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Questionnaires (Contd.)

Module I: Contraceptive use and perceptions
Interviewer:It is imperative that both female and male respondents answer the questions in this module!For example, question I2e and I3g are to be asked also to women, whereas l1a, l1f, l3f are also to asked to male respondents!
Knowledge of contraceptive methods:
Now I would like to talk about family planning issues, that is the various methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy.
Interviewer:Note that only the spontaneous recognition of the method must be registered.
 I1 I2I3 
 Have you ever heard of (method)? Have you ever used (method)?Do you know where to get the method? 
 (1=yes, 2=no) (1=yes, 2=no)(1=yes, 2=no) 
a. Pill            
b. IUD           
c. Injections            
d. Diaphragm, foam or jelly, cream            
e. Condom            
f. Ligation/Female steralization           
g. Vasectomy/ Male steralization           
h. Natural FP, rhythm, period abstinence           
i. Withdrawal            
I4.Have you ever heard of other methods used here in this community that I have not read out to you? Could you also say whether you have used such methods?  I4  
 1 Yes -------→I4aPlease describe the (those) methods(s) to me.    
 2 No Interviewer:Interviewer: only register the first two spontaneously mentioned methods.  (office)  
  Method 1:                                                                   I4aa  
  Method 2:                                                                   I4ab  
 I4bHave you used one of these methods?  I4b  
  1. Yes    
  2. No    
Interviewer, verify:- If not a single “yes” (1) in I2 and in I4b -------→Respondent=never user
Go to I5
  - If at least one “yes” (1) in I2 and in l4b -------→Respondent=ever user
Go to I11
Never users:    
I5Do you intend to use a contraceptive method to delay or avoid pregnancy at any time in the future?  I5  
 1. Yes    
 2. No    
I6Could you mention the main reason why you do not intend to use a contraceptive method?       
 Interviewer:Do not read out categories but compare answer with categories below and register appropriate one.  I6    
 1. Wants Children       
 2. Lack of knowledge       
 3. Opposed to family planning       
 4. Costs too much       
 5. Side effects       
 6. Health concerns       
 7. Hard to get methods here       
 8. Religion       
 9. Fatalistic       
 10. Difficult to get pregnant       
 11. Husband often away       
 12. Infrequent sexual intercourse       
 13. Age/Menopause       
 14. Inconvenient       
 15. Not married       
 16. No partner to have sex with       
 17. Other, specify                                                                                                                  
I7Do you intend to use a method to delay or avoid pregnancy within the next 12 months?  I7    
 1. Yes        
 2. No        
I8If you would use a method, which method would you prefer to use?  I8    
 1. Pill       
 2. IUD       
 3. Injections       
 4. Diaphragm, foam, jelly, cream       
 5. Condom       
 6. Ligation/Female sterilization       
 7. Vasectomy/Male sterilization       
 8. Natural Family Planning, rhythm method, period abstinence       
 9. Withdrawal       
 10 Other, specify:                                                                                                                  
I9Do you know of a place where you can get (method mentioned in 18)?  I9    
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
I10How long would it take you to travel from your home to that place?       
 Hours -------→  I10h    
 Minutes -------→  I10m    
 Interviewer, after l10, go to 125       
Ever use:       
I11 Which contraceptive method did you used first to avoid a pregnancy?  I11    
 1  Pill       
 2  IUD        
 3  Injections        
 4 Diaphragm, foam, jelly, cream        
 5 Condom        
 6 Ligation/Female sterilization        
 7 Vasectomy/Male sterilization        
 8 Natural FP, rhythm, periodic abstinence        
 9 Withdrawal        
 10 Other, specify                                                                                                                  
I12How many children did you have at that time, if any?        
 Number of children -------→   I12    
I13How old were you when you started to use a MODERN contraceptive method for the first time?   I13    
 Interviewer:  1. Modern contraceptives are those listed in l11, options 1–7        
  2. Register the age in completed years.        
I14When you started to use a contraceptive method for the first time, where did you go to get that method?       
 Government facilities:1.   Government hospital  I14    
  2.   MCH/FP clinic       
  3.   Local health post       
 Private facilities:4.   NGO/Family Guidance Association       
  5.   Private hospital or clinic       
  6.   Pharmacy/Dispensary       
  7.   Private doctor       
  8.   Local store/shop       
  9.   Church       
  10  Clinic on my work       
  11  Local development project       
  12  Friends/Relatives       
  13  Nowhere, I used Natural Family Planning method       
  14  Other, specify                                                                                              
I15From whom or from where did you obtain information on contraceptive methods for the first time?  I15     
 1.    Doctor/physician       
 2.    Nurse       
 3.    Family planning educator       
 4.    Parents       
 5.    Brother/Sister       
 6.    Friends/relatives or neighbours       
 7.    Radio       
 8.    Television       
 9.    Printed materials (brochure/pamphlet/newspaper)       
 10.  Local development project       
 11.  School       
 12.  Other, specify                                                                                                     
I16Are you currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid a pregnancy?   I16    
 1. Yes -------→Go to l17       
 2. No -------→Go to l25       
Current users:       
I17In what year and what month did you start using that method?       
 Year -------→  I17y     
 Month -------→  I17m    
I18Which method are you using now?  Il18    
 1    Pill       
 2    IUD       
 3    Injections       
 4    Diaphragm, foam, jelly, cream       
 5    Condom       
 6    Ligation/Female sterilization       
 7    Vasectomy/Male sterilization       
 8    Natural FP, rhythm, periodic abstinence       
 9    Withdrawal       
 10  Other, specify                                                                                                     
Interviewer:Now, check l18 answer:       
 1.If respondent uses one of the methods 1–7, or specified another MODERN method in 10 -------→ go to l20       
 2.If respondent uses one of the methods in 8, 9, or another Natural/traditional method in 10 -------→ go to l19       
I19What type of Traditional/Natural family planning method are you using?  I19    
 1. Periodic abstinence       
 2. Cord around waist       
 3. Rhythm method       
 4. Herbs       
 5. Other, specify:                                                                                                     
 Interviewer: After you completed l19, go to l25       

