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Questionnaires (Contd.)

Module E: Environment
E1I would like to have your opinion about the quality of the environment in this village/community. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of some characteristics of this community/village?      
 Try to make the respondent choose between “satisfied” and “dissatisfied” and avoid the easy way out by using the categories 3 and 4. If a characteristic is not present at all in this community/village then enter code 8.      
  SatisfactoryNot satisfactoryNeither satisfied, nor dissatisfiedDon't know      
 a. Agriculture land1234  E1a   
 b. Pastures1234  E1b   
 c. Forests1234  E1c   
 d. Coastal environment1234  E1d   
 e. Fish stocks/grounds1234  E1e   
 f. Transport system1234  E1f   
 g. Drinking water1234  E1g   
 h. Lake, river, sea water1234  E1h   
E2Now, please try to think back to the situation about 10 years ago. Would you say that the quality of the characteristics we just talked about have become better or worse?      
 Only make use of “about the same” and “don't know” categories if you do not succeed to make the respondent choose between better" and worse". Enter code 8 if characteristic is not present here.      
  BetterAbout the sameWorseDon't know      
 a. Agricultural land1234  E2a   
 b. Pastures1234  E2b   
 c. Forests1234  E2c   
 d. Coastal environment1234  E2d   
 e. Fish stocks/grounds1234  E2e   
 f. Transport system1234  E2f   
 g. Access to news1234  E2g   
 h. Drinking water1234  E2h   
 i. Lake, river, sea water1234  E2i   
 *** End of Household Questionnaire *****      
 Continue with the individual-level questionnaire for the head of household and, subsequently, interview all eligible persons. Eligible men in this household are all men of age 15 and older, but not older than 60 years. Eligible women are all women in the household that are age 15 or older, but not older than 49 years. (Please refer to the encircled person numbers in A13, in Module A)      

Population and Development Dynamics in Rural Communities
MALE individual questionnaire
(Married males of age 15 or older but not older than 64 years (15–64))
Country: Bangladesh      
District:                                                                                         District ID number     
Tana:                                                                                            Tana ID number     
Union:                                                                                          Union ID number     
Village:                                                                                        Village ID number     
 Household ID number     
Name of male respondent:                                                             Person number of male respondent     
Name of first wife:                                                                          Person number of (first) wife     
Name of second wife:                                                                    Person number of (second) wife     
Name of third wife:                                                                        Person number of (third) wife     
Interviewer visits
First visit (1)Second visit (2)Third visit (3)
Name interviewer:Name interviewer:Name interviewer:
Day   Day   Day    
Month   Month   Month    
Result *   Result *   Result *    
* Interview result code:Total number of visits   
1. Completed
2. Not at home
3. Postponed
4. Refused
5. Partly completed
6. Other, specify                                                       
Interviewer and coders:
In case explicit coding instructions for “answer refused”, “don't know” or “not-stated” in the questionnaire are lacking, you must use the following coding convention:
a. Answer refused=7, 97, 997, etc.
b. Respondent does not know answer=8,98 or 998, etc.
c. Answer not stated=9, 99 or 999, etc.
 Name: Day:      Month:      Year:
Field edited by:                                                      on:            /             /              
Office edited by:                                                      on:            /             /              
Computer data-entry by:                                                      on:            /             /              

