V. Activities and programmes of the organization
A. Programme of work and budget 1976-77
B. Review of field programmes including
FAO/UNDP cooperation
C. Medium term objectives
D. United Nations/FAO world food programme
E. Review of the recommendations the special
session of the UN general assembly devoted to development and
international economic cooperation (September 1975)
F. Relations with the world food council, the
Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment (CGFPI) and
the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
G. Other questions arising from discussions
in the united nations and other specialized agencies
H. Relations with intergovernmental and
international non-governmental organizations
A. Programme of work and budget 1976-77
Programme proposals: General
Credit to small farmers
Freedom from hunger campaign/Action for development
1980 World census of agriculture
National institutions
Proposed new posts and upgrading
Meetings, publications, documents and travel
Regular programme evaluation
Impact on regular programme of extra-budgetary activities
Additional lapse factor
Rate of exchange
Budget level
208. The Conference noted the intensive and prolonged efforts of the Director-General, the Council and the Programme and Finance Committees, which had gone into the preparation and presentation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1976-77, following the World Food Conference in November 1974.
209. The Conference welcomed the changes in presentation which were in accordance with its views and facilitated its discussion. A few delegates considered that without reverting to the original format, a functional presentation which placed the programmes and sub-programmes in the Annexes would permit a better assessment of the work of departments and divisions as well as the balance among the activities. It was noted that it had already been decided that the presentation should be reviewed in 1976, bearing in mind the move towards harmonization of presentation in the UN system and in particular the needs of FAO's Governing Bodies.
210. There was general agreement that the Programme of Work and Budget reflected the views of the Seventeenth Session of the Conference and of the Regional Conferences, as well as the recommendations of the World Food Conference, as regards the selection and balance of priorities.
211. In view of the world food situation and the relevant decisions of the Sixth and Seventh Special Sessions of the UN General Assembly, there was general agreement on the paramount importance of increasing food production in developing countries and recognition that a substantial increase in FAO's programme was essential, provided that the programme was concentrated on the critical problems facing Member Nations and carried out in an effective and efficient way. In this connexion, the Conference highlighted a number of inter-related issues concerning the means of action of the Organization.
212. There was broad consensus on the general content of the programme proposals and the selection of priorities, and a better balance between technical activities and those of an economic-social nature.
213. A number of activities were mentioned as deserving more attention. In this connexion, particular reference was made to animal husbandry, fisheries and forestry activities, including their complementary role with agriculture in such fields as nutrition, credit, marketing, etc.
214. Strong support was given to such activities as agricultural development planning, integrated rural development, animal health, in particular African animal trypanosomiasis, training at middle and lower levels, the 1980 World Census of Agriculture programme and agricultural extension.
215. Support was also expressed for the proposed activities in meat and milk, animal and plant genetics, soil management and fertilizer use, remote sensing, nutrition and home economics, cooperatives, the Global Information and Early Warning System, statistics, commodities, small farmer development, promotion of agrarian reform and country perspective studies.
216. In general, it was felt that adequate emphasis should be given to activities having a more immediate impact on food production in developing countries taking into account that such activities should be carried out within the framework of short, medium and long-term strategies, which in addition to identifying the present obstacles to production growth, would indicate the priority measures to remove them. Some delegates felt that in its present format the Programme of Work and Budget was too rigid and it would be desirable to build into the programmes and sub-programmes a small amount of funds for direct assistance to countries in need of urgent technical advice, limited amounts of inputs (seeds, etc.) and small equipment.
217. It was recognized that the provisions for the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme was restricted to one year only since the Commission on Fertilizers would in 1976 review the world fertilizer situation, including supply, demand and the position regarding aid, and discuss the desirability of continuing the Scheme. Many delegates felt that provision should be made to allow for the Scheme's continuation, if deemed desirable in the light of conditions existing at the end of 1976.
218. The Conference stressed the importance of restoring the originally proposed provision of $ 875 000 for investment activities in the Regional Office for the Near East in addition to the related activities in the Investment Centre.
219. The Conference noted the recommendations of the World Conference on Credit for Farmers in Developing Countries (Rome, 14-21 October 1975) It endorsed the proposal to consider the establishment of an international scheme for agricultural credit development, approved the convening by the Director-General of an ad hoc consultation for this purpose, within existing resources, and requested the Council end its subsidiary bodice to follow up the implementation of these proposals.
220. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Convinced that the rapid increase in food and agriculture production recommended by the World Food Conference can only be achieved through the increased involvement of farmers (especially of small farmers) in the development process, through policies of rural development which would permit participation of farmers in accordance with national development plans and programmes,
Reiterating its conviction that financial institutions, more particularly central banks, agricultural and cooperative banks and commercial banks, have a crucial role to play in achieving farmers' participation in the development process, and that credit, in conjunction with input supplies, marketing and extension, has an essential role in agricultural development,
Commending the initiative taken by FAO in convening the World Conference on Agricultural Credit in October 1975, and the high recognition it has received from representatives of Member Governments and financial institutions, as indicative of their interest in participating with FAO in credit development programmes,
Taking note of the constructive conclusions and recommendations of the said Conference, and in particular their stress on the need to build up and strengthen national services so that greater numbers of farmers, especially small farmers, irrespective of sex, can receive institutional credit.
Convinced of the usefulness of arrangements for the international monitoring and coordination of efforts to improve credit services to farmers,
2. that Member Governments and international agencies should make greater use of national credit institutions as channels for international assistance and strengthen the capacity of these institutions to absorb increased funds for agricultural development in general and food production in particular;
3. that, in order to ensure optimum use of limited resources, Member Governments should promote better coordination between government ministries and cervices, especially extension, input supply and marketing on the one hand and credit agencies on the other, and should promote increased involvement of credit agencies in the planning and implementation of development programmes;
4. that FAO should actively promote and encourage training programmes to strengthen national credit institutions;
5. that FAO should give full support to, and assist in, the setting up of regional agricultural credit associations in accordance with national priorities of the countries concerned for the better exchange of information and experience, and assist in convening the respective first meetings of the regional associations, as recommended by the World Agricultural Credit Conference;
6. that FAO should monitor the development of adequate credit arrangements to serve farmers of developing countries and report on this to the Council and to the Economic and Social Council of the UN in the 1978-79 biennium;
7. that governments, other interested bodies and FAO should consider the 'scheme for agricultural credit development' (SACRED) as recommended by the World Agricultural Credit Conference, and to that end FAO should convene an ad hoc meeting of the interested parties including two representatives from each region, and a representation from donor agencies; this meeting to be held provisionally in April 1976 and its report submitted to the Council.
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
Freedom from hunger campaign/Action for development
221. The Conference recalled Resolution 41/69 which requested the Council to undertake a detailed review of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign/Action for Development in time to allow the Eighteenth Session of the Conference to advise the Director-General on its orientation during the second half of the Second United Nations Development Decade.
222. The Conference noted the recommendations of the Expert Consultation convened by the Director-General and the Director-General's comments and proposals which had been endorsed by the Sixth FFHC/AD Conference (Rome, September 1975) and subsequently by the Programme Committee and the Council.
223. The Conference endorsed the decision of the Council concerting the future orientation and structure of FFHC/AD and also agreed with the Director-General's proposal to move the Office of the Coordinator FFHC/AD from the Director-General's office to the Development Department.
1980 World census of agriculture
224. The Conference welcomed the Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture and noted the emphasis laid on the role of the Census in the development of national integrated systems of food and agricultural statistics on a continuing basis. The Conference approved the programme and stressed the importance of early preparations for the next round of agricultural censuses by Member Nations and the need for technical assistance to developing countries, including assistance in data processing. The Conference recognized that it was not practicable to include in the 1980 programme all the items of importance to any one particular country and noted that the programme left it open for countries to supplement the information to be collected to meet their own requirements.
225. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Reaffirming the recommendations of the Eighth and Thirteenth Sessions of the Conference on the importance of a decennial world census of agriculture for obtaining internationally comparable statistics, for establishing satisfactory bench marks for evaluating current national statistics, and for developing and improving agricultural statistical systems in countries where such are lacking or inadequate.
Emphasizing the fundamental role of the agricultural census in the national systems of food and agricultural statistics,
Realizing the need for establishing close links between the censuses of agriculture and of population, both in respect of identification of enumeration units and of collection of information on agricultural population and labour force,
Recalling the needs as expressed by the World Food Conference for strengthening the national systems of assembling and analysing timely information on current estimates and forecasts of the production of food crops,
Noting with satisfaction that the Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture has been finalized after taking into consideration the recommendations of the Statistics Advisory Committee of Experts and of FAO Regional Statutory Bodies in agricultural statistics,
1. Requests the Director-General to:
(a) take steps to encourage the widest possible participation of countries in the census of agriculture especially in the developing regions;
(b) provide technical assistance to countries to enable them to conduct the census and to process the census data;
(c) promote, in consultation with the United Nations and other interested international organizations, the fullest possible compatibility between the results of the agriculture and population censuses, particularly with respect to agricultural population;
(a) participate in the Programme for the 1980 World Census of Agriculture;
(b) start early their plans for participation;
(c) give high priority to the needs of the agricultural census when formulating their requests for technical assistance;
(d) develop their national long-term integrated systems of agricultural statistics of which the agricultural census is a key component.
