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Questionnaires (Contd.)

Module D: Ownership and acquisition of land, animals, fishing materials ((acting) Head of Household)
D1.Does your household own any of the following?          
Interviewer: Only consider technically working items. Enter 1 if “yes”, 2 if “no”,         
 a. electricity  D1a     
 b. working radio  D1b     
 c. working television  D1c     
 d. working refrigerator  D1d     
 e. working watch  D1e     
 f. working tractor  D1f     
 g. working bullock cart  D1g     
 h. working water pump  D1h     
 i. working car  D1i     
 j. working bicycle  D1j     
 k. sofa set  D1k     
 l. working sewing machine  D1l     
 m telephone  D1m     
D2.Does your household have any land in use?  D2     
1. Yes -------→D2a.          
2. NoHow much land does the household have in use, in acres?         
Interviewer: Also enter a decimal value, if applicable.   acres     
Amount in acres is: -------→ D2a      
On average, during the last year, how much of the total acreage was used for:   acres    
 a. Agriculture-------→ D2ba    · 
 b. Cattle raising/herding-------→ D2bb    . 
 c. Forestry-------→ D2bc    . 
 d. Fish farming-------→ D2bd    . 
 e. Fallow-------→ D2be    . 
Go to D10 f. Other-------→ D2bf    . 
D3.Is the land owned, rented/leased or has it been obtained free of charge?  D3      
1. Owned, through inheritance -------→Go to D4         
2. Owned, bought with accumulated household capital          
3. Rented/leased from village/community administration -------→Go to D5         
4. Rented/leased from another household/person          
5. Allocated for free by village/community administration -------→Go to D6         
6. Allocated for free by another household/person -------→Go to D6         
7. Mixture of the above categories -------→Go to D4         
D4Who in the household has inherited land?   D4a     
Interviewer: 1. In D4a-D4c, enter a person number of the household member (see module A). Only register a maximum of three persons. He/she who inherited most is entered in D4a. Enter code 88, if not applicable.  D4b     
2. After completion of this question: Go to D6          
D5If the land was bought, rented or leased how did the household pay?        
1.With a loan/credit from a bank        
2.With a loan/credit from a private money-lenderD5       
3.With a loan/credit from relatives not living in this house        
4.With accumulated capital/savings from household members        
5.With a loan/credit obtained through a local development project        
6.Through exchange of goods or provision of certain services        
7.Other: specify,                                                                     
D6Which women in this household own, rented or leased land?        
Interviewer: In D6a-D6c, enter a person number of the household member (see module A). Only register a maximum of three women. The woman who owns, rents and/or leases most is entered in D4a. Enter code 88, if not applicable. D6a      
D7What is the size of the non-irrigated land of this household under cultivation, in acres? -------→D7     · 
Interviewer: Also enter a decimal value, if applicable.        
D8What is the size of the irrigated land of this household under cultivation, in acres -------→D8     · 
Interviewer:Also enter a decimal value, if applicable.        
D9.During the last 12 months, which major crops where grown and harvested on the land of this household? Also indicate what the destination of the harvest was.        
Interviewer:Enter a value in each of the boxes below: 1 if “yes”, 2 if “no”, 3 if don't know", 8 if “not applicable”.        
   household consumptionfor selling on market Other        
 l.sugar cane                 
  m.Other, specify:                                  
D10Does this household own animals?        D10      
1.Yes-------→D10a.How many of the following animals does the household have?        
Go to D12e.Bees (i.e. beehives)            
   j.Fish (e.g. fishpond area in square meters)            
   n.Other, specify:                                                               
D11Do women in the household own any of the animals that I read out to you in the previous question?         
 1. Yes -------→D11a  D11     
 2. NoWhich women in the household own such animals?         
  Interviewer:Enter the person numbers of women in the household (see module A) who own animals. If more than 4 women, only register those who have most. The women with animals worth most is ranked first in D11aa. Write code 88 if not applicable.  D11aa    
D12Just to make sure that I have understood you right: Are you or any of your household members directly or indirectly linked to the fisheries, that is, in the catching, processing and/or marketing of fish?  D12     
 Interviewer:Persons are DIRECTLY linked to the fisheries if they actually are fishing, processing or marketing fish. Persons are INDIRECTLY linked to the fisheries if they, for instance, have boats or gear, but only rent out the equipment and do not actually engage in the catching, processing and marketing of fish.         
