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5. Plan of action

5.1 Relevant national development policies
5.2 Long-term subsector policy and objective
5.3 Medium-term priority area policies and projects
5.4 The national forestry action programme
5.5 Plan coordination and implementation
5.6 Immediate follow-up

77. Based on the results and review of the Main Report and the working documents prepared by the CMT, a plan of action for the development of Barbados' forestry subsector was formulated under which a long-term policy is proposed. It identifies priority area policies and objectives with specific action projects for a five-year period. The plan is estimated to cost a total of US $7.8 million, of which US $4.0 million would be contributed by international donors while the remaining US $3.7 million would be Barbados' contribution in local currency.

5.1 Relevant national development policies

78. The contribution of Forestry and trees to the socio-economic development and environmental stability of Barbados can be realised through the following stated facets of national development policies:

- the maximisation of the use of indigenous resources, particularly for the furniture and handicraft industries;

- the forging of stronger linkages with tourism and other sectors;

- the stimulation of non-sugar agriculture and agro-industrial development to meet a greater hare of domestic demand;

- the enhancement of rural development;

- the promotion of the optimal utilization of land;

- the protection and conservation of the island's soil and water resources.

79. In keeping with these guidelines, it is recommended that the NFAP be implemented as part of the Government's official development policy.

5.2 Long-term subsector policy and objective

80. The proposed objective of the NFAP is to establish and manage a national forest estate on Government and private lands to ensure conservation of soil and water resources, protection of forest ecosystems and production of wood and related products to achieve social and economic benefits on a sustainable basis. The long-term Forest Policy under this subsector would be the following:

(a) to foster the protection of natural forest resources;

(b) to promote the development of forest estates and tree cover where appropriate, including reforestation of suitable areas of the Scotland District;

(c) to encourage the application of agroforestry in land use islandwide and the utilization of urban trees for industrial raw material supply as well as for the enhancement - of the landscape and recreational purposes: and

(d) to undertake research on silviculture and uses of forest products.

5.3 Medium-term priority area policies and projects

81. In the medium term, the proposed programme for the various areas would be as follows:

82. Forestry in land use - recognising the multiple benefits which accrue from existing tree cover and the promotion of forestry and agroforestry as appropriate land uses for idle lands, abandoned farms and areas in need of conservation.

83. The aim will be to allocate a sufficiently adequate area of suitable land to forestry and agroforestry to ensure conservation of soil and water resources, sustainable income and employment for rural people, and increased production of crops and livestock. A strategy of land use survey, classification and planning will be required to produce effective policies, regulations, facilities and incentives towards encouraging greater tree coverage (i) in the Scotland District and (ii) islandwide, thereby increasing the occupation and utilization of land.

84. The two following specific projects were proposed for this area:

Project No. 1.1: Forestry Development and Watershed Management in the Scotland District

Overall objective: - To create a protective tree cover, comprising mixed hardwood forests, agroforestry/orchards/pastures, for soil amelioration, land stabilization and utilization, recreation and ecotourism, supply of timber, wood and non-wood products, rural employment and community development.

Strategy: - Appointment of a Scotland District Board, charged with preparation of a development/management plan and a suitable project document for obtaining IDB financing. The plan would be managed by a strengthened Lead Agency, with a new forestry and trees mandate and incorporating the SCU, aimed at exercising improved management of government properties and giving encouragement to private land owners.

Project No. 1.2: Promotion of Agroforestry on Idle and Abandoned Lands

Objective: - To improve soil fertility, increase ground water percolation and storage, reduce wind desiccation and exposure, increase utilization of idle lands, increase production of fruits and livestock products, facilitate land reform and redistribution.

Strategy: - Extension of the tree planting programme countrywide, through pilot demonstrations and farmer training, and introduction of community pasturage systems.

85. Forest-based Industrial Development - the proposed policy in this area, would seek to ensure production of future supplies of wood raw material and the utilization of existing mature timber for industrial purposes, while maintaining the scenic value of trees in urban areas.

86. The aim of this policy would be to secure sustainable indigenous timber supplies for local wood users and to develop economic uses of other raw materials derived from forests and trees. This will require inventory assessment of existing stands and the planned utilization of mature mahogany, followed by planting and restocking with trees of high value and improved genetic stock. Younger trees will be tended by proper weeding and pruning. Improved technology in wood utilization and processing will also be introduced and promoted.

