
X. Appendix III

A. Rules of procedure of the food and agriculture organization of the united nations
B. Financial regulations - part I (annex I to the rules of procedure)
C. Financial regulations - part II (Temporary)
D. Constitution of the food and agriculture organization of the united nations

Rules of Procedure of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Financial Regulations - Part I (Annex I to the Rules of Procedure), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Financial Regulations - Part II (Temporary), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A. Rules of procedure of the food and agriculture organization of the united nations

Rule I
Sessions of the Conference

1. In pursuance of Article III, paragraph G. of the Constitution, the Director-General shall convene the Conference to meet annually in regular session. The regular session of the Conference shall be held at the seat of the Organization l in the months of October or November unless it is convened elsewhere or at a different time in pursuance of a decision of the Conference at a previous session, or, in exceptional circumstances, of a decision by the Executive Committee.

2. If the Executive Committee should so direct, or if at least one third of the Member governments should so request, the Director-General shall convene the Conference to meet in special session within 90 days at such time and place as the Executive Committee may designate.

3. Notices convening a session of the Conference shall be sent by the Director-General, not less than 60 days in advance of the date fixed for the opening of the session, to the Member governments and to public international organizations to be invited to participate in the conference in pursuance of Article III, paragraph 5, of the Constitution.

4. Subject to any decisions of the Conference, the Director-General shall determine what public international organizations shall be invited to any session of the Conference.

Rule II
1. In these Rules the word "delegate" has the same meaning as the words "member of the Conference" in the Constitution and the word "delegation" means all the persons appointed by a Member government to attend a session of the Conference. that is to say, its representative, his alternate, associates, and advisers.

2. The credentials of delegates and the names of the members of their delegations, and of the representatives of the participating public international organizations, shall, in so far as possible, be deposited with the Director-General not less than 15 days before the date fixed for the opening of each session of the Conference.

Rule III
1. The agenda of each regular session of the Conference shall include all items the inclusion of which may have been decided upon by the Conference at a previous session, and such items, in addition to those specified in paragraph 2 of this Rule, as the Executive Committee, after consultation with the Director-General, may approve.

2. The agenda of each regular session of the Conference shall include:

(a) a report by the Director-General on the work of the Organization;

(b) the Director-General's budgetary proposals for the ensuing financial year, together with a report by the Committee on Financial Control on the audited accounts of the Organization for the preceding financial year;

(c) the reports by Member governments and analyses thereof which the Director-General is required to submit to the Conference in accordance with Article XI, paragraph 3, of the Constitution;

(d) application for admission of new Members to the Organization, if any, in accordance with Rule XX;

(e) amendments to the Constitution, if any, in accordance with Rule XXIII.

3. Proposals for the agenda of any session may be made by Member governments at a previous session of the Conference or, when the Conference is not in session, to the Executive Committee. All such proposals, including proposals for recommendations or conventions under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article IV of the Constitution, shall be transmitted by the Conference or the Executive Committee as the case may be to the Director-General who shall report on their technical, administrative, and financial implications, if any, before they are considered by the Executive Committee or by the Conference in plenary meeting as the case may be. No such proposal shall be considered in the absence of such a report unless the Executive Committee or a plenary meeting shall otherwise decide in a case of urgency.

4. The agenda of each regular session of the Conference, determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Rule, shall be sent to Member governments and to participating public international organizations so as to reach them not less than 60 days before the date fixed for the opening of the session.

5. The agenda of a special session of the Conference convened in pursuance of Rule I, paragraph 2, shall be determined by the Executive Committee, after consultation with the Director-General

6. Copies of all reports and other documents to be submitted to the Conference at any session, in connection with any item on the agenda, shall be sent by the Director-General to Member governments and to participating public international organizations at the same time as the agenda for the session or as soon as possible thereafter.

7. During any session of the Conference items may be added to the agenda determined in accordance with the previous paragraphs of this Rule, if the General Committee by a two-thirds majority vote should so decide, after a report by the Director-General on their technical, administrative, and financial implications, if any, has been obtained.

8. In any case the Conference shall not proceed to the discussion of any item on the agenda, whether added to the agenda under paragraph 7 above or otherwise, until at least 72 hours have elapsed since the documents referred to in paragraph 6 or 7 of this Rule have been made available to members of delegations.

