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Questionnaires (Contd.)

K3Interviewer: Register whether the community/village is situated on:     
1. Flat land K3   
2. Plateau     
3. Slope of a hill     
K4Nearby what kind of site is the community/village located?     
Interviewer: enter code 1 if “yes”, code 2 if “no”.     
a. Sea/Estuary K4a   
b. Lake K4b   
c. River K4c   
d. Forest K4d   
e. Industrial site K4e   
f. Waste land K4f   
g. Wet-land/swamp K4g   
h. Other, specify:                                                K4h   
K5What is the most commonly used type of transportation to go to the nearest urban center?     
1. On foot K5   
2. Donkey, horse, etc.     
3. Bicycle     
4. Cart, wagon (e.g. ox-cart)     
5. Motorcycle, car     
6. Bus, or other public transport     
K6What is the main access route to this community/village?     
1. All weather road K6   
2. Seasonal road     
3. Trail/path/alley     
4. River/canal     
5. Other, specify:                                                    
K7What would you say is the main economic activity of inhabitants in this village?     
1. Agricultural K7   
2. Fish catching/Aquaculture     
3. Fish processing and/or fish marketing     
4. Trading/ marketing of non-fish products     
5. Manufacturing     
6. Mining     
7. Livestock     
8. Hunting     
9. Forestry     
10. Other, specify:                                                    
K8What would you say are the second (K8a) and third (K8b) most important economic activities of inhabitants in this village?     
1. Agricultural K8a   
2. Fish catching/Aquaculture K8b   
3. Fish processing and/or fish marketing     
4. Trading/ marketing of non-fish products     
5. Manufacturing     
6. Mining     
7. Livestock     
8. Hunting     
9. Forestry     
10. Other (1), specify:                                                    
11. Other (2), specify:                                                    

K9What is the main method of waste disposal in this community/village?       
  1.Pit, inside compound  K9    
  2.Pit, outside compound       
  4.Nearby in sea, lake, river       
  5.Burned somewhere in village       
  6.Other, specify                                                                                                     
K10Now I would like to ask you about the distances to various types of SCHOOLS, how one usually goes there and how long it takes to get there from the main community/village center.
  Type of schoolK10aK10bHow long to get there from here      
DistanceMost common transport
(use codes in K5)
 a. Elementary school                   
 b. Secondary school                   
 c. College/university                   
 d. Adult Literacy Classes                   
K11I would like to ask you about the distances to various types of GENERAL SERVICES, how one usually goes there and how long it takes to get there from the main community/village center.
  Type of general serviceK11aK11bHow long to get there from here      
DistanceMost common transport
(use codes in K5)
 a. Post office/mail service                   
 b. Market in village                   
 c. Bus stop/station                   
K12Now I would like to ask you about the NEAREST HEALTH SERVICES, that is, about the travel distances to these health services, how one usually goes there and how long it takes to get there from the main community/village center.
  Type of health serviceK12aK12bHow long to get there from here      
DistanceMost common transport
(use codes in K5)
 a. Hospital                   
 b. Public Health clinic/center                    
 c. Local MCH/FP Clinic                    
 d. Medical Doctor                    
 f. Nurse/Midwife                    
 g. Traditional Healer                    
 h. Traditional Birth Attendant                    

K13Can you obtain any of the following services in any of the health service institutions listed in K12a-K12h?      
 Interviewer: enter code 1 if “yes”, code 2 if “no”. Only use code 8 (=don't know) if you did not succeed in probing for a “yes” or “no” answer.      
 a. Prenatal care  K13a   
 b. Delivery care  K13b   
 c. Child immunization  K13c   
 d. Postnatal care  K13d   
 e. Family planning services -------→ if K13e= 2 (i.e. no), go to K15  K13e   
K14Can you obtain any of the following MODERN family planning methods from any of the institutions listed in K12a-K12h?      
 Interviewer: enter code 1 if “yes”, code 2 if “no”. Only use code 8 (=don't know) if you did not succeed in probing for a “yes” or “no” answer.      
 a. Pill  K14a   
 b. IUD  K14b   
 c. Diaphragm  K14c   
 d. Foam, jelly or cream  K14d   
 e. Injections  K14e   
 f. Condom  K14f   
 g. Female sterilization  K14g   
 h. Male sterilization  K14h   
K15Are TRADITIONAL family planning methods used to avoid pregnancy in this community/village, such as: periodic abstinence, post-partum abstinence, use of herbs?  K15   
 1. Yes-------→K16Could you mention the two most popular traditional methods used by members of this community and indicate (K16b) whether the method is used by males (1), females (2) or by both (3)?    
 2. No    (Office)    
   Method 1                                       
   Method 2                                       
  K17The proportion of inhabitants in this village that use traditional methods is:      
   1. Half or more  K17   
   2. One tenth to half      
  3. Less than one tenth      
Population and other characteristics      
K18Is this community/village part of a city, town, rural area or is it community/village on it's own?      
 1. City  K18   
 2. Town      
 3. Rural area      
 4. Community/village on it's own      