87. The following project was considered of high priority in this area:

Project No. 2.0: Urban Wood Utilization

Objective: - To ensure the sustainability of mahogany and other valuable woods for industrial uses.

Strategy: - The NCC would be strengthened and assigned the responsibility for assessing and exploiting dying and over-mature mahogany trees, replanting and extending the planting of improved mahogany seedlings and saplings, caring and maintaining younger trees for shade, landscape enhancement and production purposes, supplying furniture/handicraft wood users with raw material in cooperation with BIDC, and utilising tree residues for mulch/compost/wood energy.

88. Fuelwood and energy - the proposed policy is aimed at exploring opportunities for utilizing fuelwood for energy purposes and promoting feasible wood energy applications in appropriate industries.

89. The aim would be promote the use of agroforestry products and to conserve other energy sources, whether as fuelwood or charcoal, both to promote the use of agroforestry products and to conserve other energy sources, and at the same time ensure the viability of using abandoned and idle lands for multiple conservation benefits, while contributing to social and economic development in rural areas. This programme proposes implementation by the BADC, requiring harvesting, chipping and transporting fuelwood for use by sugar factories with convenient in-feed capacity.

Project No. 3.0: Feasibility of Fuelwood for Industrial Energy

Objective: - To investigate and promote the utilization of agroforestry products as renewable indigenous fuel for use mainly in sugar factories, and to contribute to conservation of other energy sources.

This project was designated as a low priority. However, the consultants felt that it warranted early attention in view of the rapid fluctuations taking place in the international oil market. The full cooperation of sugar factories and estates would be essential for this to succeed.

Conservation of Forest Ecosystems

90. This proposed policy area seeks to maintain biological diversity and to protect forest ecosystems and natural habitats, while sustaining the flow of social, economic and environmental benefits derived from forests. Its aim is to promote increased public awareness of environmental problems and the need to conserve the natural resources of the island as part of the nation's heritage.

91. In the absence of a coordinated system of management of existing habitats, the following project was considered to be of extreme importance:

Project No. 4.0: Establishment of a National Parks/Protected Areas System

Long-term objective: - To ensure conservation and management of natural ecosystems and protected areas, to maintain biodiversity and to stimulate research in natural products and public appreciation for the environment.

Strategy: - One of the Lead Agencies i.e. NCC, BADC, SCU, will have to be strengthened with technical, scientific and managerial skills to plan and execute management plans for ecological sites, improve the skills and performance of the manual staff, ensure protection of designated areas, and involve NGOs and the public.


92. The aim of this policy area is to provide effective environmental legislation and capable institutions for proper administration and for the sustainable development of forestry and related programmes, with the participation of local people and interest groups. Its purpose is to improve the environmental management capacity of the country and to install multisectoral and participatory mechanisms for the planning and monitoring of forestry and related programmes, a factor of the highest priority if the national long-term policy and objective is to be attained. In accordance with this goal, the following project was proposed for immediate attention:

Project No. 5.0: Country Capacity for NFAP Implementation

Objective: - To build capacity in the lead agencies to ensure initiation and coordination of NFAP implementation, effective natural resources administration and management, project preparation and management, public education and extension, and environmental management for conservation of natural resources.

5.4 The national forestry action programme

93. Of the six projects identified by the CMT for Barbados, Fuelwoods was not considered as relevant to the Barbados context and was therefore deferred. The revised NFAP programme for Barbados therefore comprises the following priority areas/projects:

1. Forestry in Land Use

Project No. 1.1 - Forestry Development and Watershed Management in the Scotland District

Project No. 1.2 - Promotion of Agroforestry on Idle and Abandoned Lands

2. Utilization of Forest Products

Project No. 2.0 - Urban Wood Utilization

3. Conservation of Forest Ecosystems

Project No. 4.0 - Establishment of National Parks/Protected Areas System

4. Institutional

Project No. 5.0 - Country Capacity for NFAP

94. The following areas were highlighted for attention:

(i) Forestry-related Legislation

(ii) Institutional Development

95. It was also recommended that the concept of Forestry be incorporated into the National Development Plan, and that comprehensive forestry-related legislation be introduced to assist in the long-term development of forest and tree-related areas.

96. The following recommendations were made by the CMT, as a follow up to the presentation of their country report:

i) The TFAP National Coordinating Committee be retained as steering committee to advise the Minister of Agriculture and the inter-ministerial council.

ii) The SCU be strengthened with staffing and training in environmental management skills for national parks and protected areas.

iii) The Environmental Unit should carry out public education in coordination with the BADC and NCC.