Rule IV
1. The Director-General shall provide and direct such secretarial and other staff and facilities as may be required by the Conference, and such commissions or committees as it may establish.

2. It shall be the duty of the Secretariat to receive, translate into the official language(s) of the Conference and circulate documents, reports, and resolutions of the Conference and of its commissions and committees; to prepare the records of their proceedings; and to perform such other work as the Conference, the Executive Committee, or any commission or committee established by the Conference may require.

Rule V
Plenary Meetings of the Conference
1. Plenary meetings of the Conference shall be open to attendance by all members of delegations, the representatives of participating public international organizations, and such members of the staff of the Organization as the Director-General may designate.

2. Plenary meetings of the Conference shall be held in public unless the Conference decides otherwise.

3. Subject to any decision of the Conference, the Director-General shall make arrangements for the admission of the public, and of representatives of the press and other information agencies, to plenary meetings of the Conference.

Rule VI
Opening of Session
1. At the opening of each session of the Conference, the Director-General shall preside until the Conference has elected a Chairman.
Rule VII
Nominations Committee
1. The Conference shall elect a Nominations Committee consisting of 11 delegates.

2. The Nominations Committee shall propose to the Conference nominations for the offices of Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen of the Conference and for the members of the Credentials Committee and for the elected members of the General Committee provided for by Rule X.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen and of the Credentials and General Committees
1. The Conference shall, after consideration of the Report of the Nominations Committee, elect from the delegates:
(a) a Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen;

(b) the members of the Credentials Committee, which shall proceed to the verification of the credentials of derogates deposited in accordance with Rule II; and

(c) seven members of the General Committee as provided for by Rule X.

Rule IX
Powers and Duties of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Conference
1. In addition to exercising such powers as are conferred upon him elsewhere by these Rules! the Chairman shall declare the opening and closing of each plenary meeting of the session. He shall direct the discussions in plenary meetings, and at such meetings ensure observance of these Rules, accord the right to speak, put questions, and announce decisions. He shall rule on points of order and, subject to these Rules, shall have complete control over the proceedings at any meeting.

2. In the absence of the Chairman during a plenary meeting or any part thereof, one of the Vice-Chairmen shall preside. A Vice-Chairman acting as Chairman shall have the same powers and duties as the Chairman.

3. The Chairman, or a Vice-Chairman acting as Chairman, shall not vote, but may appoint another member of his delegation to act as the representative of his government in the Conference.

Rule X
General Committee
1. The General Committee of the Conference shall consist of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference and seven delegates elected by the Conference under Rule VIII. The Chairman of the Conference shall be the Chairman of the Committee.

2. In addition to exercising such duties as are specified elsewhere in these Rules, the General Committee shall, in consultation with the Director-General and subject to any decision of the Conference,

(a) arrange the time and place of all plenary meetings and of all meetings of commissions and committees established at plenary meetings during the session;

(b) determine the order of business at each plenary meeting of the session;

(c) propose the allocation to the different commissions of the various items of the agenda and propose the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the commissions;

(d) coordinate the work of all commissions and committees established at plenary meetings during the session;

(e) report on any additions to the agenda proposed during the session;

(f) fix the date of adjournment of the session; and

(g) otherwise facilitate the orderly dispatch of the business of the session.

Rule XI
Procedure at Plenary Meetings
1. Formal proposals relating to items on the agenda may be introduced at plenary meetings up to the date on which all items on the agenda have been allocated to commissions or until seven days after the opening of the session, whichever date is the earlier.

2. All such proposals shall be referred to the commissions to which the item on the agenda has been allocated. Thereafter all proposals relating to items on the agenda must be raised in the first instance in the commission to which the item has been allocated or in an appropriate committee of that commission.

3. All resolutions, amendments, and substantive motions for plenary meetings must be introduced in writing and handed to the Chairman of the Conference. Copies shall be distributed to delegates as soon as possible.

4. The reports of all commissions and committees established to consider items of the agenda of any session shall, before being submitted at a plenary meeting for final decision thereon at that session of the Conference, be referred to the General Committee for coordination and editing. Such reports, including draft resolutions, shall, after being passed by the General Committee, be circulated, in so far as is practicable, at least 24 hours in advance of the plenary meeting at which they are to be considered.