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
226. The Conference endorsed the recommendations of the Conference on the Ecological Management of Arid and Semi-Arid Rangelands in Africa, the Near and Middle East (EMASAR) (Rome, 3-8 February 1975) and the proposal to establish an International EMASAR Programme, with a secretariat in FAO, to assist in the formulation, financing and implementation of national and sub-regional EMASAR programmes and projects.
227. As regards the proposal that the secretariat should be directly responsible to the Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department, it was noted that an acting coordinator had been appointed in the Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP). It wee suggested that the permanent secretariat should also be located in AGP so that it could be fully integrated with the technical staff in the Division. It was also suggested that between EMASAR conferences the activities of the programme should be overseen by a special body, along the lines of the Desert Locust Control Committee, and that full scale EMASAR conferences should not be held more than every four or five years.
228. The urgency of the EMASAR programme for the Sahelian countries was stressed in order to combat desertification in the Sahel zone and the bordering low rainfall areas, especially by controlling bush fires. Since cattle-raising was an important activity in the Sahel, the EMASAR programme should also aim at integrating farming with rangeland improvement. India and Nigeria also expressed interest in participating in the programme.
229. The Conference recognized that the success of the programme would be dependent on the commitment to its implementation of the governments concerned. Stress was also laid on the primary importance of the programme's training component.
230. The Conference adopted the following resolution:
Recalling that the UN General Assembly by Resolution 3337 (XXIX) on International cooperation to combat desertification' decided, as a matter of priority, to initiate concerted international action to struggle against encroachment of deserts, and to convene in 1977 a United Nations Conference on desertification to give impetus to the international action to combat it,
Noting that the management of arid and semi-arid rangelands and rangelands associated with them deserves higher priority and emphasis in national, regional and international development programmes and management programmes,
Recognizing that these lands support the majority of the livestock population in Africa, the Near and Middle East, and are the provider of low-cost meat and other animal products of these regions,
Emphasizing that recent droughts have shown the need to direct more and longer-term attention and efforts to native grazing areas,
Endorsing the conclusions and recommendations of the EMASAR Conference (February 1975) as regards the seriousness of grazing-land problems in Africa, the Near and Middle East, and the need to establish an international programme such as EMASAR to conserve, rehabilitate and develop grazing resources.
Endorsing the establishment by FAO of a central EMASAR secretariat for the coordination of the Programme and teams of specialists in each sub-region,
2. Recommends that, in the context of combating desertification on a world-wide basis, FAO ensure the international coordination of field activities related to rational development and ecological management of specific categories of low rainfall areas, such as arid and semi-arid rangeland and others;
3. Recommends that the Director-General of FAO, with the approval of the governing bodice and the assistance of interested parties, take the necessary steps to create the technical advisory and financing mechanisms for the EMASAR programme;
4. Invites the Director-General to keep the Council informed of the progress made.
(Adopted 26 November 1975)
231. The Conference supported a policy of decentralization and welcomed the approach of the Council towards defining and elaborating this policy. It considered that decentralization was necessary in order to transform FAO into a more effective and efficient agent for development. Several delegates stressed that decentralization could only be successfully achieved on a step-by-step basis, but it could be even more dynamic if each activity were examined on its merits and account were taken of the experience of other international organizations and developments in the UN System.
232. It was generally agreed that decentralization should not weaken FAO's global role and functions, and integrity, as the international organization for food and agriculture.
233. It was generally agreed that the proposals for decentralization in the Programme of Work and Budget, which concerned mainly the Regional Offices, were only a first step in the process. A large number of delegates considered that further decentralization was desirable to both the regional and the country levels, and that the links between regional and country offices should be strengthened. It was in this context in particular that the desirability of increased use of national institutions was emphasized.
