National Forestry Action Programme - Barbados: Executive summary

Table of Contents



Main Report

Bridgetown, 1993

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Table of Contents

List of abbreviations

1. Introduction

2. Background information/ecology

2.1 Natural regions and ecosystems

3. Review of forestry sector

3.1 Role of forestry and trees in the national economy
3.2 Relevant development policies
3.3 Legislative and administrative framework
3.4 Constraints affecting the forestry subsector's development

4. Overview of priority areas

4.1 Forestry in land use

4.1.1 Land use distribution
4.1.2 Use of idle lands
4.1.3 Watershed management
4.1.4 Agroforestry
4.1.5 Forest management and silviculture

4.2 Forest-based industrial development
4.3 Fuelwood and energy
4.4 Conservation of forest ecosystems
4.5 Institutions

5. Plan of action

5.1 Relevant national development policies
5.2 Long-term subsector policy and objective
5.3 Medium-term priority area policies and projects
5.4 The national forestry action programme
5.5 Plan coordination and implementation

5.5.1 Coordination
5.5.2 Implementation

5.6 Immediate follow-up

6. Draft project profiles

6.1 Summary of NFAP budget by priority areas
6.2 Proposed implementation schedule
6.3 Project profiles

1.1 Forestry development and watershed management in the Scotland district
1.2. Promotion of agroforestry on idle and abandoned lands
2.0 Urban wood utilization
4.0 Establishment of a national parks
5.0 Country capacity for NFAP implementation


Appendix I

Appendix II: List of the reports of the CMT

Appendix III: Map of Barbados

Appendix IV: Recreation and Conservation Policies and Proposal