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Comments on the Food Category System of the Codex General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) (Agenda Item 7c)[17]

59. The 32nd CCFAC agreed that the Food Category System of the GSFA would be circulated for comment and further consideration at its next meeting[18].

60. The Committee agreed to revise the Food Category System following the recommendations of the Working Group (Appendix 3 to CRD 1) with additional amendments, as follows:

61. The Delegation of Sweden, speaking on behalf of the Member States of the EU, proposed a change in Food Category 6.4 - Pastas and noodles to reflect differences in the use of additives in pastas and noodles. Other delegations expressed concern with changes proposed as these food categories were interpreted differently in several regions of the world, e.g., compositional differences between the two noted by other delegations.

62. The Committee confirmed that the Drafting Group (see Agenda Item 7b) would also consider the assignment of foodstuffs in the Food Category System, including examples of foods and their assignment in the food categories of the General Standard. The Committee also agreed that the document should contain a full analysis of the difference between pastas and noodles.

[17] Comments submitted by CEFS, WSRO (CX/FAC 01/7), Spain, Thailand, IDF, IOCCC (CRD 5) and OIV (CRD 14)
[18] ALINORM 01/12, para. 37 and Appendix VIII

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