Rule XII
Quorum and Voting Arrangements at Plenary Meetings
1. Except as otherwise provided by these Rules, the presence of delegates representing a simple majority of Members of the Organization shall constitute a quorum.

2. When any delegate is unable to attend any plenary meeting, his place may be taken by another member of his delegation designated by him. Except by permission of the Chairman, not more than one member of a delegation shall speak at the same plenary meeting.

3. Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution or by these Rules, all decisions in a plenary meeting may be carried by an affirmative majority of the votes cast.

4. Voting in plenary meetings shall be oral or by show of hands except that a vote by roll call shall be taken if a special majority is required by the Constitution, or these Rules, or if a request for a vote by roll call is made by at least five delegates.

5. Voting by roll call shall be conducted by calling upon delegates in the alphabetical order of the Member governments which they represent.

6. The of each delegate participating in any vote by roll call shall be recorded in the verbatim report of the meeting.

7. On decisions relating to individuals, a secret vote shall be taken if the Chairman of the Conference should so decide, or when at least five delegates demand a secret vote.

Commissions of the Conference
1. The Conference shall set up at each session such commissions as it may consider desirable and, after consideration of the recommendations of the General Committee, shall allocate to these commissions the various items on its agenda.

2. The Conference shall, after consideration of the recommendations of the General Committee, elect a chairman and one or more vice-chairmen for each commission.

3. Each delegate shall be entitled to sit or be represented by another member of his delegation on each such commission and may be accompanied at meetings by one or more members of his delegation who may speak but shall not vote.

4. The chairman of each commission shall have in relation to meetings of his commission the same powers as the Chairman of the Conference has in relation to meetings of the Conference.

5. Decisions in each commission shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast and the chairman shall decide whether sufficient members are present to constitute a quorum. No delegate shall have more than one vote.

6. Meetings of commissions shall be held in public unless the commission concerned decides otherwise.

7. Subject to any decision of the commission. the Director-General shall make arrangements for the admission of the public, and of representatives of the press and other information agencies, to meetings of commissions.

Rule XIV
Committees of Commissions
1. Any commission may set up such committees as it considers necessary.

2. The chairman and members of each such committee shall be appointed by the commission concerned upon the recommendation of its chairman. A member of a committee who is unable to be present at any meeting may be represented by another member of his delegation.

3. The chairman of each committee shall have in relation to meetings of his committee the same powers as the Chairman of the Conference has in relation to meetings of the Conference.

4. Decisions of each committee shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast and the chairman shall decide whether sufficient members are present to constitute a quorum. No member of a committee shall have more than one vote.

5. Meetings of committees shall be held in private unless otherwise determined by the appropriate commission.

Rule XV
Other Committees of the Conference
1. The Conference may appoint, or authorize the appointment of, any temporary or special committee which it deems necessary.
Rule XVI
Provisions Relating to Committees of the
1. The chairmen of the Nominations and Credentials committees and of all committees set up by the Conference under Rule X)' shall be elected by the committees concerned.

2. The chairman of each of these committees and of the General Committee shall have in relation to meetings of his committee the same powers as the Chairman of the Conference has in relation to meetings of the Conference.

3. Decisions at each committee referred to in paragraph 2 above shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast and the chairman shall decide whether sufficient members are present to constitute a quorum. No member of any such committee shall have more than one vote but may, if he is unable to be present at any meeting, be represented by another member of his delegation.

4. Meetings of committees referred to in paragraphs l and 2 above shall be held in private unless otherwise determined by the Conference.

1. Any commission or any committee referred to in any of the preceding Rules may on the proposal of its chairman appoint from among its members one or more rapporteurs as required.
Participation of Public International Organizations
1. Unless the Conference expressly determines otherwise, the representatives of participating public international organizations, together with their advisers and assistants, may attend the plenary meetings of the Conference and the meetings of any commission and of any committee of a commission established under the provisions of Rule XIV, and may be invited to take part in the discussions. Such representatives may also attend meetings of committees appointed under Rule XV if invited to do so by the committee concerned or by the body by which the committee was set up.
Rule XIX
Record of Proceedings
1. Verbatim records shall be made of all plenary meetings and of meetings of commissions. Summary minutes shall be made of the proceedings of the General Committee, of committees of commissions, and of committees under Rule XV. Unless otherwise expressly decided by the committee concerned, no record shall be made of the proceedings of the Nominations Committee or the Credentials Committee other than the report presented by the committee to the Conference.