234. With respect to the Regional Offices, several delegates felt that decentralization should include the strengthening of the authority and responsibility of Regional Representatives and of the constitutional authority of the Regional Conferences so that they would have greater responsibility in the preparation and implementation of the programme in their respective regions. Some delegates pointed out that the European Regional Office played an important role within the framework of FAO's activities, including assistance to developing countries, but that the programme and budget proposals for this Office were considerably lower than for other Regional Offices.
235. With respect to decentralization to the country level, a crucial issue was the statue, role and functions of the FAO Country Representatives. Many delegates considered that the agreement with UNDP should be reviewed with a view to distinguishing better and strengthening the responsibility of these offices for FAO's Regular Programme under the authority of the Director-General. Some delegates felt that the Country Representatives should as soon as possible be placed fully under the authority of the Director-General and wholly paid for by FAO: their numbers and offices in the countries should also be increased. Other delegates however were satisfied with the present system of Joint UNDP/FAO funding.
236. In this connexion, there was general agreement that decentralization should be considered as a means of increasing the impact and the efficiency of the Organization in developing countries. While some felt it should not result in increasing staff numbers, particularly at Headquarters, others felt that strengthening might be required in order to achieve the desired impact, particularly at the country level.
237. A number of delegates also felt that both regional and country offices should play a stronger role in formulating and implementing field programmes, collaborating more closely inter alia with regional development banks.
238. It was generally agreed that the issues involved in decentralization were manifold and complex and merited very careful study of various aspects and issues, including phasing within a given time-frame, which had been recommended by the Council. It wee moreover felt that the Director-General required time to consider 0a own views on decentralization in relation to the complete deliberations of the Conference on various issues.
239. The Conference noted the strong views of the Council concerning the adoption of the policy of greater use of national institutions, particularly those in developing countries, to carry out the Regular Programme as well as field projects in view of the various benefits which would result.
240. The greater use of national institutions wee considered by many to be an important aspect of decentralization to the country level and that it would also help further to develop the capacities and competence of national institutions in developing countries. It wee also pointed out that use of national institutions could help promote integration of the field and Regular Programmes at the country level. In this connexion many delegates stressed the need to increase training activities in order to assist national institutions to develop their capacity.
241. It was also felt that the use of national institutions could be an important aspect of the transfer of science and technology, and in this connexion it was noted that national institutions of developed and developing countries in Europe were already participating extensively in research networks in cooperation with the Regional Office for Europe. It wee suggested that this experience could be of help to other regions.
242. It wee felt by many that the use of national institutions wee preferable to increase in the staff establishment, but some considered that it might not be as economical or efficient as the use of staff and consultants.
243. It was generally agreed that the Organization should make every effort to expand the use of national institutions, particularly those from developing countries. It was also felt that twinning or other arrangements could be made to ensure the collaboration and participation of national institutions in Regular Programme activities. Several delegates suggested earmarking certain amounts of the programme increases for this purpose, to serve as an incentive for the positive implementation of the policy. Others felt that earmarking of funds would be premature at this stage and suggested that it would be sufficient to set an indicative target. Still others felt, however, that as a matter of principle as well as practice, the funds available within the sub-programme should be retained therein in order to preserve the programme priorities established in the sub-programmes.
244. The Conference accordingly endorsed the policy of greater use of national institutions. Bearing in mind the various views expressed and the need to give the Director-General the necessary flexibility in relation to other policies, it requested the Director-General to take into account the policy endorsed by the Conference in formulating 0a proposals ant in stressing the need for close supervision by the Governing Bodies, to consult the Programme and Finance Committees and the Council, as necessary, on implementation.
Proposed new posts and upgrading
245. The Conference expressed considerable concern with the number and grading of new posts proposed (200 Professionals and 278 General Service Posts, of which 120 and 171 respectively were at Headquarters and 80 and 107 in the Regional Offices).
246. The Conference noted that the proportion of new posse to new expenditure was unprecedentedly low - 44 percent as compared with the normal 75-80 percent - and that proportionately the increases in the Regional Offices were very much higher than in Headquarters. Nevertheless, it considered that while new activities might justify new posts, especially in the higher grades, the expansion of existing activities should not in all cases require this. A few delegates requested that the earlier-proposed poet in the Joint ECE/FAO Timber Division in Geneva should be restored. The Conference felt that while it wee important for the Organization to engage in new activities, it was equally important to terminate programmes when circumstances changed.
247. Furthermore, there was doubt about the capacity of the Organization to absorb so many new posse in one biennium and the administrative burden involved. Many delegates also stressed the need to achieve a proper geographical balance in recruitment, not only overall but also in the higher and policy grades, particularly as regards the developing countries.
