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1. Introduction

1. This document presents proposals for a National Forestry Action Programme for Barbados. The proposals are based primarily on the findings and recommendations contained in the Main Report of the multidisciplinary Country Mission Team (CMT - see Appendix I) supported by FAO/ODA, which visited the island between 11th February and 15th March, 1991, as a result of a request made by the CARICOM Secretariat to FAO in 1989, on behalf of the various CARICOM Governments.

2. The aims and objectives of the mission were to identify the principle causes of deforestation in Barbados and to facilitate preparation of a 20-year forestry development plan for the country.

3. The exercise was carried out in close collaboration and with active participation of national counterparts from relevant agencies in the public and private sectors, and NGOs. (Appendix I).

4. Eight working papers were prepared (list at Appendix II) in which the Barbadian situation was analyzed according to the five priority areas of the TFAP). These reports were subsequently used to integrate the main report which forms the basis for the proposed Barbados NFAP. The main areas treated were as follows:

- Forestry in Land Use,
- Forest-based Industries Development,
- Fuelwood and Energy,
- Conservation of Forest Ecosystems,
- Institutions.

5. The Main Report which was prepared by the CMT, was presented to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries in May 1991, from where it was circulated to various agencies/organisations, private individuals and landowners, for study and comments.

6. The Report was considered and discussed at the National Round Table in July 1991, where the extent and focus of the NFAP exercise was determined. Modifications were therefore required to the CMT report and proposals to bring these more in keeping with economic, social and institutional requirements and realities of the country.

7. The NFAP programme proposed in this document is nested within the framework of the national development objectives. Its basic aims are focussed towards the establishment and management of a national forest area on Government and private lands to ensure conservation of soil and water resources, protection of forest ecosystems and production of wood and related products, and towards the generation of social and economic benefits for the community on a sustainable basis.

8. Achievement of these goals is conceived through a balanced strategy of study, conservation, development and utilization of land and forest resources in the context of the national and sector objectives.

9. The proposed NFAP for Barbados includes strategies to attract technical assistance and investment to optimise the potential contribution of forestry and a tree cover to sustainable social and economic development for the country. The NFAP is now being incorporated into the Agricultural Sector Development Plan for 1993-2000.

10. Reference should be made to the following documents, which complement this NFAP:

Regional Overview of the CARICOM/FAO Tropical Forests Action Programme in the East Caribbean. CARICOM/FAO/BDDC-ODA. July 1993 (includes a summary of proposed forestry development initiatives at the regional/sub-regional level - regional project proposals 01-05).

The Status of Mangrove Conservation in the CARICOM Islands of the Eastern Caribbean, Report to the Commission of the European Communities, as part of the TFAP for the Caribbean Region. P. Bacon, 1991.

Report on Forest Research - special report as part of the TFAP for the Caribbean Region. C. Buford Briscoe, 1991.

Map of the Caribbean Region showing the location of Barbados

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