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Discussion Paper on Risk Management Guidelines for Food Control Emergency Situations Involving International Trade[25] (Agenda Item 8)

101. The 8th Session of the CCFICS accepted the offer of Australia to prepare a discussion paper for consideration at its current meeting which addressed the adequacy of relevant Codex texts as well as the issues involved regarding food control emergency situations.[26]

102. In introducing the discussion paper, the delegation of Australia noted that the paper emphasized potential future work in the application of risk analysis to food emergency situations and information exchange; model food emergency response plans; levels (extent) of food distribution; re-export of food to third countries; and, communication between exporting and importing countries.

103. The Committee thanked the delegation of Australia for its efforts, and noted that Australia had proposed the development of a generic model for the management of food control emergency situations, including the exchange of information in such situations, through the expansion of the Codex Guidelines for the Exchange of Information in Food Control Emergency Situations (CAC/GL 19-1995) and/or the elaboration of companion guidelines addressing emergency response issues.

104. The Committee reached general agreement that the elaboration of guidelines for food control emergency situations involving international trade should be undertaken in the context of CAC/GL 19-1995. It was suggested that guidelines concerning food control emergency situations should include the consideration of:

105. The Committee accepted the offer of Australia, with assistance provided by Japan, the Netherlands, the United States and the European Commission, to draft a revision of the Codex Guidelines for the Exchange of Information in Food Control Emergency Situations (CAC/GL 19-1995) for consideration at its next Session to include elements related to generic guidance and/or specific food emergency control plans on the basis of the Committee’s discussions and written comments submitted. It was understood that the revision of the current Codex Guidelines would be subject to approval as new work by the 24th Session of the CAC.

[25] CX/FICS 00/8 (September 2000) and comments submitted by the European Community (CRD 6) Brazil (CRD 9).
[26] ALINORM 01/30, para. 72.

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