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Discussion Paper on Food Export Control Systems[27] (Agenda Item 9)

106. The Eighth Session of the Committee had accepted the offer of Morocco to elaborate a discussion paper on the potential development of guidelines for food export control systems for consideration at its current meeting.[28]

107. In introducing the document, the Chairperson noted that the paper suggested the development of guidelines for food export control systems for balance with the elaboration of guidelines for food import control systems and in consideration of the Committee’s mandate related to both food export and import control and inspection. The Chairperson suggested that the Committee might want to consider the adequacy of current Codex texts related to import control, as well as the programme of work of the Committee, when considering the potential elaboration of guidelines.

108. The Committee thanked Morocco for the development of the discussion paper. It was noted that food export control systems were normally applied by governments for purposes outside the mandate of Codex, e.g., for the promotion or expansion of markets. It was also stated that export control was normally an integral part of food import control systems and that food export control systems were already adequately addressed in the FAO Series of Manuals of Food Quality Control: Food for Export[29].

109. The Committee decided not to pursue the elaboration of guidelines for food export control systems at the current time, especially in view of other completed Codex work that addressed the issue and also in view of its current heavy programme of work. It was agreed that the elaboration of guidelines could be considered at a future meeting if necessary.

[27] CX/FICS 00/9 (September 2000) and comments submitted by the European Community (CRD 7) and Brazil (CRD 9).
[28] ALINORM 01/30, para. 75.
[29] FAO Food and Nutrition Paper Volume 14 - Part 6.

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