Contents -

VII. Appendices

A. Delegates and observers attending fourth session of the conference
B. Budget for the fourth financial year ending 31 December 1949
C. Audited accounts for the second financial year ending 31 december 1947

A. Delegates and observers attending fourth session of the conference

Member Nations


Member: J. G. CRAWFORD, Director, Division of Agricultural Economics, Department of Commerce and. Agriculture, Canberra :

Alternate: J. U. GARSIDE, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Australia, Washington

Associates: E. S. KEEHN, Executive Officer, Division of Agricultural Production, Department of Commerce and Agriculture, Melbourne D. J. MUNRO, Second Secretary, Embassy of Australia, Washington


Member: OTTO SAGMEISTER, Federal Minister of Food, Vienna

RUDOLF PHILLIP, Departmental Chief, Chairman, Austrian National FAO Committee, Vienna FRANZ GRUENSEIS, Departmental Chief, Ministry of Agriculture, Vienna

ANTON CESCHI, Chairman, Subcommittee on Forestry and Forest Products, Austrian National FAO Committee, Vienna
RUDOLF FISCHER, Counselor, Austrian Ministry of Food, Vienna
LUDWIG KLEINWAECHTER, Austrian- Minister, Legation of Austria, Washington

Advisers: EMIL BEDUS, Director of Forestry, Vienna
STEFAN GOEROEG, Chief, Food and Agriculture, Division, Legation of Austria, Washington
WILLY GORTZ, Economic Adviser, Legation of Austria, Washington


Member: ARTHUR WAUTERS, Chairman, Belgian National FAO Committee, Brussels

Alternate: P. KRONACKER, House of Representatives, Brussels

PIERRE E. JASPAR, Chief, Belgian Economic Mission, Washington
M. H. J. VAN DEN ABEELE, Director-General, Ministry of the Colonies, Brussels
A. D. JACXSENS, Belgian Economic Mission, Washington
ROGER COUSTRY, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Belgium, Washington
LOUIS H. A. LECLERCQ, Provincial Counselor, Brussels
RENE B. BLUM, Belgian Economic Mission, Washington


Member: RICARDO MARTINEZ VARGAS, Ambassador of Bolivia, Washington

Alternate: CARLOS ROMERO, Minister Counselor, Embassy of Bolivia, Washington

GERMAN ROVIRA, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Bolivia, Washington
ENRIQUE KAMPFF-MERCADO, First Secretary, Embassy of Bolivia, Washington


Member: WALDER DE LIMA SARMANHO, Minister, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Brazil, Washington

Alternate: NEWTON DE CASTRO BELLEZA, Chairman, Commission of International Agricultural Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Brazilian Representative on the FAO

Council associates:
ANTONIO DA CUNHA BAYMA, Technical Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Rio de Janeiro
JOSUE DE CASTRO, Director, Institute of Nutrition, University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
ARMANDO PEREGRINO SEABRA FAGUNDES, Head of the Food Division of the Food Social Insurance Service (SAPS), Ministry of Labor, Rio de Janeiro

JORGE DE CARVALHO E SILVA, Second Secretary, Embassy of Brazil, Washington
CARLOS CALERO RODRIGUES, Third Secretary, Embassy of Brazil, Washington
LUIZ PARENTE DE MELLO, Third Secretary, Embassy of Brazil, Washington
DARIO BROSSARD, Professor of Rural Economy, University of Rio Grande


Member: U TIN, Chairman, State Agricultural Marketing Board, Rangoon

Alternate: U MYAT TUN Chief Liaison Officer, State Agricultural Marketing Board, Rangoon


Member: G. S. H. BARTON, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa

J. G. BOUCHARD C.B.E., Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa
J. F. BOOTH, O.B.E., Associate Director of Marketing Service, Economics Division, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
O. P. BOUCHER, Economics Division, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
H. H. HANNAM Canadian Federation of Agriculture, HAZEL D. BURWASH, Department of External Affairs, Ottawa
D. A. MacDonald, Dominion Forester, Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa
I. B. MCARTHUR, Chief Economist, Department of Fisheries, Ottawa
C. J. MORROW, Fisheries Council of Canada, Ottawa
G. B. PATERSON, Agricultural Counselor, Embassy of Canada, Washington
W. D. POUTER, Chief, Crops Braneb, Agriculture Division, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa

