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128. The Delegation of Australia, while introducing the working paper, recalled that the risk analysis approach was being integrated into the Codex decision-making process, on the basis of the recommendations of several FAO/WHO Expert Consultations. The document considered how the recommendations of the FAO/WHO Consultation on Food Consumption and Exposure Assessment of Chemicals could be applied to the decision process of the Committee when considering nutrition issues. The Delegation proposed that the Committee consider the role of nutrient intake assessment in a risk-based approach, which could be applied, for example, to assess the risk of exceeding a tolerable upper level of intake, especially when determining maximum levels of nutrient content in specific foods.

129. The Committee expressed its appreciation to the Delegation of Australia for this interesting paper on complex issues and had a general discussion on how to proceed further in this area. The Chairman noted the specificity of the risks associated with nutrients, especially problems related to malnutrition or over nutrition, and that they would require a relevant methodology.

130. The Delegation of Norway pointed out that such complex issues would need further consideration before deciding what further action was required in the Committee. Some delegations stressed the fundamental difference between risk assessment for chemicals and for nutrients, and expressed the view that approach taken for nutrients should not be exclusively toxicological but should also be related to nutrition. Some delegations noted that there were no guidelines for risk assessment for nutrients, but that it would be useful to develop models and methods in this area, especially for the purpose of considering novel foods, and upper limits for nutrients.

131. The Committee agreed that a Circular Letter would invite governments to provide information on their experience with risk assessment for nutrition issues at the national level, including methodology and principles. The Delegation of Australia, in co-operation with interested delegations, would proceed with the development of a methodology for the application of risk assessment, in the light of the comments received, for consideration by the next session.


132. Following its earlier discussion under Agenda Item 2, the Committee considered the request of the Committee on General Principles concerning the integration of other legitimate factors (OLFs). The Secretariat recalled that this question had been forwarded to relevant committees in order to facilitate the general debate in the CCGP; it related to the decisions which had been taken in the past in relation to risk analysis by the Committees. This request also resulted from the recommendations of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Management and Food Safety.

133. The Delegation of India pointed out that consumer information was an essential factor in the decision process, and referred to earlier discussion concerning the classification of vitamin and mineral supplements as foods or drugs; it noted that several factors had been taken into account implicitly in the work of the Committee, and proposed to prepare a list for consideration by CCGP. The Delegation of Ireland proposed to consider the notion of benefit for consumers in relation to nutrition issues.

134. The Delegation of the United States expressed concern that CCNFSDU was not in a position to reply on the application of OLFs. This position was supported by the Delegations of Canada and Uruguay.

135. The Committee recognized that due to time constraints, it was not possible to discuss this question further at the present session. Some delegations proposed to require comments by Circular Letter for further discussion at the next session; however, it was noted that the Committee on General Principles would meet before the next CCNFSDU (April 2001), and proceed with its general discussion on other legitimate factors. In the light of these conclusions the CCNFSDU would consider whether further discussion was necessary in this area.

[21] CRD 14 (comments of Thailand, Uruguay); CRD 24 (comments of USA).

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