

Ref. No 1118

Estudio do Papel y Celulosa en el Ecuador - 1959

Grupo Asesor en Papel y Celulosa para América Latina

Ref. No 1125

Desarrollo de las Industries Forestales en las Regiones de Guayaquil y San Lorenzo - 1959

P. F. Berthon

El Salvador


Posibilidades del Desarrollo de la Silvicultura Salvadoreña - 1959

Th. F. Burgers



Research on Dendroctonus - 1951

G. Becker

Ref. No 202

La Entomología Forestal, Vol. I Los Pinos de Guatemala - 1953

F. Schwerdtfeger

Ref. No 366

La Entomología Forestal, Vol. II La Plaga de Dendroctonus en los Bosques de Pinos y Modo de Combatirla - 1955

G. Becker

Ref. No 306

La Conservación de Bosques y la Regulación del Régimen Hidrológico - 1954

M. Rocher



A Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

H. Baars

Ref. No 349

La politique forestière et sa mise en oeuvre - 1955

L. V. Burns


Ref. No 30

Silvicultura - 1952

C. E. Simmons

Ref. No 177

Extracción de Resinas - 1953

H. W. Sanderman

Ref. No 375

La Silvicultura Hondureña - 1955

E. J. Schreuder

Ref. No 674

La Industria de la Madera - 1957

P. F. Berthon



Creación de un Centro de Investigaciones Industriales Forestales en México - 1951

P. Allouard


Economía Forestal de Yucatán - 1952

L. Huguet and J. Verduzco

Ref. No 251

Silvicultura - 1954

D.T. Griffiths

Ref. No 261

La Creación de un Centro de Investigación Forestal y de un Laboratorio de la Celulosa - 1954

P. Bellouard

Ref. No 262

La Industria Resinera - 1954

H. W. Sanderman

Ref. No 263

Entomología Forestal - 1954

F. Hartig

Ref. No 264

Las Posibilidades de Producción de Materiales Tánicos Vegetales en México - 1954

FAO Mission

Ref. No 280

Durmientes - 1954

P. Pöyry

Ref. No 293

El Problema Forestal de México - 1954

L. Huguet

Ref. No 297

La Economía de la Industria de la Madera de Pino - 1954

P. Pöyry

Ref. No 319

Pulp and Paper Research - 1954

H. W. Giertz


The Organization of Forest Inventories - 1954

G. H. Bernier


Marketing of Forest Products - 1955

M. N. Gallant

Ref. No 556

Investigaciones Celulósicas - 1957

T. E. Höglund

Ref. No 597

Orientación y Perspectivas de la Industria Maderera - 1957

M. N. Gallant

Ref. No 707

Extracción de la Madera en las Zonas Montañosas - 1957

F. Zurbrugg



Política Forestal y Fomento de los Recursos Forestales - 1953

E. Saari and J. J. French

Ref. No 390

Comercialización de Productos Forestales - 1955

M. N. Gallant

Ref. No 578

Industrias de la Madera - 1957

F. Cermak

Ref. No 779

Tratamientos Silvícolas y Reforestación a Ejecutarse con el Fondo Forestal - 1958

L. Perfumo



Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1953

K. A. Forrest and W. R. Barbour

Ref. No 1116

La Industria Peruana del Papel y la Celulosa

Grupo Asesor en Papel y Celulosa para América Latina



Forestry Development - 1951

H. G. Winkelmann


Afforestation - 1953

L. J. Rogers

Ref. No 1079

Cortinas Protectoras y Rompevientos - 1959

A. Y. Goor



Preliminary Pulp and Paper Survey - 1954

K. Hiilia

Ref. No 847

La Prevención y Extinción de Incendios - 1958

R. L. Williams

Ref. No 1115

La Industria del Papel y la Celulosa - 1959

Grupo Asesor en Papel y Celulosa para América Latina



Informe sobre los Recursos y las Posibilidades de Producción de Celulosa y Papel en Centroamérica - 1955

E. J. Schreuder, P. Pöyry and K. Hiilia


Forestry Education and Training Project - 1958

A. Hyndman Stein


Proyecto para la Fabricación de Celulosa y Papel en Centroamérica - 1959



Forest Fire Control Study Tour, U.S.A. - 1952


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