Module E: Respondent's Background
E1.I would like to know about the type of place you grew up when you were young. For most of the time until you were 12 years old, did you live in:       
 Interviewer: Enter for each place: 1=yes or 2=no or 8=not applicable       
 a. In this village E1a    
 b. In this tana E1b    
 c. In this district E1c    
 d. Elsewhere E1d    
E2.In what month and year were you born? Year -------→ E2y19    
  Month -------→ E2m    
E2a.Interviewer:what is the sex of this respondent? (1=male, 2=female) -------→ E2a    
E3.How old were you on your last birthday?  E3    
 Interviewer:1.Record the age in completed years, compare with A7 in household questionnaire (Module A) and discuss difference with respondent, if any, and make adjustments, if applicable.      
  2.Check consistency with E2, and correct E2 and/or E3, if applicable.      
E4.Have you ever attended school?  E4    
 1. Yes        
 2. No -------→ Go to E7      
E5.What is the highest level of school you attended?  E5    
 1. Perschool level -------→Go to E7      
 2. Elementary/Primary school level ---→Go to E7      
 3. Secondary school level        
 4. Vocational or technical school level       
 5. College/University level        
E6.What is the total number of years of schooling that you have completed successfully level? -------→ Go to E8 E6    
E7.Can you read and understand a letter or newspaper article easily, with difficulty, or not at all?  E7    
 1. Easily       
 2. With difficulty        
 3. Not at all -------→  Go to E9      
E8.Do you usually read a newspaper or magazine at least once a week?  E8    
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
E9.Do you listen to the radio at least once a week?  E9    
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
E10.Do you watch television at least once a week?  E10    
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
E11What is your religion?  E11    
 1. Muslim       
 2. Christian       
 3. Hindu       
 4. Buddhist       
 5. Other, specify:                                                                            
 6. Person states not to have a religion       
E12What was the highest level of school your father attended?      
 1. Did not attend school-------→E12a. E12    
 2. Elementary/ Primary school-------→Can your father read and can he write?      
 3. Secondary school1. Yes, both read and write      
 4. Vocational or technical school2. Yes, only reading-------→E12a    
 5. College or University3. No      
 8. I don't know8. I don't know      
E13.When you grew up, what kind of work was your father mainly doing? E13    
 1. Fish catching with boats in open sea or on the lake      
 2. Fish catching along shores (e.g. with beach seines)      
 3. Fish farming      
 4. Fish marketing      
 5. Fish processing      
 6. Boat building      
 7. Farming/Agriculture on permanent plots      
 8. Farming/Agriculture, shifting cultivation      
 9. Cattle herding      
 10. Horticulture      
 11. Retailing      
 12. Military      
 13. Service sector employed      
 14. Housekeeping/domestic work      
 15. Cottage industry      
 16. Handicraft      
 17. Parent died when respondent was young/Respondent does not know father.      
 18. Other, specify:                                                                                         
E14.Did your father receive a pay or salary for that work? E14    
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
 8. Don't know       
E15.What was the highest level of school your mother attended? E15    
 1. Did not attend school -------→E15a.      
 2. Elementary/Primary school -------→Can your mother read and can she write?      
 3. Secondary/High school1. Yes, both read and write      
 4. Vocational or Technical school2. Yes, only reading-------→E15a    
 5. College or University3. No      
 8. I don't know8. I don't know      
E16.When you grew up, what kind of work was your mother mainly doing? E16    
 1. Fish catching with boats in open sea or on the lake      
 2. Fish catching along shores (e.g. with beach seines)      
 3. Fish farming      
 4. Fish marketing      
 5. Fish processing      
 6. Boat building      
 7. Farming/Agriculture on permanent plots      
 8. Farming/Agriculture, shifting cultivation      
 9. Cattle herding      
 10. Horticulture      
 11. Retailing      
 12. Military      
 13. Service sector employed      
 14. Housekeeping/domestic work      
 15. Cottage industry      
 16. Handicraft      
 17. Parent died when respondent was young/Respondent does not know mother.      
 18. Other, specify:                                                                                         
E17.Did your mother receive a pay or salary for her work? E17    
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
 8. Don't know       
E18.Who were the persons that mainly raised and took care of you when you were young?      
 1. Both parents E18    
 2. Mother only      
 3. Father only      
 4 Brother(s) or sister(s)      
 5. Uncle/aunt or other relatives      
 6. Step parents/foster parents (non-relatives)      
 7. Orphanage      
 8. Other, specify:                                                                                         
E19Did your parents separate or divorce when you were young? E19    
 1. Yes -------→E19a      
 2. NoHow old were you when your parents separated or divorced?      
  Age in completed years -------→ E19a    
E20.Are your parents still alive? E20    
1. Both parents are alive        
2. Both parents died  -------→E20a      
3. Father alive, mother died-------→At what age did your (father and/or mother) die?      
4. Father died, mother alive-------→Interviewer, enter 88 if not applicable.      
  Father's age at death -------→ E20aa    
  Mother's age at death -------→ E20ab    
End of Module E, go to Module F

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