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III. Introduction

A. Twelfth McDougall Memorial Lecture
B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards for 1980 and 1981
C. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award for 1980-1981
D. Tribute to Dr. Bukar Shaib as Independent chairman of The Council
E. Retirement of dr. Ralph W. Phillips
F. In memoriam

A. Twelfth McDougall Memorial Lecture

1. The Twelfth in the series of lectures at regular Conference sessions in memory of Frank Lidgett McDougall, a founding father of the Organization, was delivered by Her Excellency Shrimati Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India.

B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards for 1980 and 1981

2. The B.R. Sen Award for 1980 was presented to Mr. M. Muñoz Alaba (Chile) for the introduction of far-reaching technical innovations in Honduran forestry which included preparation and implementation of rational forest management plans for the first time. Mr. Muñoz Alaba was recruited in 1975 by FAO to become the project manager in Honduras of the FAO/UNDP Project for the Management, Production and Development of Forests and Forest Industries. As a result of initiatives through the project a strong awareness has been developed to diminish the uncontrolled cutting and burning of forests in Honduras, and to increase efficiency through the introduction of improved machinery and its handling. Results achieved by COHDEFOR (Corporación Hondureña de Desarrollo Forestal) with which Mr. Muñoz Alaba has been associated include a big industrial complex being installed in Olancho; a modern large-scale saw mill established at Siguatepeque, with other mechanical forestry industries at the planning stage, among them a pulp mill and factory to produce wooden boxes with region-wide scope for Central America; over thirty small saw mills that have become more productive through the replacement of equipment; forest management plans being carried through in Las Lajas; Comayagua and other new areas being surveyed and management plans being prepared. Mr. Muñoz Alaba has been responsible, as project manager for technical innovations, institutional improvements, research and training, silviculture and forest management, organizing and supervising seminars on forestry, and assistance in improving saw-milling and wood industry design. Thus, a multifaceted programme to develop both the forests and the forest industries in Honduras has been launched.

3. The B.R. Sen Award for 1981 was presented to Mr. H. Brammer (United Kingdom) for his work in promoting the optimum use of land, specifically for training and advising on soil survey and land use planning in Bangladesh. Mr. Brammer joined FAO in 1961 as Deputy Project Commissioner in Bangladesh bringing with him the experience gained as a member of the Soil and Land Use Survey Organization in Ghana, which organization had gained international recognition as a pioneer in tropical soil surveys and land-use recommendations. Except for two years of service with FAO in Zambia, he continuously dedicated himself to the service of agriculture in Bangladesh. Mr. Brammer's achievements include the establishment of the Bangladesh National Soil Survey; completing reconnaissance soil survey of Bangladesh at a very high standard thus establishing the potential for improved land use including the growing of high-yielding wheat and increasing acreage and production of this crop. He has prepared innumerable documents on diverse aspects of land resources and agricultural development in Bangladesh, many of them specifically aimed at development at the grass roots level, and translated into Bengali. His dedication to work and his technical competence received recognition when the Government of Bangladesh awarded him in 1978 the Presidency's Gold Medal for services to Bangladesh agriculture.

C. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award for 1980-1981

4. The A.H. Boerma Award was presented at this Conference for the second time. The Award-winner for the 1980-1981 biennium was Mr. Lester R. Brown, President of the World-watch Institute, Washington, D.C. A citizen of the United States of America, Mr. Brown's work has been reproduced in many languages, and has received wide publicity throughout both the developed and developing worlds. He writes for a large number of well-known periodicals and lectures widely. His latest book, "Building a Sustainable Society" draws particular attention to the prospect of growing food insecurity.

Tribute to Dr. Bukar Shaib as Independent Chairman of the Council

5. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 1/81

D. Tribute to Dr. Bukar Shaib as Independent chairman of The Council


Considering that the term of office of Dr. Bukar Shaib, Independent Chairman of the FAO Council since 1977, will expire at the close of the Twenty-first Session of the Conference,

Conscious of his close and active association with the Organization since 1962, especially during his four years as Independent Chairman,

1. Pays tribute to the wisdom and efficacy with which he has guided the debates of the Council, at all times, in a spirit conducive to friendly cooperation and consensus;

2. Expresses to Dr. Bukar Shaib its sincere thanks and warmest good wishes.

(Adopted 12 November 1981)

Retirement of Dr. Ralph W. Phillips

6. In tribute to the Deputy Director-General whose retirement would take place at the end of the current year, the Conference adopted the following resolution by acclamation:

Resolution 2/81

E. Retirement of dr. Ralph W. Phillips


Noting that Dr. Ralph W. Phillips will retire from the Organization at the end of December 1981, after four years of service as Deputy Director-General,

Mindful of his earlier services to the Organization, in particular as Deputy Director of the then Agriculture Division, and subsequently as Member and Chairman of the Programme Committee,

Recognizing his long and exceptionally outstanding services and unfailing dedication to the aims of the Organization,

Expresses to Dr. Ralph W. Phillips its thanks and deep appreciation of the distinguished contribution he has made to the work of FAO, and conveys to him its warm wishes for a continued active life, good health and happiness.

(Adopted 23 November 1981)

F. In memoriam

7. The Conference paid tribute to the staff members who had died in the service of the Organization since its Twentieth Session.

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