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Annual Economic Report, 1998. Concerted action FAIR PL97-3541 of European Commission.

Annual Economic Report, 1999. Concerted action FAIR PL97-3541 of European Commission.

Bailly, D. & Franquesa, R. (1998) Les indicateurs socio-économiques dans l'aménagement des pêches en Méditerranée: éléments de réflexion, March 1998. Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics of GFCM, WP/98/3. Roma.

Bailly, D. & Franquesa, R. (1999) Social and Economic Indicators for Fisheries management in the Mediterranean. Chp 12 in Europe's Southern Waters: Management Issues and Practice, Ed. By David Symes, Fishing News Books, London.

Boncoeur, J. Le Gallic, B. (1998), Enquête économique sur la pêche professionnelle française en Manche, CEDEM, Best, France.

Breuil, C. (1997) Les pêches en Méditerranée: éléments d'information sur le contexte halieutique et les enjeux économiques de leur aménagement. FAO Circulaire sur les pêches. No. 927, Rome.

FAO (1999), The development and use of indicators for sustainable development of marine capture fisheries, Australian FAO Technical Consultation on Sustainability Indicators in Marine Capture Fisheries, (Sydney, 18-22 January 1999), Rome.

FAO, Fisheries Report, no. 579. Report of the second session of the Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics. Appendix E, Report of the ad hoc Experts Group on Socioeconomic indicators, pp 54-57. March 1998.

FAO, Fisheries Statistics, commodities, vol.85, 1997, Roma, 1999.

FAO, Fisheries Technical Paper, no. 377. Economic viability of marine capture fisheries. Findings of a global study and an interregional workshop. Roma, 1999..

Malouli, I. Situation actuelle de la pêche artisanale en Méditerranée Marocaine, INRH, Centre Régional de Nador, mars 1999 (raport FAO-COPMED).

Pascoe, S. Mardle, S. and James, C. Suitability of the herring model for multi-species and multi-fleet fisheries: the North Sea roundfish as a case study. European Community's contribution to OECD study on the economic impact of the transition to responsible fishing. July 1999, AGR/FI/RD(99)16 OECD.

Robles, R. ed. (1999) Review of Mediterranean Fisheries Situation and Management, Informes y estudios COPEMED, n. 1.

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