Press and Public Relations: B. S. McKAY, Assistant Director, Information Services, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa

Information Officer: R. B., W. MARVEN, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa

Secretary: S. C. HUDSON, Principal Economist, Economics Division, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa


Member: O. C. B. COREA, Ambassador of Ceylon, Embassy of Ceylon, Washington

Alternate: G. S. PEIRIS, Second Secretary, Embassy of Ceylon, Washington


Member: HIGINIO GONZALEZ, Counselor, Delegation of Chile to the United Nations, New York

Alternate and Adviser: PEDRO ALVAREZ SUAREZ, Economic Counselor, Embassy of Chile, Director of the Chilean Nitrate Sales Corporation in New York

Adviser/Secretary: FERNANDO DAHMEN


Member: V. K. WELLINGTON KOO, Ambassador of China, Embassy of China, Washington

Alternate: CHEN-PING HSIEH, Political Vice-Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Nanking

CHIN MAI CHEN, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Food, Nanking
K. S. SIE, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Nanking
FRANK H. C. LTU, Director, Division of Control, Ministry of Food, Nanking

PAUL C. MA, Director, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Nanking
LU-CHUNG KWAN, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Nanking
SHOU-ENG KOO, Ministry of Food, Washington Office
SING CHEN CHANG, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Washington Office
CHONG TWANMO, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Washington Office

Colombia (Absent)

Costa Rica

Member: MARIO A. ESQUIVEL, Ambassador to the United States of America, Washington

Alternate: OSCAR VARGAS, Ataché Embassy of Costa Rica, Washington


Member: JOSE M. CASANOVA, Senator, Havana

ENRIQUE PEREZ-CISNEROS, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Cuba, Washington

Associate: RAMON G. OSUNA, Attaché, Embassy of Cuba, Washington ;

Advisers: JULIO CASTILLO, Ministry of State, Havana MARIANO MARTINEZ, Ministry of Commerce, Havana


Member: VLADIMIR OUTRATA, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia, Embassy of Czechoslovakia, Washington

Alternate: OTTO PASSER, Director of Department, Ministry of Food, Prague

JAROSLAV KOPEC, Senior Counselor, Ministry of Agriculture, Prague
RUDOLF KURAZ, Czechoslovak Consul General, New York
JAN PATEK, Counselor, Embassy of Czechoslovakia, Washington


Member: HENRIK DE KAUFFMANN, Ambassador of Den. mark, Washington

Alternate: A. P. JACOBSEN, Agricultural Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture, Copenhagen

B. S. DINESEN, Ministry of Fisheries, Copenhagen
ARNE HØGSBRO-HOLM, Secretary-General of the Agricultural Council, Copenhagen
MRS. RIGMOR SKADE, Ministry of Finance, Copenhagen
K. K. SKOVGAARD, Professor, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Copenhagen
SØEEN SØRENSEN, Agricultural Counselor, Embassy of Denmark, Washington
ERIK A. UHL, Department of Health, Copenhagen

Secretary: ERNA PETERSEN, Foreign Office, Copenhagen

Dominican Republic.

Member: HANS COHN, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of the Dominican Republic, Washington


Member: OSWALDO GARCIA, Commercial Counselor, Ecuadorian Commercial Office, Embassy of Ecuador, Washington

Alternate: FRANCISCO C. BANDA, Ecuadorian Delegate to the Inter-American Economic and Social Council, Washington


Member: MAHMOUD BEY ZAKI, Under-Secretary of State for Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Supply), Cairo

Alternate: MOHAMED BEY ALI KILANY, Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture, Cairo

AHMED ABDEL-LATIF, Controller, Cereals and Mills, Ministry of Commerce and Industry for Supplies, Cairo
MOHAMED K. EL-SABY, Controller, Department of Fisheries, Cairo
ANWAR NIAZI, Second Secretary, Royal Egyptian, Embassy, Washington
ABDEL RAHMAN BEY SERRY, Director-General, Agricultural Statistics Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo
ABDEL RAZEK SIDKY, Director, Animal Breeding Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo
MOHAMED ABDEL-AZIZ ZAYED, Commercial Counselor, Royal Egyptian Embassy, Washington

