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Questionnaires (Contd.)

Module H: Fertility and fertility perceptions
 Interviewer:MALE respondent----→Go to H10
  FEMALE respondent---→Go to H1
H1I would like to ask you about the births you had during your lifetime. Have you ever given birth to a child who was alive at the time of birth? H1    
 1.  Yes        
 2.  No---→Go to H7       
H2Do you have any sons you have given birth to who usually live with you? H2    
 1.  Yes      
 2.  No      
   H2a How many sons live with you? H2a    
H3Do you have any daughters you have given birth to who usually live with you? H3    
 1.  Yes      
 2.  No      
   H3a How many daughters live with you? H3a    
H4.Do you have any sons you have given birth to, who do not usually live with you? H4    
 1.  Yes      
 2.  No      
   H4a How many sons do not live with you? H4a    
H5Do you have any daughters you have given birth to, who do not usually live with you? H5    
 1.  Yes      
 2.  No      
   H5a How many daughters do not live with you? H5a    
H6.Have you ever given birth to a child that later died? H6    
 Interviewer:  If no, ask "..any boy or girl who cried or showed any signs of life but only survived a few hours or days..?"      
 1.  Yes      
 2.  No      
  H6a.How many boys that you have given birth to have died? H6a    
   Interviewer:if none, fill in ‘00’      
  H6bHow many girls that you have given birth to have died?  H6b    
   Interviewer: if none, fill in ‘00’      
H7Interviewer: Sum answers to questions H2a, H3a, H4a, H5a, H6a and H6b. Enter this sum, here, in H7. If H2a through H6b are empty, enter ‘00’ in H7.   H7    
H8Just to make sure: during your life, you have had (see H7) live births in total. Is this correct?  H8    
 1. Yes
2. No -------→ Interviewer: Probe and correct your entries in H2a through H7.       
 Interviewer:1.if respondent had one or more live births (see H7) then      
   Go to H9       
  2.if respondent did not have any live births,      
   Go to H11       
Birth History
H9. Now I would like to talk about all your births, whether still alive or not. Please give me the names of all your births. Interviewer: first, enter all names in H9, second, check that the number of names equals the number of births entered in H7. If not verify with respondent and make concomitant changes. Then, continue with H9a, H9b, etc. for each birth. After completion of this sheet -------→ Go to H11 
 Names of children born to this respondent.H9aH9bH9cH9dH9eH9f
 List name first birth, first.Is (name) a boy or a girl?Is (name) still alive?In what month and year was (name) born?Is (name) still living with you?Are you breastfeeding this child now?Is this child currently attending school?
 (Interviewer, if a baby was not given a name because it died after birth, write NONAME 1, NONAME 2,..)1. Boy1. Yes 1. Yes1. Yes1. Yes
 2. Girl2. No 2. No2. No2. No
1.                                                      19            
2.                                                      19            
3.                                                      19            
4.                                                      19            
5.                                                      19            
6.                                                      19            
7.                                                      19            
8.                                                      19            
9.                                                      19            
10.                                                      19            
11.                                                      19            
12.                                                      19            
13.                                                      19            
14.                                                      19            
15.                                                      19            
H10Have you become father of a child (born alive) with one or more women?      
 1. Yes --→H10a. How many times have you become father with the wive(s)/partner(s) your were with?       
 2. No Number of times -------→  H10a    
 H10b. How many women made you father?       
  Number of women -------→  H10b    
H11If you could choose the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?      Number of children -------→ H11    
Interviewer:if respondent gives another answer than a number, describe this here:
H11aWhat is the ideal number of sons to have? -------→ H11a    
H11bWhat is the ideal number of daughters to have? -------→ H11b    
Interviewer:if respondent is MALE      Go to H15      
Interviewer:if respondent is FEMALE Go to H12      
H12Are you pregnant now?      
 1. Yes H12    
 2. No or not sure      
H12aAfter the child you are expecting, do you think your husband would like you to have another child or would he prefer you not to have any more children? H12a    
Go to H13 1. Have another      
   2. No more      
  H12bAt the time you became pregnant, did you want to want to become pregnant, did you want to wait until later, or did you not intend to become pregnant at all? H12b    
   1. Wanted to become pregnant      
   2. Preferred to wait until later      
   3. Did not intend to become pregnant      
  H12cIf you could choose would you prefer the child you are carrying to be a son or to be daughter? H12c    
   1. Son      
   2. Daughter      
   3. Either      
  H12d.Now I have a question about the future. After the child you are expecting, would you like to have another child or would you prefer not to have any (more) children? H12d    
   1. Have another child -------→ Go to H14      
   2. No more children -------→     Go to H15      
   3. Undecided            -------→    Go to H14      
H13I have a question about your last birth. Did you want to have that child then, did you want to wait until later, or did you want no more children at all?  H13   
 1. Then         
 2. Later -------→H13aFor what main reason did you want to wait until later?  (office)   
3. Did not want children
H14Interviewer:  if respondent is not pregnant -------→ Ask question a.      
  if respondent is pregnant -------→ Ask question b.      
a. How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of (another) child?
Number of months and/or years ---------→
b. After the birth of the child you are expecting, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child? Number of months and/or years -------→
H15Some speak about families with a large or small number of children.      
 H15aWhen you think about a family with a large number of children, about how many children are you then thinking of?      
  Number of children -------→  H15a   
 H15bWhen you think about a family with a small number of children, about how many children are you then thinking of?      
  Number of children -------→  H15b   
 H15cIn your opinion, what is the main reason why some couples want a large number of children?   (office)   
  Main reason is:                                                                      
-------→  H15c   
 H15dIn your opinion, what is the main reason why some couples want a small number of children?  (office)    
  Main reason is:                                                                      
-------→  H15d   
H16Some people say that the number of available jobs, houses and educational facilities, the amount of fishery resources and land for cultivation, etc., do not depend on the number of children that families have. Do you agree or disagree with what these people say?      
 1. AgreeH16aIf the number of children that families have is not the main issue, could you then mention two reasons which will affect the number of available jobs, houses, educational facilities, fish resources and land availability.      
 2. Disagree -------→      
3. Neither agree nor disagree
  Interviewer: code 98 if resp. does not know  (office)   
  1.                                                                                                   H16aa   
  2.                                                                                                   H16ab   
H17In some families, women work, while in others, they do not. Do you think a married woman with children should be able to work for pay away from home?  H17   
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
 3. It depends       
 4. Do not know       
H18Under which circumstances should a woman be able to work away from home?       
 Interviewer: Do not read out the categories below, as we seek a spontaneous answer.       
 1. When family needs money  H18   
 2. When husband is sick, away, or dead       
 3. When husband wants her to       
 4. When the woman chooses to do so       
 5. Other, specify:                                                                                                          
 6. Do not know       
H19Some people talk about the changing roles of men and women in the society. Can you tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?       
 Interviewer: Use the following codes to register the answer of the respondent:       
   2=neither agree nor disagree       
 a. A mother who works away from the home can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work away from the home.  H19a   
 b. Having a job is the best way for a woman to be an independent person  H19b   
 c. Being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay.  H19c   
 d. Both the man and the woman should contribute to the household income.  H19d   
 e. A young child, say at pre-school age, is likely to suffer if his/her mother works  H19e   
 f. A job for a woman is alright, but what women really want is a home and children.  H19f   
End of module H, go to module I       

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