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Comments on the Revised Table 1, including Benzoates, of the Codex General Standard for Food Additives (Agenda Item 7d)[19]

63. The 32nd CCFAC forwarded the proposed draft food additive provisions in Table 1 to the Executive Committee for adoption at Step 5[20]. The 47th Session of the Executive Committee adopted the proposed draft food additive provisions at Step 5[21]. The 32nd CCFAC also agreed to return the maximum levels for benzoates to Step 6 for additional comment and consideration at its current meeting[22].

64. Australia and New Zealand noted the very low levels proposed for malic and lactic acid in wine and agreed to seek higher levels with technological justification to be provided. The Committee agreed with the recommendation of the WG to forward maximum levels for food additives in specific food categories (Appendix 4, CRD 1) to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix II). The Committee also agreed that all food additives at Step 3 (CL 2000/33-FAC, Appendix II) be forwarded to the Commission for adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix III). In regard to maximum levels at Step 5 not examined by the Committee, it was agreed that all information relating to these levels should be retained.

65. The Committee agreed with the recommendation of the Working Group that several maximum levels for food additives in specific food categories be held at Step 6 for additional comment and consideration at the 34th CCFAC (see Appendix IV). In taking this decision, the Committee agreed that those delegations identified in Appendix IV would be responsible for providing technological justification and need for the use of the relevant additives, including the maximum levels proposed, for consideration at the 34th CCFAC.

[19] CL 2000/33-FAC and comments submitted by Canada, China, India, Indonesia, United States, AAC CEFIC, EC, ELC, IFU, IFMA, IPPC, ISDC, ISA (CX/FAC 01/8), Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, Thailand, Uruguay, IFAC IOCCC, NATCOL (CRD 5) and Korea, Singapore, Switzerland (CRD 14)
[20] ALINORM 01/12, para. 49 and Appendix V
[21] ALINORM 01/3, Appendix IV
[22] ALINORM 01/12, para. 48 and Appendix IV

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