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Questionnaires (Contd.)

Module F: Work/Occupation
 Interviewer: Please read out the following to the respondent:     
 …We would like to ask you something about your work/occupation history, that is, about any work that is beneficial to you and/or other members in the household ....."     
F1Do you have work/an occupation?     
 Interviewer:1. Discount temporary leaves such as holiday, illness, parental leave, labour dispute, etc.     
2. If answer is ‘no’, try to find out if respondent works in a family business or farm and, if so, change ‘no’ into ‘yes’.
 1. Yes -------→ End of Module F, go to Module GF1   
 2. No    
F2What is the main type of work/occupation that you do? F2   
 1. Fish catching with boats in open sea or on the lake/river     
 2. Fish catching along shores (e.g. with beach seines)     
 3. Fish farming     
 4. Fish marketing     
 5. Fish processing     
 6. Boat building/construction     
 7. Farming/Agriculture on permanent plots     
 8. Farming/Agriculture, shifting cultivation     
 9. Cattle raising/cattle herding     
 10. Horticulture or vegetable gardening     
 11. Retailing or other small scale business     
 12. Military     
 13. Service sector employee     
 14. Housekeeping, domestic work     
 15 Cottage industry     
 16. Handicraft     
 17. Other, specify :                                                                                        
F3Do think the type of work/occupation you are doing is a financial beneficial one? F3   
 1. Yes ----→ F3aWhy is this a financial beneficial type of work/occupation as compared to other type of work? (office)   
 2.  No Give reason:                                                                                                                                                                                 F3a   
 F3bDo you think this work/occupation is a promising one for you in the future? (office)   
 1. Yes, give reason:                                                                                    F3b   
 2. No, give reason:                                                                      
  Go to F4 (office)   
  F3cWhy is this NOT a financial beneficial type of work as compared to other type of work/occupation? F3c   
  Give reason:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
   Go to F4     
F4If you have, or would have a son, would you advise him to do the same work/occupation as you are doing?      
 1.Yes. because                                                                                            (office)   
 2.No, because                                                                                                 
F5If you have, or would have a daughter, would you advise her to do the same work/occupation as you are doing? (office)   
 1.Yes, because                                                                                            F5    
 2.No, because                                                                                                 
F6How old were you when you started working in your current and main work/occupation?      
 Interviewer:If respondent cannot remember, try asking "how many years ago did you start in your current work/job?", and subsequently calculate the age using the information given in E3.      
 Age was:-------→ F6    
F7How many hours do you normally work per week in your main work/occupation.      
 Number of hours: -------→ F7    
 Interviewer:If answer cannot be given per week, try to find out "on average per day in a normal week" and compute the number of hours per week from that.      
F8Besides your main work/occupation do you have a subsidiary/additional one? F8    
 1.Yes-------→Go to Module G      
F9What is your subsidiary work/occupation? F9    
 1.Fish catching with boats in open sea or on the lake/river      
 2.Fish catching along shores (e.g. with beach seines)      
 3.Fish farming      
 4.Fish marketing      
 5.Fish processing      
 6.Boat building/construction      
 7.Farming/Agriculture on permanent plots      
 8.Farming/Agriculture, shifting cultivation      
 9.Cattle raising/cattle herding      
 10.Horticulture or vegetable gardening      
 11.Retailing or other small scale business      
 13.Service sector employee      
 14.Housekeeping, domestic work      
 15.Cottage industry      
 17.Other, specify :                                                                                                 
F10How many hours do you normally work per week in your subsidiary work/occupation?      
 Number of hours: -------→ F10    
 Interviewer:If answer cannot be given per week, try to find out "on average per day in a normal week" and compute the number of hours per week from that.      
End of Module F, go to Module G