Professional |
General Services |
Total |
Headquarters and Regional Offices, etc. | 974 | 1 604 | 2 578 |
Field | 3 449 | 2 955 | 494 |
Other (e.g. posts funded by Trust Funds and Associate Experts ant Consultants) | 582 | 818 | 1 400 |
TOTAL | 4 511 | 2 916 | 7 427 |
248. Many delegates considered that the 41 Agency Costs proposed
for transfer to the Regular Programme should be absorbed within
the total of 478 new posts or deferred for later consideration.
249. It was agreed that the Director-General should conduct a further review of the proposed new posts and upgradings in the light of the opinions expressed during the Conference as well as of other issues to be considered by the Programme and Finance Committees and the Council.
Meetings, publications, documents and travel
250. The Conference considered that care should be taken to reduce the burden on Member Governments, as well as the Secretariat, involved in the growing number and duration of meetings and the amount of documentation. It was stressed that there was room for economies and that savings could be used instead for activities-which more directly benefited developing countries, including the use of national institutions.
251. Some delegates suggested considerable cuts in publications, documents and meetings. Others thought, however, that while economy was essential, there was a need for distinguishing between valuable publications and ephemeral documents and between different types of meetings, some of which were valuable mechanisms for inter-governmental communication and dissemination of scientific and technical information. It was also noted that the use of national institutions would in many cases involve meetings of a technical nature carried out by them or under their auspices and that the end result would often involve publications or documentation.
252. A number of delegates expressed some concern about the large increase for travel. Others recognized however that a large increase in programme activities, particularly in the Regional Offices, inevitably involved a considerable increase. Some other delegates however felt that decentralization would result in less travel from Headquarters and thus not require such a large increase.
253. The Conference noted that the report of the UN Joint Inspection Unit on travel in FAO while making a number of remarks on the execution of missions by officials of the Organization, nevertheless commended its initiatives in travel control. The Conference requested the Director-General to exercise strict travel control and as far as possible achieve greater economies.
254. A number of delegates welcomed the statement in the document on medium-term objectives concerning steps towards devising and introducing a suitable system of evaluation of Regular Programme activities, so that lessons could be learned as to which activities and means of their implementation were most effective in serving the needs of Member Nations, particularly the developing countries.
Impact on regular programme of extra-budgetary activities
255. In connexion with consideration of the proposed transfer of 41 posts from Agency costs to the Regular Programme, it wee generally felt that while this might be justified, the entire problem, including its origin and questions regarding posts and priorities, had never been properly presented to the Governing Bodies of FAO. A policy paper from the Director-General wee called for.
256. It was agreed that the whole question of Agency Overhead Costs required consideration by the Governing Bodies with a view to deciding to what extent, and for what purposes, Regular Programme support should be given to extra-budgetary activities.
257. The Conference noted that the proposal to apply exceptionally an additional lapse factor of 25 per cent on new posts had originated in the concern about the capacity of the Organization to absorb the proposed large increase in new posts.
258. Some delegates were concerned that efforts to achieve the additional lapse factor overall would result in artificial distortions in the programmes of different organizational units .
259. More generally, there wee concern that there would be an imbalance of expenditures between the first and second year of the biennium, so that the rate' of expenditure in 1976 would be less, and the rate in 1977 would be considerably more, than half of the biennial total. Thus, by the end of 1977 the Organization would have incurred commitments for personnel which would result in a budget base of approximately $172 million, unless the number of posts continuing into the 1978-79 biennium were reduced.
260. The Conference approved the exceptional additional lapse factor, bearing in mind that all new posts would be classified as non-continuing and all personnel recruited for these posts would be on fixed-term contracts.
261. The Conference recognized that the decision on the dollar/lira rate at which to calculate the budget involved a Judgment as to the probable average rate over a biennium. (The average for 1974-75 had been approximately 650 fire to the US dollar as compared with the current daily rate of 676 fire to the US dollar). The selection of the rate therefore involved some risk which could not however be avoided.
262. In this connexion, it was noted that the proposed new Suspense Account of $2 million initially would be established, to be managed in accordance with Resolution 35/75.
263. The Conference decided that in all the circumstances the rate of 670 Italian fire to the US dollar should be adopted for calculation of the budget.