2. The verbatim records, minutes, and reports referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Rule shall be circulated as soon as possible to members of delegations who participated in the meeting concerned in order to give them the opportunity to suggest corrections to the Secretariat.

3. As soon as possible after the end of the session copies of all verbatim records, minutes, and reports, including the text of all resolutions, recommendations, conventions, and- other formal decisions adopted by the Conference, shall be transmitted by the Director-General to Member governments.

4. The verbatim records of all plenary meetings and of meetings of commissions held in public shall be published. Reports of commissions and of committees shall also be published if, and in such manner as, the General Committee shall determine.

5. The Director-General may issue for the convenience of all members of delegations in the form of a daily journal of the session such summary account of the proceedings of plenary meetings, commissions, and committees as he may consider practicable.

Rule XX
Admission of New Members
1. Applications for admission to the Organization shall be addressed to the Director-General and shall be transmitted immediately by him to Member governments.

2. Any such application shall be placed on the agenda of the next session which opens not less than 90 days from the receipt of the application.

3. Any decision by the Conference to accept an application shall be accompanied by a determination of the proportionate share of the expenses to be paid by the applicant.

4. The Director-General shall communicate to the government applying for membership the decisions referred to in paragraph 3 above. Such government may then deposit with the Director-General an instrument accepting the Constitution of the Organization and shall become a Member from the date of such deposit.

Rule XXI
Budget and Finance
1. The Conference shall at each regular session:
(a) adopt the budget authorizing expenditure for the next financial year;

(b) examine the annual accounts of receipts and expenditure for the past financial year;

(c) consider the report of the Director-General on the payment of contributions during the current year; and

(d) on the recommendation of the Committee on Financial Control, or on the request of any Member government transmitted to the Director-General not later than 90 days before the opening of the session, review the apportionment of the contributions of Member governments.

2. The Financial Regulations of the Organization are set forth in Annex I to these Rules. Save in so far as there is an express provision to the contrary in the Financial Regulations, the procedure for the consideration of financial matters shall be governed by the present Rules.
Recommendations and Conventions
1. In order to secure proper consultation with Member governments in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 4 (a), of the Constitution, the procedure below should be followed:
(a) Member governments shall receive from the Director-General due notice of the intention of the Organization to propose that any particular matter should become the subject of a recommendation or convention under paragraphs 2 and 3, respectively, of Article IV of the Constitution.

(b) Member governments shall be invited by the Director-General to supply information and to make representations if desired relating to the matter under reference.

(c) Member governments shall be provided by the Director-General with an opportunity to study and if desired to comment on reports prepared by the Organization in connection with the matter prior to their consideration by the Conference.

2. The Conference, before proceeding to a vote on a proposal for a recommendation or convention, shall be in possession of the report by the Director-General as provided for in Article III, paragraph 3, of the Constitution and of any comments which may have been received from governments or from the Executive Committee.

3. Recommendations and conventions which the Conference may have submitted to Member governments as provided for by paragraphs 2 and 3, respectively, of Article IV of the Constitution, shall have effect as each such recommendation or convention may provide, subject to the following:

(a) The receipt of the official text of a recommendation or convention shall constitute due notice to each Member government concerned that its consideration thereof is invited with a view to implementation by national action or acceptance by the appropriate constitutional procedure, as the case may be.

(b) Each Member government concerned shall communicate its acceptance of a convention to the Director-General who shall promptly inform the other Member governments.

4. Whenever a convention has come into force as provided by its terms, or when amendments to a convention have become operative in accordance with its terms, or a convention has ceased to be in force, the Director-General shall report in each case to the Conference at the next regular session.
Amendment of the Constitution
1. Proposals for the amendment of the Constitution under Article XX of the Constitution may be made either by the Executive Committee or by a Member government in a communication addressed to the Director-General. The Director-General shall immediately inform all Member governments of all proposals for amendments.

2. No proposal for the amendment of the Constitution shall be included in the agenda of any session unless notice thereof has been given by the Director-General to Member governments at least 120 days before the opening of the session.