K19What is the approximate number of inhabitants in this community/village?        
K19aWhat is the approximate number of residences/houses in this community/village?        
K20Can you give me an estimate of the proportion of marriages or liaisons that are polygamous ? (one man married to more than one woman)?        
 1. Half or more  K20    
 2. One tenth to half        
 3. Less then one tenth        
 4. Not practiced here        
 Community/village institutions        
K21Could you tell me which main institutions/organizations are present in this community/village and give me an estimate of the number of members of these institutions (e.g. fisherman's organization, political party, women's club etc.)?        
  K21aK21bK21c (office)        
  Description of main institutions in community/villageNumber of MembersCode for this institution        
K22Is there a community center where the inhabitants of this community/village gather and exchange opinions?        
 1. Yes   K22     
 2. No         
K23Are non-formal educational programmes organized in this community/village?  K23     
 1. Yes -------→K23aAny of the following educational programmes?        
 2. No   Interviewer: Code 1=yes, 2=no, 3=don't know         
  a.Literacy classes   K23aa   
   b.Vocational or technical training courses   K23ab   
   c.Family planning/Population education   K23ac   
   d.Other, specify                       K23ad   
Communication and Information        
K24Which newspapers can be obtained in this community/village? Please give names of the main newspapers and an indication of their DISTRIBUTION and over which TIME INTERVAL new editions can be obtained here.        
 CODES for DISTRIBUTION: 1=local, 2=district/regional, 3=national.        
 CODES for TIME INTERVAL: 1=daily, 2=weekly, 3=monthly, 4=irregular, 5=other.        
  Name of newspaper  Distrib.Timing
  a.                                        -------→        
  b.                                        -------→        
  c.                                        -------→        
  d.                                        -------→        
K25Could you give me an estimate of the proportion of inhabitants that read newspapers or magazines in this community/village?        
 1.  Half or more    K25    
 2.  One tenth to half         
 3.  Less than one tenth         
 4.  No newspapers or magazines in this community/village         
K26Could you give me an estimate of the proportion of inhabitants that have a radio in this community/village?        
 1. Half or more  K26     
 2. One tenth to half        
 3. Less than one tenth        
 4. No radio's in this community/village        
K27Could you give me an estimate of the proportion of inhabitants that have a TV in this community/village?        
 1. Half or more  K27     
 2. One tenth to half        
 3. Less than one tenth        
 4. No TV sets in this community/village        
Religious activities        
K28About how often are major religious ceremonies/feast organized in this community/village?        
 1. Once a year  K28    
 2. Once a month        
 3. Once a week        
 4. Every day        
 5. Never        
K29What are the main religions practiced by the population in this community? Could you also indicate which percentage of the population adheres to that religion?        
 Interviewer:For each religion, enter code 1 if religion is practiced, code 2 if not practiced and code 8 if key-informant does not know.        
 a. Buddhism  K29a     
 b. Christian  K29b    
 c. Muslim  K29c     
 d. Hindu  K29d     
 e. Other, specify                        K29e     

Political participation     
K30Could you give me an estimate about what proportion of the total population in this community/village is member of a political party?     
 1. Half or more K30   
 2. One tenth to half     
 3. Less than one tenth     
 4. Nobody     
Specific Questions about economic activities     
Interviewer:Verify the answers on K7 and K8. If fish catching, aquaculture, fish processing and/or fish marketing were recorded as major economic activities in this community/village, then go to K31. If this is not so, skip to question K34.     
K31Can you give me an estimate of the number of households in this community who are during most of their time engaged in fishing and generate most of their income from it?     
 1. Half or more (=>50%) K31   
 2. One tenth to half (10%–49%)     
 3. Less than one tenth (<10%)     
K32Can you describe the three most important types of fishing methods used?     
 Describe fishing method (office)   
 a.                                                                          K32a   
 b.                                                                          K32b   
 c.                                                                          K32c   
K33.Can you tell me about the degree of exploitation of the fisheries resources in your neighbourhood. Are they overexploited, under exploited or fully exploited?     
 Code 1= Overexploited, 2= Under-exploited, 3= Fully exploited. Use code 8 if key informant(s) does (do) not know.     
 a. Pelagic fisheries K33a   
 b. Demersal fisheries K33b   
 c. Inshore K33c   
 d. Offshore K33d   
K34Now we would like to know which months belong to the fishing season.     
 For each month listed below, enter code 1 if the month belongs to the fishing season or enter code 2, if the month does not belong to the fishing season.     
 a. January                      
 b. February                      
 c. March                      
 d. April                      
 e. May                      
 f. June                      
 g. July                      
 h. August                      
 i. September                      
 j. October                      
 k. November                      
 l. December                      

K35.Could you tell me whether WOMEN in this village carry out the activities that I read to you. I would also like to know whether these activities are carried out within the vicinity of the home, elsewhere in the village or outside the village.       
 Interviewer: You must fill in all boxes below with codes. Code 1=yes, 2=no, 8=don't know.      
 Activities of womenK35aAway from the home      
 Within or near the homeK35b
inside village
outside village
 a. Processing/marketing of fish               
 b. Agriculture              
 c. Vegetable gardening/horticulture               
 d. Cattle raising/herding               
 e. Retail business/small scale family enterprise              
 f. Wage and salaried employment               
 g. Capture/culture of aquatic organisms and and related activities.               
 h.Domestic work in combination with any activity listed under a.-g               
 i. Domestic work only               
History of the community/village      
K36.When was this community established/founded?      
 1. Less than 1 year ago K36    
 2. 1–4 years ago      
 3. 5–19 years ago      
 4. 20–49 years ago      
 5. 50 years ago, or longer      
K37.Have occupations and economic activities changed in this community/village in the last 10–15 years? K37   
 1. Yes --→K38.Can you describe the most important change that took place?   (office)    
 2. No                                                                                                  K38    
 K39.Can you describe the main reason for this change?        
 K40.Did this change result in any major in- or out migration       
  Interviewer: Enter code 1 if “yes”, code 2 if “no”, code 8 if “don't know”.       
  a.Major Emigration  K40a    
  b.Major Immigration  K40b    
K41.Did this community/village have any important conflicts with (a) neighbouring communitie(s)/village(s) in recent years? K41    
 1.Yes ---→K42.What was the major reason for this?  (office)   
 2.No                                                                                                  K42    

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