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1. Proposed Draft Amendments to Glossary of Term and Definitions (ALINORM 01/31, Appendix VII) at Step 3 of the Accelerated Procedure

Governments are invited to comment on the above Proposed Draft Amendments to the Glossary of Term and Definitions (Codex Alimentarius, Volume 3, Section 4, pp. 75-78), including the revised definitions of “muscle”, “milk” and “egg” and a new definition of “fat”, at Step 3 of the Accelerated Procedure[1]. Comments should be sent to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy (fax, +39 06 5705 4593; e-mail, [email protected]), not later than 30 March 2001.

2. Comments and/or Information Relevant to Risk Analysis Principles and Methodologies Including Risk Assessment Policy

In order to facilitate the preparation of a paper on risk analysis principles and methodologies including risk assessment policy for government comments and consideration by the 13th Session of the Committee, governments are invited to provide comments on the paper entitled “Risk Analysis in the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods” (ALINORM 99/31, Appendix IX). Governments are also invited to provide comments and/or proposals concerning what subjects should be included in the above paper. Comments/proposals/information should be sent to Dr Jacques Boisseau, Directeur, Agence Nationale du Medicament Veterinaire, ANMV-AFSSA-BP 90203, 35302 Fourgères Cedex, France (fax, +33 2 99 94 78 99; e-mail, [email protected]) with a copy sent to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, not later than 21 July 2000.

3. Information on the Registration and Uses of Injectable Neomycin Formulations/Products

Governments are invited to provide information on the registration of injectable neomycin products and how they are used with respect to Good Veterinary Practices in the Use of Veterinary Drugs at the national level (ALINORM 01/31, para. 90). Information should be sent to FAO Joint Secretary to JECFA, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy (fax, +39 06 5705 4593; e-mail, [email protected]) with a copy sent to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, not later than 30 March 2001.

4. Epidemiological Data Relevant to Residues at Injection Sites and Consumption of Meat That Includes Injection Site

Governments are invited to send epidemiological data relevant to the development of the Guidelines on Residues at Injection sites and data on the consumption of meat that includes injection site to Dr Jonathan Webber, Manager Animal Programs, National Residue Survey, GPO Box 858, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia (fax, +61 2 6272 4023; e-mail, [email protected]) with a copy sent to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, not later than 29 September 2000.

5. Information on Milk-Producing Animals Other Than Cattle

Governments are invited to send information on milk-producing animals other than cattle, especially sheep, as well as any comments on the document contained in CX/RVDF 00/12, to Dr John O’Rangers, Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Place, Room 389 (HFV-150), Rockville, MD 20855, USA (fax, +1 301 594 2297; e-mail, [email protected]) with a copy sent to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, not later than 29 September 2000.

[1] Subject to approval by the 47th Session of the Executive Committee

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