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Correction of the spanish authentic text of the International Plant Protection Convention
304. During the Sixth Session of the FAO Conference, when the original copy of the International Plant Protection Convention was being printed for signature by representatives of Member Governments, some omissions occurred in the Spanish authentic text by a regrettable oversight. The attention of Member Governments was drawn to the necessity of rectifying these omissions, and to the desirability of modifying the text slightly in order to eliminate minor discrepancies between the Spanish text, on the one hand, and the English and French texts on the other, and were given due notice of the proposed amendments in accordance with the relevant provisions of the International Plant Protection Convention.
Authentic Spanish Text of International Plant Protection Convention
The Conference
Considering the desirability of amending the Spanish authentic text of the International Plant Protection Convention in order to bring it in line with the English and French authentic texts,
Approves the following amendments:
(i) Replace the text of Article IV, paragraph 2; Article XI, paragraph 2; Article XIII, paragraph 3; and of the penultimate paragraph, by the following texts:
Article IV, paragraph 2:
2. Cada uno de los Gobiernos contratantes presentará una Memoria acerca del alcance de su organización nacional de protección fitosanitaria y de las modificaciones que en la misma se introduzcan, al Director General de la FAO, el cual transmitirá dicha información a todos los Gobiernos contratantes.
Article XI, paragraph 2:
2. Todo Gobierno que haya enviado al Director General de la FAO una declaración de acuerdo con el párrafo 1 de este Artículo, podrá, en cualquier momento, enviar una nueva declaración que modifique cl alcance de cualquier declaración anterior o que haga cesar la aplicación de las disposiciones de la presente Convención a cualquier territorio. Dicha modificación o cancelación surtirá efectos treinta días después de la fecha en que la declaración haya sido recibida por el Director General.
Article XIII, paragraph 3:
3. El Director General de la FAO notificará a los Gobiernos contratantes cualquier propuesta de enmienda de la presente Convención, a más tardar, en la fecha en que se envíe el programa del período de sesiones de la Conferencia en el cual haya de considerarse dicha enmienda.
Penultimate paragraph:
HECHO en Roma, Italia, de día seis de diciembre de mil novecientos cincuenta y uno, en un ejemplar único en inglés, francés y español, cada uno de los cuales será igualmente auténtico. La presente Convención quedará depositada en los archivos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas pare la Agricultura y la Alimentación. El Director General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas pare la Agricultura y la Alimentación enviará copies certificadas a cada uno de los Gobiernos signatarios o adheridos.
(ii) Add the following text as paragraph 3 to Article XI:
Article XI, paragraph 3:
3. El Director General de la FAO informará a todos los Gobiernos signatarios y adheridos, de cualquier declaración recibida con arreglo al presente Artículo.
(iii) Delete from the "Annex" the words "si las exige el país importador" appearing in the fourteenth line after the words "Declaraciones adicionales."
K. Admission of Monaco and Tunisia to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
305. Article VIII, paragraph 2 of the Agreement Establishing the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean provides as follows:
"2. This Agreement shall also be open to acceptance by governments which are not members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations with the approval of its Conference and two-thirds of the Members of the Council. Participation by such governments in the activities of the Council shall be contingent upon the assumption of a proportionate share in the expenses of the Secretariat, as determined by the Council and approved by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization. "
306. Requests for admission to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean submitted by the Principality of Monaco and by the French Government on behalf of Tunisia had been approved by the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean at its first and second sessions respectively.
307. The FAO Council had decided to propose to the Conference that the annual contribution of the Principality of Monaco be fixed at $ 100, and the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean proposed that Tunisia's annual contribution should amount to l; 500.
Resolution No. 58
General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
The Conference
Having considered the recommendation of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean regarding the admission of the Principality of Monaco and Tunisia to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean;
Approves the admission of the Principality of Monaco and Tunisia to the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean; and
Agrees that the annual contributions of the Principality of Monaco and Tunisia shall amount to $ 100 and $ 500 respectively.
Relations with producers' and consumers' groups
308. At its Sixth Session, the Conference had referred to the Council two proposals drawing attention to the desirability of establishing closer relations between FAO and the representatives of consumers' and producers' groups. This matter had been considered by the Council at its Seventeenth Session in June 1953, on the basis of the Report from its Committee on Relations with International Organizations. The Council had then concluded that it should not recommend to the Conference that any further steps, such as those contemplated by the Committee, be taken. The Conference took note of the Council's conclusions.
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