El Salvador

Member: LUIS ESCALON, Under-Secretary of Agriculture and Industry, El Salvador

Secretary: SALVADOR JAUREGUI, Embassy of El Salvador, Washington


Member: ATO HADDIS ALEMAYEHOU, First Secretary of the legation of Ethiopia, Washington

Adviser: HOWARD JEROME TRUEBLOOD, Adviser to the Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture, Addis Ababa


Member: KALLE TEODOR JUTILA Minister of Finland, Legation of Finland, Washington

Alternate: ARTTURI LEHTINNEN, Commercial Counselor, Legation of Finland, Washington


Member: PIERRE PFLIMLIN, Minister of Agriculture, Paris

Alternate: ANDRE MAYER, Professor, College de France, Paris

EUGENE DEMONT, Director, French Supply Office, Washington
HENRI LAYRILLON, Director-General of Food Supply for the French Zone of Occupation in Germany
CHRISTIAN VALENSI, Financial Counselor, Embassy of France Washington
ANDRÉ ALLOY, Division of Fisheries, Merchant Marine Administration
ANDRE ALLOY, Division of Fisheries, Merchant the French Ministry of Agriculture, Food Supply Division, Paris
MICHELE CEPEDE, Head of Studies and Documentation Service in the Ministry of Agriculture, Paris
HENRI JANTON, International Conferences Division, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Paris
R.G. LEHMANN, French Supply Office, Washington
PIERRE MAESTRACCI, Charge de-Mission, Cabinet of the Ministry of Agriculture, Paris
PIERRE VALDANT, Economics Affairs Division, Ministry of Overseas Territories, Paris
JEAN DUPARD, French Supply Office, Washington
ANDRE BOUSSINGAULT, French Supply Office, Washington
GEORGES J. MISSE, French Supply Office, Washington

Secretary: GILLES DE BOISGELIN, Attaché to the Embassy of France, Washington


Member: LAMBROS EUTAXIAS, Under-Secretary of State for Economic Co-ordination, Chairman of the National FAO Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, Athens

Alternate: NICOLAS CHRISTODOULOU, Director-General, Ministry. of Agriculture, Vice-Chairman, National FAO Committee, Athens

COSTAS P. CARANICAS, Economic Counselor, Embassy of Greece, Washington
PAUL ECONOMOU-GOURAS, Counselor, Embassy of Greece, Washington


Member: MARCO ANTONIO RAMIREZ, Under-Secretary of Economy and Labor; Member of the National FAO Committee, Guatemala, C.A.


Member: RENE COLIMON, Second Secretary, Embassy of Haiti, Washington


Member: JULIAN R. CACERES, Ambassador to the United States of America, Embassy of Honduras, Washington

Secretary: HUMBERTO R. PORTILLA, Embassy of Honduras, Washington

Hungary (Absent)


Member: MAGNUS VIGNIT MAGNUSSON, Counselor, Legation of Iceland, Washington


Member: DINKER RAO DESAI, Minister for Flood and Civil Supplies, Government of Bombay, India

Alternate: B. R. SEN, C.I.E., I.C.S., Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi

PANJABRAO DESHMUKH, Member of the Indian Constituent Assembly, New Delhi
SHRI DIP NARAIN SINHA, Member of the Indian Constituent Assembly, New Delhi
SARDAR BAHADUR SIR DATAR SINGH, Vice-Chairman, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi

Advisers: W. R. NATU, Economic and Statistical Adviser to the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi

Press and Public Relations: SHIV KUMAR SHASTRI, Deputy Information Officer, Embassy of India, Washington

Adviser/Secretary: N. G. ABHYANKAR, Food Counselor, Embassy of India, Washington

Observer: R. PATEL


Member: SAYID AMIN MUMAYlZ, Embassy of Iraq, Washington

ADNAN PACHACHI Attaché, Embassy of Iraq,
MOHAMMED ADHAM, Attaché, Embassy of Iraq, Washington