I20From where did you obtain the MODERN method that you are currently using?       
 Government facilities  I20    
  1.   Government hospital       
  2.   MCH/FP clinic       
  3.   Local health post       
 Private facilities       
  4.   NGO/Family Guidance Association       
  5.   Private hospital or clinic       
  6.   Pharmacy/Dispensary       
  7.   Private doctor       
  8.   Local store/shop       
  9.   Church       
  10. Clinic on my work       
  11. Local development project       
  12. Friends/Relatives       
  13. Other, specify                                                                                                    
I21How long does it take you to travel from your home to that place?       
 Hours -------→  I21h    
 Minutes -------→  I21m    
I22Is it easy or difficult to get there?  I22    
 1. Easy       
 2. Difficult       
I23How did you travel to that place the last time that you went?  I23    
 1. On foot       
 2. Bus       
 3. Taxi       
 4. Car       
 5. Bicycle       
 6. Other, specify                                                                                                    
I24Are the days and opening hours of the place where you obtain your contraceptive method convenient for you?  I24    
 1. Days and opening hours are convenient       
 2. Days and opening hours are not convenient       
 3. Days are convenient but opening hours are not convenient       
 4. Days are not convenient but opening hours are convenient       
I25Does your partner approve the use of MODERN family planning methods?  I25    
 Interviewer: See l13 and l11 about what is meant with MODERN methods.       
 1. Yes       
 2. No       
 3. Respondent does not have partner       
I26In the relationship with your partner, how often do you discuss about family planning issues?  I26    
 1. Yes, regularly       
 2. Yes, every now and then       
 3. Yes, but rarely/seldom       
 4. No, avoid talking about any family planning issue       
 5. No, it simply never comes to discussion about that topic       
 6. Respondent has no partner       
 7. Other, specify:                                                                                                     