 1. Yes -------→Go to D13         
 2. No -------→Go to module E: Environment         
D13Do you or your household members own boats that are used for fishing?  D13     
 1. Yes -------→D13a         
 2. Yes, shared -------→How many boats are owned by the household and how many are rented or leased from others?         
 3. No         
 Boats owned/shared -------→  D13aa    
Boats rented/leased from others -------→  D13ab     
D13b  D13b      
 Go to D14Does your household hire out boat(s) sometimes?         
  1. Yes           
  2. No -------→Go to D13e         
 For how much per day does the household hire out boats?  D13c      
 Amount in national currency is: -------→         
 During the past 12 months, how much has the household received by hiring out the boat(s)?         
 Interviewer:Interviewer, if the respondent finds it difficult to recall the amount, try to make him/her estimate what the amount is per month or per week.  D13da    
 Amount in national currency is: -------→         
 Reference period: 1=12 months, 2= month, 3= per week -------→  D13db    
    D13eWhat was the most important source to pay for the boat(s)?        from a bank     D13e  from a private money-lender        from a fish trader        from relatives not living in this house        savings from household members        from a local development project        of goods or provision of certain services            
    8.Other: specify,                                                                         
    D13fWho is mainly responsible for maintenance of the boat(s)?             
    1.Self or other household members      D13f     
    2.Relatives outside the household             
 D13gPlease give the following information for each boat that your household has.         
 Interviewer: Interviewer, if respondent has more than 6 boats only list the first 6 boats. Rank the boat worth most as the first one, (=highest replacement costs) in the table below         
  D13ga  D13gb D13gc  D13gd  D13ge    D13gf    
 BoatType(*)  Age (years) Replacement Costs Maintenance Costs (per year) Weight in tons    Length in meters   
  (*)1. Log raft/Kattumaram
   2. Outrigger boat
   3. Dugout canoe
   4. Planked canoe/displacement craft WITHOUT inboard engine
   5. Planked canoe/displacement craft WITH inboard engine
   6. Purse seiner
   7. Trawler
   8 Other types
 D14Do you or your household members own engines for fishing boats (outboard and/or inboard)?  D14     
  1.Yes -------→D14a           
  2.Yes, shared --→How many engines are owned by the household and how many are rented or leased from others           
  3.NoEngines owned/shared -------→    D14aa    
   Engines rented/leased from others -------→    D14bb    
D15Do you or your household members own fishing gear, that is, fishing nets or fishing lines?  
 1.Yes -------→D15a   D15     
 2.Yes, shared -------→How many fishing gear are owned by the household and how many are rented or leased from others?   
 3.No   Gear owned/shared -------→   D15aa    
     Gear rented/leased from others -------→   D15ab    
Go to D16.  D15b  
      Now we would like to have the following information for each fishing gear that your household owns or rented  
      Interviewer:If respondent has more than 6 fishing gear only list the first 6 fishing gear.  Rank the fishing gear worth most, first, (=highest replacement costs) in the table below.  
   D15ba D15bb  D15bc  D15bd      
  Fishing gearType(*) Age (years)  Replacement Costs  Maintenance Costs (per year)      
 (*)1. Gillnet
   2. Beach seine
   3. Purse seine
   4. Scoopnet
   5. Liftnet
   6. Bottom long-line
   7. Pelagic long-line
   8. Hand-line
   9. Fixed net/barrier
   10. Trolling line
   11. Trawl net
   12. Other gear
D16.Does the household operate fish ponds?D16      
 1.Yes -------→D16a.What is the total area of the fish ponds in square meters?  
 2.No Area in square meters? -------→ D16a       
   D16b.How much of the total area of fish ponds is owned by the household and how much is leased?  
    Area in square meters that is OWNED: -------→ D16ba     
    Area in square meters that is LEASED: -------→ D16bb     
 End of Module D, go to Module E. 

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