Appointment of the Executive Committee
1. The number of the members of the Executive Committee shall be fifteen.

2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed for a term of three years, provided that

(a) a proportion of the appointments made when the Committee is first constituted may be for such lesser terms as the Conference may decide, and

(b) an appointment to fill a vacancy due to the retirement or death of a member during the period of his appointment shall be for the residue of the uncompleted term.

3. The Conference shall, at each regular session, fill all vacancies on the Executive Committee, having regard to the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article V of the Constitution, and after considering names submitted by the General Committee.

4. Retiring and past members of the Committee shall be eligible for reappointment.

Rule XXV
Proceedings of the Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee shall be convened and shall conduct its proceedings in accordance with such rules as it may prescribe under Article V, paragraph 5, of the Constitution. The Executive Committee shall however meet at regular intervals not exceeding six months and shall invite the participation of a representative of any Member government of the Organization at meetings of the Committee at which any specific question directly affecting such Member government is to be considered. No such representative shall be entitled to vote.
Functions of the Executive Committee
1. Included among the powers and duties of the Executive Committee under paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of Article V of the Constitution shall be the following:
(a) to advise the Director-General on matters of policy and administration and to exercise the general supervision provided for in Rule XXIX, paragraph 1;

(b) to exercise the functions of the Committee on Financial Control as provided by Annex I to these Rules of Procedure;

(c) to consider and approve the proposals of the Director-General with regard to
(i) scale of salaries and conditions of recruitment and service of the staff,

(ii) general staff regulations,

(iii) general structure of the technical and administrative services of the Organization;

(d) on the recommendation of the Director-General, to establish standing committees in any specified field of work or for any specified regional area and appoint other committees as provided by Article VI, paragraph 1, of the Constitution, and to appoint the members of such committees;

(c) on the advice of the Director-General, to authorize him to convene general, technical, regional, or other special conferences and arrange for representation thereat as provided by Article VI, paragraph 2, of the Constitution;

(f) subject to confirmation by the Conference at the next session, to enter into agree. meets with other public international organizations as provided by Article XII, paragraph 1. of the Constitution;

(g) to determine on the advice of the Director-General the times at, and the forms in which, the progress reports referred to in Article XI, paragraph 2, of the Constitution shall be made and the particulars which they shall contain;

(h) to propose to the Conference nominations for the members of the Nominations Committee of the Conference.

Technical and Regional Standing Committees of the Organization
1. The Director-General may recommend to the Executive Committee the establishment of standing committees as provided for under Rule XXVI, paragraph 1 (d). If such recommendation is approved by the Executive Committee, the Director-General may submit nominations for appointment to membership on such standing committees.

2. The members of all such standing committees of the Organization shall be appointed in their personal capacity and not as representatives of their respective governments, and shall be selected for their scientific, administrative, or other technical competence in the field of work of the committee concerned.

3. The term of office of members of all such standing committees shall not exceed three years, but shall be renewable.

4. Vacancies in the membership of all such standing committees created by reason of the expiration of the term of members shall be filled in the same manner as provided for the original appointments.

5. Upon the death or retirement of any member of any such standing committee during the period of his appointment, the Executive Committee may, after consideration of the Director-General nomination, make an appointment to fill the vacancy.

Appointment of the Director-General
1. In pursuance of Article VII, paragraph 1, of the Constitution. the Director-General of the Organization shall be appointed under the following conditions:
(a) Whenever the office of Director-General is vacant, or notice is received of a pending vacancy, the appointment of a new Director-General shall be placed on the agenda of the next session of the Conference which opens not less than 90 days from the occurrence or notice of the pending vacancy. Before, however, the appointment is considered in a plenary meeting, the General Committee shall submit a nomination (or nominations).

(b) The terms and conditions of appointment of the Director-General, including the salary and other emoluments attached to the office, shall be determined by the Conference on the occasion of each appointment, having regard to any recommendations submitted by the General Committee, and shall be embodied in a contract signed by the Director-General and by the Chairman of the Conference on behalf of the Organization.