Member: JAMES M. DILLON, T.D., Minister for Agriculture, Dublin

JOHN DEMPSEY, Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Dublin
JOHN HENNIGAN, Higher Executive Officer, Department of Agriculture, Dublin
JOHN D. HOURIHANE, Medical Inspector, Department of Health, Dublin
HUGH J. McCann, Counselor, Legation of Ireland, Washington
JOHN C. NAGLE, Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture Chairman of the National FAO Committee, Dublin


Member: ANTONIO SEGNI, Minister of Agriculture, Rome

Alternate: VITTORIO RONCHI, High Commissioner for Food, Rome

Adviser: UGO PAPI, Secretary-General, Italian National FAO Committee, Rome

PAOLO ALBERTARIO, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture Rome
CARLO PELLEGRINI, Director-General, Office of High Commissioner for Food, Rome
RAPHAEL FESTA CAMPANIE, Ministry of Agriculture, Rome M. MIRAGLIA, Ministry of Agriculture, Rome
PAOLO ROGERS, Italian Technical Delegation, Washington
CLEMENTE B. COLONNA, Technical Delegation, Washington

Secretary: VITTORIO DE ASARTA, National FAO Committee, Rome


Member: GEORGE HAKIM, Charge d'Affaires a.i., Legation of Lebanon, Washington

Alternate: EMILE MATTAR, Attaché, Legation of Lebanon, Washington


Member: RICHARD BRIGHT, Counselor, Legation of Liberia, Washington


Member: HUGUES LE GALLAIS, Minister of Luxembourg, Washington

Alternate: PAUL PATERNOT, Commercial Engineer, Washington


Member: FRANCISCO DE P. MIRANDA, Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Department of Health, Mexico City

Alternate: MANUEL JUSTO SIERRA, First Secretary, Embassy of Mexico, Washington

RAFAEL NIETO, Counselor, Embassy of Mexico, Washington
AGUSTIN OCHOA, Attaché, Embassy of Mexico, Washington
GONZALO ANDRADE ALCOCER Assistant Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Mexico, Washington


Member: NICOLAS H. BLINK, Commissioner for Foreign Agricultural Affairs, Netherlands Government, The Hague

Alternate: E. DE VRIES, Counselor to the Department of Overseas Territories, The Hague

M. J. L. DOLS, Counselor to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Supply, The Hague
S. HERWEIJER, Director of the Service for Agricultural Reconstruction, The Hague
A. LUIJTJES, Representative of Indonesian Government at The Hague
G. P. F. ROYACKERS, General Secretary of the Foundation for Agriculture, The Hague
M. SOEBIARTO, Senior Officer, Department of Economic Affairs of Indonesia (Batavia)
J. B. RITZEMA VAN IKEMA, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington
HENRIK J. VAN KRETSCHMAR VAN VEEN, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington

Secretary: W. G. IA. LAMMERS, Assistant Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington

Assistant Secretary: HELEN SCHLESGEL, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington

New Zealand

Member: E. J. FAWCETT, Director-General, Department of Agriculture, Wellington

Alternate: R. W. MARSHALL, Commercial Attaché, Legation of New Zealand, Washington

Associate: J. S. SCOTT, Trade Officer, Office of the New Zealand Trade Commissioner, Washington

L. J. K. FUTTER, Accountant, Office of the New Zealand Trade Commissioners, Washington
W. N. PERRY, President, Federated Farmers, Inc., of New Zealand
Secretary: LINDA GAIR, Office of the New Zealand Trade Commissioner, Washington


Member: ALFREDO J. SACASA, Commercial and Industrial Counselor, Embassy of Nicaragua, Washington


Member: R. J. MORK, Rector and Professor, Agricultural College of Norway, Vollebekk

Alternate: A. LANGSAETER, Professor, Forest Research; Institute, Vollebekk

MAGNE OPPEDAL, Fisheries Attaché, Embassy of Norway, Washington
JOHN RINGEN, Director, Royal Agricutural Society of Norway, Oslo
BERGLIOT QUILLER WERENSKIOLD, Head of State Research Institute for Home Economics, Stabekk

