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Comments on the Use of Food Additives as Carriers (Agenda Item 7e)[23]

66. The 32nd CCFAC agreed to request comments on the use of additives used as carriers for consideration at its current meeting[24].

67. The Committee decided that carriers should be included in the GSFA. In view of this decision, the Committee agreed that a drafting group lead by New Zealand, and assisted by Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, AMFEP, EC, ELC, IDF, IFT and IFU would prepare a discussion paper on the Consideration of Processing Aids and Carriers in the Context of the GSFA for circulation, comment and further consideration at its next meeting (also see Agenda Item 8). The Committee agreed that that the document would include a discussion and proposed definition for carriers, the potential amendment to the Codex definition for processing aids, the way in which the substances are used in food processing and the similarities and differences between them.

[23] Comments submitted by Canada, New Zealand, United States, CEFIC and ISDC (CX/FAC 01/9)
[24] ALINORM 01/12, para. 32

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