264. The Conference welcomed the initiative of the Independent Chairman of the Council in seeking a satisfactory solution in the Council to reconciling the programme level and budget level, i.e. at a level of $167 million at 670 fire to the US dollar. It recognized that this solution had been achieved after the most lengthy and thorough analysis of alternative proposals ever conducted by the Governing Bodies through no less than three sessions each of the Programme and Finance Committees and four sessions of the Council.
265. Some delegates felt nevertheless that the proposed increase could be reduced in a number of ways without serious effect on the quality of the programme by economic in such areas as posts, upgradings, meetings, publications, documents and travel as outlined above and considered that the Conference should request the Director-General to undertake such economies. In this connexion, reference was also made to the differential rates of expenditure resulting from the additional lapse factor and the desirability of slowing down the rate of increase in new expenditures so that the real budget level reaches by the end of 1977 would be $167 million.
266. On the ocher hand, a number of delegates considered that the proposed budget level was a minimum and that adjustments were necessary to take account of such important matters as the need to restore or Strengthen provision for investment activities in the Near East, the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme, credit, extension and other aspects of integrated rural development, and the SAAs/CRs.
267. There was also a widespread feeling that the Director-General should be given the opportunity and flexibility to work out his own proposals, within the proposed level of $167 million, on the structures and policies of the Organization, towards meeting as far as possible the various views of the Conference on such matters as the relationship of FAO with other bodies, steps towards decentralization and the use of 'rational institutions, and that the Director-General should submit proposals to a short additional session of the Council before July 1976.
268. Some delegates reserved their position on the application of certain UN General Assembly Resolutions to the changes which might be necessary. A few delegates felt that it was not necessary to arrange for an additional session of the Council before July 1976.
269. After lengthy discussion, a widespread consensus wee reached and the Conference adopted the following resolution:
Having considered the Director-General's Programme of Work and Budget and the conclusion reached by its Commissions,
Fully aware of the pressing needs of developing countries and of the seriousness of the world food crisis,
Acting in accordance with the Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order (Resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of the UN General Assembly), the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (Resolution 3381 (XXIX) of the General Assembly) and the resolution on Development and Economic Cooperation (Resolution 3362) of the Seventh Special Session of the General Assembly,
Anxious to consolidate the climate of constructive dialogue which has prevailed during its debates as well as in other international fore,
Conscious, at the same time, of the need to study further such fundamental issues as:
(b) the clear definition of FAO's relationships with the new UN and other relevant bodies which have recently been created or are in the process of being established and, when necessary, the adjustment of the terms of its cooperation with existing ones,
(c) steps towards appropriate decentralization and the use of national institutions, in particular in developing countries, for the implementation of FAO's programmes,
Resolves that, for the financial period 1976-77:
$ |
Chapter 1 - General Policy and Direction | 9 896 870 |
Chapter 2 - Technical and Economic Programes | 100 068 060 |
Chapter 3 - Field Programmes and Development Support | 13 807 500 |
Chapter 4 - Special Programmes | 3 279 960 |
Chapter 5 - General Programme Services | 10 498 980 |
Chapter 6 - General Support | 27 480 630 |
Chapter 7 - Miscellaneous Expenditure | 1 768 000 |
Chapter 8 - Contingencies | 200 000 |
Total effective working budget | 167 000 000 |
Chapter 9 - Transfer to Tax Equalization Fund | 25 700 000 |
Total Appropriations (Gross) | 192 700 000 |
3. In establishing the actual amounts of contributions to be paid by individual Member Nations, the assessment of each Member Nation shall be reduced by any amount standing to its credit in the Tax Equalization Fund; provided that the credit of a Member Nation that levies taxes on the salaries, emoluments and indemnities received from FAO by staff members shall be reduced by the estimated amounts of such taxes to be reimbursed to the staff member by FAO;
4. The contributions due from Member Nations in 1976 and 1977 shall be paid in accordance with the scale adopted by the Conference at its Eighteenth Session; which contributions, after the deduction of amounts standing to the credit of Member Nations in the Tax Equalization Fund, result in net amounts payable totaling US $164 030 000 as set out in Appendix D to this Report;
6. The Director-General, in accordance with Rule XXV-1 GRO and in consultation with the Independent Chairman and the Members of the Council, to convene a Session of the Council, to be held at a suitable date by July 1976;
7. The Council to decide, at that Session, on all necessary changes which require Council approval, on the basis of the proposals which may be formulated by the Director-General and within the limits of the above-mentioned ceiling of US$ 167 000 000.
(Adopted 27 November 1975)