2. The senior Deputy Director-General shall act as Director-General in any case where the Director-General is unable to act or in the case of a vacancy in the office of Director-General.
Functions of the Director-General
1. As provided by Article VII, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, the Director-General shall have full power authority to direct the of the Organization subject to the general supervision of the Conference and of its Executive Committee and in accordance with these Rules and the Financial Regulations annexed thereto. The Director-General is the executive officer of the Organization and as such shall carry out the decisions of the Conference and Executive Committee and shall act on behalf of the Organization in all its transactions.

2. In particular, the Director-General shall, in accordance with these Rules and the Financial Regulations.

(a) collaborate with and assist the Executive Committee and the Committee on Financial Control and such other committees as may be set up from time to time;

(b) be responsible for the internal administration of the Organization and for the appointment and discipline of the staff;

(c) convene the Conference in regular or special session;

(d) present a report at each regular session on the work of the Organization;

(e) provide and direct the secretarial and other staff required by the Conference;

(f) carry out the duties with regard to recommendations and conventions laid down in the present Rules;

(g) receive applications for admission to the Organization;

(h) prepare and submit the draft annual budget of the Organization;

(i) prepare and submit the annual accounts of the Organization;

(j) request and receive payment of contributions of Member governments and report thereon;

(k) conduct the relations of the Organization with other public international organizations; and

(l) perform such other duties as are provided for in the present Rules or any other rules and regulations from time to time in force.

Rule XXX
Consultation by the Director-General with Governments under Article IV Paragraph 4 (b), of the Constitution
1. In order to secure proper consultation with governments under Article IV, paragraph 4 (4), of the Constitution, the procedure, in general, shall be that the Director-General shall not establish formal or official relations with nationals or national institutions without consulting the Member government concerned in advance.
Provisions Relating to Staff
1. The staff of the Organization shall be appointed by the Director-General having regard to Article VIII, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, selection and compensation being made without regard to race, nationality, creed, or sex. The terms and conditions of their appointment shall be fixed in contracts concluded between the Director-General and each member of the staff. Appointment to the posts of Deputy Directors-General, which shall not number more than three, shall be made by the Director-General, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee.

2. The Director-General shall submit proposals to the Executive Committee on the scale of salaries and conditions of recruitment and service of the staff, and on the general structure of the administrative and technical services of the Organization. He shall, in so far as may be feasible, arrange for public announcements of staff vacancies and shall fill vacancies in accordance with such competitive methods of selection as he may consider most suitable for various types of appointment.

3. The Director-General, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall promulgate such general staff regulations as may be necessary, including the requirement of a declaration of loyalty to the Organization.

4. Except as provided in paragraph 1 of this Rule, the Director-General shall act in his unfettered judgment in appointing, assigning, and promoting staff personnel, and shall not be bound to accept advice or requests from any other source.

5. The Director-General shall have disciplinary control over the members of the staff including the power of dismissal, except that in the case of any Deputy Director-General the approval of the Executive Committee must be obtained for dismissal.

6. The Director-General shall submit for the approval of the Executive Committee provisions for the establishment of an administrative tribunal for the decision of disputes between the Organization and members of its staff relating to their employment and for the reference to this tribunal of such disputes.

Seat of the Organization
1. The seat of the Organization shall be situated at the same place as the headquarters of the United Nations organization. Pending a decision regarding the headquarters of UNO, the headquarters of the Organization shall be in Washington.

Note: It is assumed that the headquarters of the United Nations organization will include the headquarters of the Economic and Social Council, that part of the United Nations organization with which the Food and Agriculture Organization will be most closely associated.

Suspension and Amendment of Rules
1. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, any of the foregoing Rules other than Rule XXIII may be suspended by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at any plenary meeting of the Conference, provided that notice of the intention to propose the suspension has been communicated to the delegates not less than 24 hours before the meeting at which the proposal is to be made.

2. Amendments of, or additions to, these Rules may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at any plenary meeting of the Conference, provided that the intention to propose the amendment or addition has been communicated to the delegates not less than 24 hours before the meeting at which the proposal is to be considered, and provided further that the Conference has received and considered a report on the proposal by an appropriate committee.

3. The Executive Committee may propose amendments and additions to these Rules and any such proposals may be considered at the next session of the Conference.

4. Any amendment to Rule XXIII which may be adopted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of the present Rule shall not become effective until the next session of the Conference.