5.5 Plan coordination and implementation

5.5.1 Coordination
5.5.2 Implementation

5.5.1 Coordination

97. The Barbados NFAP consists of five projects. Because of the number of agencies involved and the need for intersectoral and public participation, the development and installation of a suitable coordinating mechanism would need to be put in place.

98. It was recommended that:

i) the TFAP National Coordinating Committee be renamed the NFAP Steering Committee and strengthened by co-opting additional members, if necessary.

ii) the steering committee's importance should be elevated by appointing the Permanent Secretary as Chairman, to clearly signal at this level the Government's commitment to the NFAP, and to ensure the opportunity for streamlining official decision-making and for harmonizing intersectoral and NGO participation.

99. Coordination of the NFAP would be necessary both at the national level and at the operational level.

At the national level

i) the steering committee would be responsible to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries for directing project preparation, examining project documents and environmental assessments, steering their approvals through the Cabinet as necessary, and setting guidelines for timely project implementation.

ii) where desirable, the Chairman would set up subcommittees to review special subject matters so as to optimize the skills and contributions of committee members and their respective organizations.

At the operational level

i) the steering committee should be provided with special secretariat and follow-up services, and a NFAP Projects Section should be established in the Ministry of Agriculture, headed by a Project Coordinator and supported by a Project Planner and Rural Economist.

ii) As the focal point of contact, the Project Coordinator would be responsible to the Chairman for preparing the committee's agenda, while coordinating all inputs necessary at each operational stage of implementation of the NFAP.

100. The CMT felt that the development of institutional capacity for the forestry sector in Barbados could benefit enormously from technical assistance, by way of a Chief Technical Advisor, to assist in harmonizing the complexities and priorities of establishing forestry as a new discipline and providing for the special requirements of environmental management. It has therefore been suggested that the Government of Barbados should urgently examine its needs in this respect and initiate early contact with potential international and bilateral donors, particularly the ODA and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the latter having already indicated its interest in the possibility of a project for development of the sector.

5.5.2 Implementation

101. Apart from the CCP, the other NFAP projects will be implemented by lead agencies which currently are inadequately equipped with the required expertise. Under such circumstances, the success of these projects will depend on the early installation of capacity by way of new mandates, staffing and training, equipment, funding and technical assistance, to get them off the ground.

102. The following action was recommended by the CMT as part of the strategy to assist in achieving such goals:

i) that the BADC's mandate be expanded to include responsibility for forestry and agroforestry activities;

ii) that the SCU and facilities be transferred to form the nucleus of the BADC's technical services arm;

iii) that the NCC be assigned responsibility for national parks and protected areas, as well as urban forestry, and be required to work closely with NGOs, UWI and BIDC in exercising its entire mandate.

103. The personnel and particulars proposed by the CMT for implementation of the priority projects, as a function of their evaluation of the skills currently available in Barbados and the opportunity to expand the capability of the SCU, BADC and the NCC, are found at Table 1:-

Table 1. Personnel required for priority project implementation




(Man Months)


Project Manager/Expert



30 mm


30 mm


24 mm


24 mm


60 mm

Forestry Inventory Spec.


1.1, 1.2

18 mm


6 mm


6 mm




48 mm


48 mm


48 mm


48 mm



1.1, 1.2

60 mm

Wood Utilization Spec.



12 mm

Timber Harvesting Spec.



6 mm


6 mm

Parks Planner



24 mm

Chief Technical Adviser



36 mm




1.1, 1.2

60 mm

Livestock Extension Specialist


1.1, 1.2

60 mm

Soil Conservation Specialist



60 mm


60 mm




12 mm


6 mm


6 mm

Terr./Marine Biologists



120 mm

Landscape Architect



24 mm

Project Coordinator



60 mm

Project Planner



36 mm

Rural Economist



36 mm

Field Technicians



240 mm


240 mm


48 mm


120 mm




60 mm


60 mm


60 mm


60 mm

5.6 Immediate follow-up

104. In preparation for the Roundtable meetings, it was recommended by the CMT that:

i) the TFAP National Coordinating Committee immediately review the draft project profiles and obtain Government's endorsement of the Plan.

ii) informal contact be made at the same time, with potential donors regarding their likely interest in the proposed action projects, so that suitable adjustments may be made where desirable.

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