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The cruise started at the western Iranian border in the evening 21 May, but was terminated at trawl station 45 (Figure 1), returning to Dubai for repairs. The vessel entered Iranian waters after the repair on its way to Karachi, Pakistan, and two hydrographical sections were worked on 31 May and 1 June. Echo integration of mesopelagic fish were made during passage of Iranian waters. Returning from the cruise on the Pakistan coast in the morning on 12 June, a complete coverage of the mesopelagic resources, from the edge of the continental shelf to the mid-line in the Oman Gulf was made, using parallell transects 20-30 nautical miles apart. The cruise was terminated at the western Iranian border at 1000 hours on 15 June. The vessel berthed at Dubai on 15 June at 2300 hours.

The distance sailed in the three separate periods and the number of stations worked were as follows -

Sailing distance


nautical miles

Hydrographical stations


Pelagic trawl hauls


Bottom trawl hauls


Weather conditions were good. Except for the generator breakdown, instruments and gears functioned satisfactorily.

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