I27If a couple wants to delay or avoid getting pregnant, who should be responsible for getting information about family planning methods?       
 1. Man       
 2. Woman       
 3. Both man and woman       
 4. It does not matter, either one       
 5. Other persons       
I28If a couple wants to delay or avoid getting pregnant, who should decide about the use of family planning methods?  I28    
 1. Man       
 2. Woman       
 3. Both should have equal say       
 4. It does not matter, either one       
 5. Other persons       
I29In many places in the world women have abortions. The reasons why women resort to an abortion are many. We would like to know whether you approve or disapprove of abortion under the following circumstances:       
 Interviewer:Use the following codes to register the answer of the respondent:       
  3=don't know       
 a. When the mothers health is at risk from the pregnancy  I29a    
 b. When the child is likely to be born physically handicapped  I29b    
 c. When the woman is not married  I29c    
 d. When the married couple does not want to have any more children  I29d    
 e. When the woman does not wish to have a child for the time being  I29e    
 f. When the woman became pregnant after being raped.  I29f    
Verify again (e.g. Module D, D12) whether this household is a fisherfolk household       
- If a fisherfolk household         -------→ GO TO MODULE J       
- If NOT a fisherfolk household -------→ END OF INDIVIDUAL INTERVIEW       

Module J: Aquatic Resources and Coastal Environment
This module is only for eligible male and female respondents in a FISHERFOLK HOUSEHOLD.      
J1I would like to know whether you agree or disagree with the following seven statements.      
 Interviewer:Use the following answer categories and codes to register the answer of the respondent:      
2=Neither agree, nor disagree      
4=Don't know      
 Only use the option “don't know” after you really tried to make the respondent choose between the three options 1…3      
 a.Over the last few years, the TOTAL CATCH has seriously declined because of an ever increasing number of fishermen and fishing boats.  J1a   
 b.Over the last few years, the VARIETY OF FISH caught has seriously decreased because of an ever increasing number of fishermen and fishing boats.  J1b   
 c.Over the last few years, the SIZE OF THE FISH caught has seriously decreased because of an ever increasing number of fishermen and fishing boats.  J1c   
 d.Over the last few years, the QUALITY OF THE SEA WATER has seriously deteriorated due to the inflow of industrial waste and/or sewage water and household waste and/or pollution by ships.  J1d   
 e.The Government has taken adequate steps for the CONSERVATION and PROTECTION of the FISHERIES RESOURCES in this region.  J1e   
 f.The Government has taken adequate steps for the CONSERVATION and PROTECTION of the COASTAL ENVIRONMENT in this region.  J1f   
 g.Strict regulations should be introduced to REGULATE THE TYPE OF FISHING GEAR to be operated on the various fishing grounds.  J1g   
J2According to you, should action be undertaken, irrespective by whom, to improve the fisheries in this region? J2    
 1. Yes -------→J2aWhat do you think is the most important action that should be undertaken to improve the fisheries in this region? (office)    
 2. No J2a    
   Description of most important action:                                           
J3Have you personally taken any steps to preserve or improve the fisheries resources and the coastal environment in this region? J3    
 1. Yes -------→J3aCould you give me the most important step that you have taken personally to improve the fisheries resources and the coastal environment in this region? (office)    
 2. No J3a    
   Description of most important personal step:                                

Key-informant questionnaire (FPA/INT/287/FPA)
Community/Village profile
Country: Bangladesh
Interviewer:In case not all questions in this questionnaire can be answered by one key informant only, please obtain answers from other key informants.
 District                                         District ID number     
 Tana                                         Tana ID number     
 Union                                        Union ID number      
 Village                                        Village ID number    
Name Interviewer:                                          Date start of interview:Day   
   Number of days it took to complete this questionnaire:   
Interviewer, please read out the following text to the key informant.
… I would like to ask you about site and situation characteristics of this community/village. All the information you give will be used for research purposes only. I would appreciate it very much if you would tell me as accurately as you can about the issues addressed below.....".
1.In the questions that follow we want to know, among others, about “distances”. Indicate here whether distances are reported in kilometers (code 1) or in miles     
 (code 2). -------→ Measure   
2.If distance is less than 1 km or 1 mile then enter 00 in box    
3. Some question coding boxes are accompanied by the word “(office)”. This means that you do not have to fill in a code. That will be done by coders and editors in the office     
Identity of key informant(s)  Sex (office) 
     1=maleDescription of position held (*)Position Code 
  Name Age2=female 
Key informant 1                                                                                                 
Key informant 2                                                                                                   
Key informant 3                                                                                                  
Key informant 4                                                                                                 
(*) Interviewer:describe position held by key-informant, such as: e.g. village chief/leader,schoolmaster, religious leader, local factory owner, village doctor.      
Location/situation of the community/village      
K1What is the name of the nearest urban center? (office)    
 Name:                                                             K1    
K2What is the distance to the nearest urban center?K2    

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