Associate/Secretary: OLE MJELDE, Secretary of National FAO Committee, Oslo

Assistant Secretary: INGER-MARIE MAGELSSEN, Embassy of Norway, Washington


Member: MIRZA ABOL HASSAN ISPAHANI, Ambassador of Pakistan, Embassy of Pakistan, Washington

Alternate: H. S. M. ISHAQUE, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Health, Pakistan

M. O. A. BAIG, Counselor, Embassy of Pakistan, Washington
M. M. FAROOKHI, Commercial Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Washington
SAJJAD HYDER, Third Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan, Washington
A. SABUR, Member of the Legislative Assembly

Associate/Secretary: A. M. KHAN, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Health, Pakistan


Member: JULIO ERNESTO HEURTEMATTE, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Panama, Washington

Paraguay (Absent)

Peru (Absent)

Philippine Republic

Member: DOMINGO PAGUIRIGAN, Congress man, Chairman of the House Committee of Agriculture, Manila

FELIX MARAMBA, Director, Plant Industry,
DEOGRACIAS V. VILLADOLID, Director, Fisheries, Manila
MANUEL SUMULONG, Secretary, Philippine National FAO Committee, Manila

Adviser: JOSE TEODORO, JR., Commercial Attaché, Embassy of the Philippine Republic, Washington


Member: JOSEF WINIEWIOZ, Ambassador for Poland, Washington

ZYGMUNT LITYNSKI, Commercial. Counselor, Embassy of Poland, Washington
JANUSZ ZOLTOWSKI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Financial Counselor of the Embassy of Poland, Washington
STEFAN ROGOZINSKI, Counselor, Embassy of Poland, Washington

Secretary: TERESA HALINA KOWARSKA, Embassy of Poland, Washington


Member: ANTONIO DE SOUSA DA CAMARA, Chairman, FAO National Committee, Lisbon

Alternate: JOSE PENALVA FRANCO FRAZAO (Conde de Penha Garcia), Vice-Chairman, FAO National Committee, Lisbon

Associate: RODRIGO PEDRO DE CASTRO (Nova Goa), FAO National Committee, Lisbon

Adviser: JOSE ALVES, FAO National Committee, Lisbon

Saudi Arabia
(was admitted to membership in the Conference at the Fifth Plenary Meeting, 23 November 1948)


Member: PHRA PRAKAS SAHAKORN, Under-Secretary of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangkok

Alternate: NAI INSEE CHANDRASTITYA, Department of Agriculture, Bangkok

Associate: M. L. JIDJEUA KAMBHU. Secretary, National FAO Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangkok


Member: WERNER FUCHSS, Counselor, Legation of Switzerland, Washington

Alternate: H. KELLER, Assistant Director, Division of Agriculture, Department of Economic Affairs, Berne

Associate: L. MAIRE, Vice-Chairman, Swiss National FAO Committee, Berne

Secretary: JURG NIEHANS, Attaché, Legation of Switzerland, Washington


Member: FAIZ EL-KHOURI, Minister of Syria to the United States of America, Legation of Syria, Washington

Alternate: HUSNI A. SAWWAF, Counselor, Legation of Syria, Washington

Adviser: GEORGE J. TOMEH, Attaché, Legation of Syria, Washington


Member: MEHMET ALI BAGANA, Assistant Director-General of the National Organization for the Agricultural Equipment of Turkey, Ankara

Union of South Africa

Member: P. B. VILJOEN, High Commissioner for the South Africa in Canada, Ottawa

Alternate: P. J. DU TOIT, Deputy Chairman, South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria

C. H. SPAMER, Secretary, South African Directorate of Food Supplies and Distribution, Pretoria
REES DAVIES, Agricultural, Attaché, Legation of the Union of South Africa, Washington
W. A. HORROCKS, Commercial Secretary Legation of the Union of South Africa, Washington

United Kingdom

Member: THOMAS WILLIAMS, M.P., Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, London

Alternate: R. H. FRANKLIN, C.B., C.B.E., Ministry of Agriculture land Fisheries, London

