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VIII. Appointments and elections

A. Applications for Membership in the Organization
B. Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council
C. Appointment of Member Governments' Representatives to Staff Pension Committee
D. Election of Council Members

A. Applications for Membership in the Organization

Admission of Cook Islands
Admission of Solomon Islands

379. The Conference had before it applications for membership from Cook Islands and Solomon Islands. These applications had been submitted within the time limit prescribed by Rule XIX GRO. They contained, or were supplemented by, the formal instrument required under Article II of the Constitution, and were thus found in order.

380. The Conference proceeded to a secret ballot on the two applications at its third meeting on Monday 11 November 1985, in accordance with Article 11-2 of the Constitution and Rule XII-9 GRO.

Admission of Cook Islands

1. Number of ballot papers issued137  
2. Defective ballots 2
3. Abstentions 2
4. Votes for 132
5. Votes against 1
6. Number of votes cast 133
7. Majority required 89


Admission of Solomon Islands

1. Number of ballot papers issued 137
2. Defective ballots 2
3. Abstentions 2
4. Votes for 131
5. Votes against 1
6. Number of votes cast 132
7. Majority required 89

381. The Conference accordingly admitted Cook Islands and Solomon Islands to membership of the Organization.

382. The Conference decided that, according to the established principles and customs, the minimum contribution due for the last quarter of 1985 by Cook Islands and Solomon Islands amounted to $4 950 for each country. The advance to be made by each of the two countries to the Working Capital Fund was $1325.

B. Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council

383. Having proceeded to a secret ballot in conformity with Rule XII-9(a) GRO, the Conference adopted the following Resolution:

Resolution 20/85



Having proceeded to a secret ballot, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization,

1. Declares that Mr Lassaad Ben Osman is appointed Independent Chairman of the Council for a period of two years, that is until the end of the regular session of the Conference to be held in 1987;

2. Decides that the conditions of appointment including the allowances attached to the office of the Independent Chairman of the Council, shall be as follows:

(a) An annual allowance of the equivalent of US$10 000 to cover representation expenses and secretarial assistance in the Chairman's home station, on the understanding that the Director-General will provide secretarial assistance when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council or Conference; one-half of the allowance shall be payable in US dollars, the balance being payable, in whole or in part, in the currency of the home country of the Chairman, or in Italian Lire, according to his desires;

(b) A per them allowance at a rate equivalent to that for the Deputy Director-General, while the Chairman is absent from his home station on Council business, the allowance being reduced to US$20 per them while the Chairman is in travel status;

(c) Travel expenses, including the above per them allowance, shall be defrayed by the Organization, in conformity with its regulations and existing practice when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council, of the Programme and Finance Committees, of the Conference, or when he is invited by the Council or by the Director-General to travel for other purposes.

(Adopted 27 November 1985)

C. Appointment of Member Governments' Representatives to Staff Pension Committee

384. In accordance with Article 6(c) of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, the Conference appointed three members and three alternates to the Staff Pension Committee for the period I January 1986 to 31 December 1987 as follows:

(i) Members

John Glistrup
Permanent Representative of Denmark to FAO

A. Daniel Weygandt
First Secretary
Alternate Permanent Representative of the United States of America to FAO

Ibrahima Kaba
Deputy Permanent Representative of Guinea to FAO

(ii) Alternate Members

Hamid Reza Nikkar Isfahani
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to FAO

Vanrob Isarankura
Agricultural Counsellor
Permanent Representative of Thailand to FAO

Jose Manuel Watson
Ambassador of Panama to FAO

D. Election of Council Members

385. The Conference noted that Sierra Leone (elected to the Council for the term of office November 1983 - 31 December 1986) and Liberia (elected to the Council for the term of office 1 January 1985 - November 1987) had been deemed to have resigned from the Council on 1 January 1985 in accordance with Rule XXII-7 of the General Rules of the Organizations. As specified in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Rule XXII GRO, the Conference elected to the Council for the remainder of the above terms of office the following Member Nations:

(a) Gambia for the period November 1985 - 31 December 1986, and,
(b) Liberia for the period November 1985 - November 1987.

386. The Conference also elected the following Member Nations as members of the Council:



Period: November 1985 - 31 December 1988
Africa (3) Cameroon
Asia (6) Bangladesh
Europe (3) Germany, Federal Republic of
Latin America and the Caribbean (3) Argentina
Near East (1) Iraq
North America None
Southwest Pacific None
Period: 1 January 1987 - November 1989
Africa (5) Algeria
Asia None
Europe (3) Hungary
Latin America and the Caribbean (5) Brazil
Trinidad and Tobago
Near East (2) Lebanon
North America (2) Canada
United States of America
Southwest Pacific None

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