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II. Introduction

A. Ninth McDougall memorial lecture
B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen awards for 1974 and 1975
C. Commemoration of the centenary of the birth of André Mayer
D. Vote of thanks to Dr. A.H. Boerma
E. Tribute to senior FAO officers
F. In memoriam

A. Ninth McDougall memorial lecture

1. The Ninth in the series of lectures at regular Conference sessions in memory of Frank Lidgett McDougall, a founding father of the Organization, wee delivered by Mme Simone Veil, Minister of Health of France.

B. Presentation of the B.R. Sen awards for 1974 and 1975

2. The Chairman of the Conference presented the B.R. Sen Award for 1974 to K. Sargent (United Kingdom). He was Project Manager from 1968 to mid-1975 of the Forestry Department Project in Malaysia, where he led a team which pioneered new techniques in the inventory of tropical forests, and in planning of wood-based industrial development. The B.R. Sen Award for 1975 was presented to J. Carvalho Santiago (Portugal). He worked as Plant Pathologist in the UNDP/FAO Project "Increase and Development of Wheat Production" in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and introduced many institutional as well as technical improvements. In fact, the Passo Fundo Station became the National Wheat Research Centre for Brazil.

C. Commemoration of the centenary of the birth of André Mayer

3. Professor M. Cépède (France) addressed the Conference on the Centenary of the Birth of André Mayer.

D. Vote of thanks to Dr. A.H. Boerma

4. In recognition of Dr. Boerma's services in the field of agriculture and his lifelong dedication to the aims and ideals of FAO, the Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 1/75



Appreciating the eminent services rendered by Dr. A.H. Boerma to the Organization in various capacities for nearly three decades,

Recognizing especially 0a able leadership as Director-General during the period since January 1968, in the course of which the Organization wee faced with global food problems of unprecedented magnitude,

Recalling that during Dr. Boerma's mandate FAO has taken a series of important steps toward solving those problems, as exemplified in the Organization's initiatives to achieve World Food Security and International Agricultural Adjustment,

Convinced that the example he has set as an outstanding international civil servant will continue to inspire all those who endeavour to further the alma of the Organization,

1. Expresses its deep gratitude to Dr. Boerma and wishes him a long and happy retirement;

2. Decides to institute a new permanent activity in FAO as a continuing tribute to Dr. Boerma for his services to the Organization;

3. Requests the Council to choose and initiate such an activity, and to report to the next Conference on the action it has taken.

(Adopted 25 November 1975)

E. Tribute to senior FAO officers

5. The Conference paid tribute to those senior officers who would be ending their service with the Organization at the end of 1975.

Tribute to the Deceased Head of the Spanish State

6. The Conference observed a minute of silence on the occasion of the death of the Head of the Spanish State.

F. In memoriam

7. The Conference paid tribute to the staff members named below, who had died in the service of the Organization since its Seventeenth Session in November 1973:



Duty Station

Abdel Karim, M. (Sudan) Agricultural Planning Adviser, Policy Analysis Division Mogadiscio, Somalia
Armieri, D. (Italy) Offset Machine Operator, Publications Division Rome, Italy
Waddington, F. G. U.K.) Project Manager and Animal Health Officer Agricultural Operations Division Nairobi, Kenya
Aguirre de Cancer, F. (Spain) Translator/Reviser, Publications Division Rome, Italy
Castrioty, C. (Greece) Chief, Special Programmes Liaison Service Field Liaison Division Rome, Italy
Doty, R.C. (U.S.A.) Chief, Press Branch, Information Division Rome, Italy
Gamaliel Carrsaco-Jaramillo, C. (Chile) Senior Economist, Latin America Group, Policy Analysis Division Rome, Italy
Jevremovic, M. (Belgium) Agricultural Planning Economist, Regional Office for Africa Accra Ghana
Lofnes, S. (Norway) Masterfiaherman, Fisheries Department Mogadiscio Somalia
Mikaza, Miss C. Bujumbura, Burundi) Clerk-Stenographer, Fisheries Department Bujumbura, Burundi
Murphy, Miss W. (Ireland) Secretary, Field Liaison Division Rome, Italy
Ramsay, J.C. (U.K.) Senior Country Project Officer, Agricultural Operations Division Rome, Italy
Raffone, C. (Italy) Statistical Clerk, Commodities and Trade Division Rome, Italy
Sakoff, A. (stateless) Economist, Policy Analysis Division Rome, Italy
Spencer, F.M. (U.K ) Agricultural Officer, Agricultural Operations Division Jimma, Ethiopia
Bagnasco Borghi, Mrs. C. (Italy) Administrative Assistant, Administrative Services Division Rome, Italy
Chapot, H. (France) Agricultural. Officer, Agricultural Operations Division Rome, Italy
Contini, P. (U.S.A.) Legal Counsel Rome, Italy
Cosse, J.H.P. (Belgium) Forestry Officer (Afforestation) Forestry Department Amboyembe
De Angelis, I. (Italy) Offset Machine Operator, Publications Division Rome, Italy
De Jong, J.J. (Netherlands) Assistant to the FAO Regional Representative for Europe Regional Office for Europe Rome, Italy
Hogan, R.E. (U.K ) Animal Health Officer, Agricultural Operations Division Ankara, Turkey
Jensen, H.O. (Denmark) Dairy Technologist Agricultural Operations Division Beirut, Lebanon
Keely, Miss C. (Ireland) Secretary, Agricultural Operations Division Rome, Italy
Kitagawa, S. (Japan) Masterfisherman/Team Leader, Fisheries Department Busan, Korea
Miranda, O. (Bolivia) Animal Production Officer, Agricultural Operations Division Quito, Ecuador
Montenegro Matamaros, G. Cooperative and Credit Officer, Agricultural Operations Division Quito, (Ecuador)
Rosenãcker, K.G. (Germany) Associate Expert (Marketing) Regional Office for Asia and the Far East Bangkok, Thailand
Sandven, P. (Norway) Senior Project Operations Officer, Fisheries Department Rome, Italy


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