P. N. B. BUTCHER, Ministry of Health; London
CHARLES CAMPBELL, British Information Services, Washington
SIR GERARD CLAUSON, K.C.M.B., O.B.E. Colonial Office, London
B. E. COCKRAM, C.M.G., O. B.E., Counselor, British Embassy, Washington
A. T. A. DOBSON, C.V.O., C B., C.B.E., Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London
A. N. DUCKHAM, O.B.E., Counselor; British Embassy, Washington
SIR RALPH ENDFIELD, C.B., Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London
MISS N. K. FISHER, Board of Trade, London
R. McCHLERY, Office of High Commisioner for Southern Rhodesia, London
O. R. OAKE, British Supply Mission, Washington
D. B. TEBBIT, Second Secretary, British Embassy, Washington
J. R. TREVALDWYN, British Embassy, Washington NORMAN WRIGHT, Ministry of Food, London
J. A. PAYNE, O.B.E., Ministry of Agriculture, Private Secretary to the Minister

E. H. GARDENER, Vice-President, National Farmers Union of Great Britain
E. O. GOOCH, M.P., President, National Union of Agricultural Workers.
SIR GORDON MUNRO, United Kingdom Treasury Delegation, Washington

Secretary: H. S. BARNES, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London

Assistant Secretary: P. J. MACFARLAN, Assistant Agricultural Attaché, British Embassy, Washington

Personal Assistant to Member: MISS M. L, COLDMAN, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London

United States of America

Member: CHARLES F. BRANNAN, Secretary of Agriculture, Washington

ALBERT J. LOVELAND, Under-Secretary of Agriculture, Washington
FRED J. ROSSITER, Associate Director, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Department of Agriculture Washington;
EDWARD G.: CALE, Associate Chief, International Resources Division, Department of State, Washington

Congressional Advisers:
GEORGE D. AIKEN, United States Senate, Washington
ELMER THOMAS, United States Senate Washington
S. OTIS BLAND, United States House of Representatives, Washington
HAROLD D. COOLEY, United States House of Representatives, Washington
CLIFFORD R. HOPE, United States House of Representatives Washington

EDWARD W. ALLEN, United States Commissioner, International Fisheries Commission and International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission
ANDREW W. ANDERSON, Chief, Branch of Commercial Fisheries Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington
STANLEY ANDREWS, Food, Agriculture and Forestry Representative, OMGUS
MISS PERSIA CAMPBELL, Vice-Chairman, National Association of Consumers, Washington
WILBERT M. CHAPMAN, Special Assistant to the Under-Secretary, Department of State, Washington
PHILIP V. CARDON, Administrator, Agricultural Research Administration, Department of Agriculture, Washington
CHARLES R. CAREY, Director, Fishery Products Division, National Canners Association, Washington
JOHN H. DAVIES, Executive Secretary, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Washington
URSULA DUFFUS, Division of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs, Department of State, Washington
FOSTER F. ELLIOTT Associate Chief, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agriculture, Washington
CARL N. GIBBONEY, Deputy Director, Commodities Division, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce, Washington
TOM GILL, Society of American Foresters, Washington
ALBERT B. Goss, Master, The National Grange, Washington
GEORGE M. INGRAM, Acting Chief, International Administration Staff, Department of State, Washington
CHARLES E. JACKSON, General Manager, National Fisheries Institute, Washington
WILLIAM A. JUMP, Director, Office of Budget and Finance, Department of Agriculture, Washington
WILLIAM A. MINOR, JR., Assistant to the Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Washington
WESLEY R. NELSON, Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior, Washington
W. RAYMOND OGG, Director, Department of International Affairs, American Farm Bureau Federation, Washington
JAMES G. PATTON, President, National Farmers Union, Washington
HAZEL K. STIBELING, Chief, Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Department of Agriculture, Washington
RALPH S. TRIGG, Administrator, Production and Marketing Administration, Department of Agriculture, Washington
LYLE F. WATTS, Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Washington
ORIS V. WELLS, Chief, Bureau of Agricultural Economies, Department of Agriculture, Washington
FAITH M. WILLIAMS, Director, Office of Foreign Labor Conditions, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, Washington
MILBURN L. WILSON, Director, Agricultural Extension Service, Department of Agriculture, Washington

Technical Secretary: JAMES O. HOWARD, Head, Division of Foreign Agricultural Information, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Department of Agriculture, Washington