Module G: Marriage and partnership 
Interviewer:Module G contains questions for both men and women. In several places in the text below “husband and wife” is represented by “partner”. Explain to the respondent that you will use the concept of “partner” to avoid mentioning “husband or wife” all the time.     
G1Have you ever been married or did you ever live together with a man/woman? G1   
 2.No What is your marital status?      
   1. Married   G1a   
    2. Living together       
    3. Widowed -------→ Go to G4      
 Go to G5a4. Divorced/separated  -------→ Go to G4      
Interviewer:If respondent is FEMALE ask questions G2, G2a, G2b, G2c, if applicable. If respondent is MALE go to G3.     
G2Does your husband/partner have other wives/partners besides yourself? G2   
 2.No How many other wives/partners does he have?      
   Number of wives/partners -------→ G2a   
   Are you his first, second, third, etc. wife/partner?     
   Ranking number of wife/partner -------→ G2b   
   How old is the oldest wife/partner and how old is the youngest wife/partner?     
   Age of oldest wife -------→ G2ca   
   Age of youngest wife -------→ G2cb   
 Go to G4Go to G4     
G3Do you have more than one wife/partner with whom you have a durable relationship? G3   
 2.No How many other wives/partners do you have?     
   Number of wives/partners -------→ G3a   
    G3b How old is the oldest and how old is the youngest wife/partner?     
    Age of oldest wife/partner -------→ G3ba   
    Age of youngest wife/partner -------→ G3bb   
G4Have you been married or living together with a partner only once or more than once? G4   
 1.Only once -------→Go to G4b      
 2.More than once --→G4a How many times have you been married or lived together with a partner?     
   Number of times -------→ G4a   
    At what age did you marry or did you start living together with your (first) partner?      
    Age -------→  G4b    
    Interviewer, look at reply G1a:      
    Respondent currently married         -------→ Go to G4c      
    Respondent NOT currently married -------→ Go to G5a      
    Did you live together with your (first) partner before you got married?      
    1. Yes      
    2. No -------→ Go to G5a  G4c    
    At what age, before your marriage, did you start living together with your (first) husband/partner?      
    Age -------→  G4d    
    How old was your (first) husband/partner when you started living with him/her?      
    Age -------→  G4e   
G5aIn your opinion, what is an appropriate age for a WOMAN to marry or start living together with a partner? Age for a woman -------→ G5a    
G5bSome WOMEN marry at even younger ages. What do you think would be the main reason for doing so? Interviewer: Repeat, if necessary, reply on G5a. (office)   
 Main reason is:                                                                              
G5cWhat is an appropriate age for a MAN to marry or start living together with a partner? Age for a man -------→ G5c   
G5dSome MEN marry at even younger ages. What do you think would be a main reason for doing so? Interviewer: Repeat, if necessary, reply on G5c. (office)   
 Main reason is:                                                                               
G6Now I would like to read out to you a few statements. I would like to know whether you “agree” or “disagree”.     
1.Some of the following questions could arouse a respondent. If you sense that the respondent is aroused please explain that the way questions have been formulated, including their topic, have a scientific purpose and are certainly 'not meant to arouse respondents or show lack of respect!     
2.Read out the statements below, one by one, and ask the respondent whether she or he “agrees” or “disagrees” with the content of the statement. Enter in the column on the right hand side a value associated with the answer of the respondent, that is:     
  3=don't knowAvoid as much as possible the answer category don't know" (3). Try, though, without pressing, to make the respondent choose between “agree” "do not agree". In case the respondent refuses an answer use code 7.     
 a.Marrying at a young age, say before age 16, is good for a woman. G6a   
 b.It is financially attractive to marry at a young age. G6b   
 c.Quite a few persons who marry or start living together with a partner at a young age do so to escape from parental control. G6c   
 d.It is healthier to have the first baby at a young age. G6d   
 e.A man will not easily marry a widow who has children with another man. G6e   
 f.In general, it is not difficult for a woman who is single/unmarried to combine working for a living and raising, say two children. G6f   
 g.A man will not easily marry a divorced woman who has children from another man. G6g   
 h.Seeking a good husband for marriage is more important for a young woman than seeking good education. G6h   
 i.If I have a son, he will need my permission to marry someone. G6i   
 j.Although parents love all their children, most parents favour theirs sons. G6j   
 k.Once you are married everything in your life will really change. G6k   
 l.Young men have more freedom to go wherever they want than young women. G6l   
 m.Having children while bot being married is disastrous for a woman in this community. G6m   
 n.In general, it is not difficult for a married woman to combine work and raise, say, two children. G6n   
 o.Seeking a good wife for marriage is more important for a young man than seeking good education. G6o   
 p.If I have a daughter, she will need my permission to marry someone. G6p   
 r.Marrying at a young age is good for a man. G6r   
End of module G, go to module H     

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