Executive Secretary: HENRY F. NICHOL, Division of International Conferences, Department of State, Washington

Administrative Officer: MALCOLM E. PEAKE, Division of International Conferences, Department of State, Washington

Documents Officer: ELLEN M. DUGGAN, Division of International Conferences, Department of State, Washington


Member: JUAN FELIPE YRIART, First Secretary, Embassy of Uruguay, Washington

Alternate: ALBERTO MUNILLA, Secretary, FAO National : Committee, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Montevideo


Member: ANTONIO CASAS-BRICENO, Counselor, Embassy of Venezuela, Washington

HUMBERTO CEBALLOS, Ministry of: Public Health and Social Welfare, Venezuela PABLO LIENDO, Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, Venezuela
PABLO SOUOY, School of Forestry, Venezuela


Member: VATROSLAV HOFMAN, Advisor to the Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Yugoslavia, Washington




Observer: RUDOLFO E. BARBAGELATA, Agricultural Counselor, Embassy of the Argentine Republic, Washington


B. ATHANASSOV Charge d'Affaires a.i., Legation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, Washington
BERRYE P. WATKINS, Secretary to Mr. Athanassov, Legation of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, Washington


Observer: ABBAS G. ARDALAN, Financial Attaché, Embassy of Iran, Washington


Observer: LUDWIG SAMUEL, Mission of the State of Israel, Washington,


Observer: HO JIK KIM Maynard School of Nutrition, Cornell University, Ithaca New York

HYUN KUN, Department, of Agriculture, Seoul,
MILLIARD PECK, Department of the Army, Seoul

San Marino

Observers: VICTOR L. ANFUNSO, Consul-General of the Republic of San Marina, New York.

Saudi Arabia
(was admitted to membership in the Conference at the Fifth Plenary Meeting, 23 November 1948)

AHMED ABDUL JABBAR, First Secretary, Legation of Saudi Arabia, Washington
ARTHUR W. SHAW, Procurement Division, Legation of Saudi Arabia, Washington.


Observer: N. GUNNAR LANGE, Under-Secretary of Agriculture, Stockholm

KNUT HELMAR OLSSON, Chief Secretary, to the, Ministry of Supply, Stockholm
O. GREGOR M. BENDZ, Agricultural Attaché, Swedish Embassy, Washington
KARL FREDERICK SVARDTSROM, Associate-Professor, Federation of Swedish Farmers Association, Stockholm


United Nations

PERCE R. JUDD, Economic Affairs Department
KEITH A. AICKIN, Legal Department
GERALD WAN, Joint Division of Coordination and Liaison

Interim Commission of the International Trade Organization

Representative: PEROE B. JUDD, Secretary, Interium Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements, United Nations

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

PAUL F. CRAIG-MARTIN, Chief, Agriculture Section, Economic Technology Division, Economic Department
KYRIAKOS VARVARESSOS, Consultant to Director, Economic Department

International Children's Emergency Fund

Representatives: DONALD R. SABIN, Chief, Milk Conservation Project KARL BORDERS, Executive Officer

International Labour Organisation

ELIZABETH ROWE, Executive Secretary, Washington Branch
ROBERT W. COX, International Organizations Section

International Monetary Fund


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,

Representative: S. N. DAS GUPTA, Counselor for the Agricultural Sciences, Department of Natural Sciences, Paris

World Health Organization

Representative: GEORGE E. HILL


Holy See

RIGHT REV. MONSIGNOR LUIGI LIGUTTI, General Secretary, National Catholic Rural Life Conference
REV. WILLIAM J. GIBBONS, NCRLC, Board of Directors
MONSIGNOR DONALD A. MACLEAN, Professor of International Ethics, Catholic University of America, Washington

Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces - Japan

W. C. HERRINGTON, Chief, Fisheries Division, National Resources Section, General Headquarters
TADEO IMAI, Tokohu University, Sendai
MOTONAGA OHTO, Liaison Section, Ministry of Agriculture, Tokyo
MARK WILLIAMSON, Deputy Chief, Agriculture Division, National Resources Section, General Headquarters;


International Bureau of Analytical Chemistry;

Representative: ATHERTON SEIDELL

International Cotton Advisory Committee

Representative: RODNEY WHITAKER, Executive Secretary, International Cotton Advisory Committee, Washington

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Representative: A. T. A. DOBSON, C.V.O., C.B., C.B.E., First Vice-President

International Wine Office

Representative: B. A. SAMARAKIS, Secretary-General

Organization of American State

JOSE L. COLOM, Chief, Division of Agriculture and Conservation, Pan American Union, Washington
RALPH U. ALLEE, Director, Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Turrialba, Costa Rica it FRED L. SOPER, Director, Pan American Sanitary ; Bureau, Washington
J. R. MURDOOK, Assistant Director, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Washington


Associated Country Women of the World


International Chamber of Commerce

Representative: DONALD W. SAWTELLE, United States, Chamber of Commerce, Washington

International Co-operative Alliance

MURRAY D. LINCOLN, Cooperative League of the United States of America, Washington

International Council of Women


International Federation of Agricultural Producers

ANDREW CAIRNS. Secretary-General
MAXINE LEWIS, Assistant to Secretary-General
EVE CONNEL Assistant to Secretary-General

International Union for Child Welfare

Representatives: MARY A. DINGMAN, Consultant to Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, New York

League of Red Cross Societies

JAMES J: BURR, International Activities, American Red Cross, Washington
PAULINE MURRAH, Nutrition Service, American Red Cross, Washington

World Federation of Trade Unions

Representative: ERNST SCHWARZ, Consultant at the Economic and Social Council, Congress of Industrial Organizations, New York

Word Federation of United Nations Associations

Representative: CHARLES L. MARBURG, Vice-President

B. Budget for the fourth financial year ending 31 December 1949


Net amount to be borne by member governments   $4,614,000
Miscellaneous Receipts:    
Sales of publications $2,500  
Interest on investments, etc. 25,000  
Miscellaneous receipts 500 28,000
Allocation from surplus cash balance at end of second financial year   358,000
Work covered by special grants (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)   (ad memoriam)


Ordinary expenditure (as per attached expenditure budget) $5,000,000
Work covered by special grants (ad memoriam)


Member countries


Australia 125,000
Austria 2,500
Belgium 70,500
Bolivia 11,000
Brazil 130,000
Burma 15,000
Canada 190,000
Chile 43,000
China 325,000
Colombia 26,500
Costa Rica 2,500
Cuba 26,500
Czechoslovakia 77,000
Denmark 34,000
Dominican Republic 2,500
Ecuador 2,500
Egypt 65,000
El Salvador 2,500
Ethiopia 11,000
Finland 5,000
France 284,500
Greece 21,000
Guatemala 2,500
Haiti 2,500
Honduras 2,500
Hungary 7,500
Iceland 2,500
India and Pakistan 212,500
Iraq 16,500
Ireland 53,000
Italy 106,000
Lebanon 2,500
Liberia 2,500
Luxembourg 2,500
Mexico 70,000
Netherlands 76,000
New Zealand 43,000
Nicaragua 2,500
Norway 34,000
Panama 2,500
Paraguay 2,500
Peru 26,500
Philippine Republic 13,500
Poland 65,500
Portugal 43,000
Saudi Arabia 5,000
Siam 15,000
Switzerland 90,000
Syria 10,000
Turkey 75,000
Union of South Africa 86,500
United Kingdom and Ceylon 735,000
United States of America 1,250,000
Uruguay 22,000
Venezuela 22,000
F.P.R. of Yugoslavia 39,000
TOTAL $4,614,000



Budget estimates 1949

Voted budget estimates 1948

Actual expenditures 1947





I. Sessions of the Conference and Council 152,000 186,534 219,201
II. General missions 1,000 200,000 55,058
III. Office of the Director-General and policy staff 320,889 251,851 185,345
IV. Administrative management 471,537 371,139 406,201
V. General operational expense 628,381 382,935 571,938
VI. Technical program by divisions 2,956,173 2,828,876 2,238,073
VII. Regional representatives 330,000 497,818 361,036
VIII. Reserves and contingencies 140,020 281,848  
IX. Unliquidated commitments of previous year (ad memoriam)    
Total budget 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,063,862


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