FAO/SMIA - Cosechas y escaseces alimentarias No.5, noviembre 2001 - Page 6

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b) Estimaciones para 2001/02 para los pa�ses que han comenzado el a�o de mercadeo 2001/02 (miles de toneladas)

PAIS     A�o de
2000/01 2001/02
Importaciones efectuadas Necesidades
de impor-
taci�n total
(excluidas las re-
Situaci�n actual de las importaciones
y ayuda
y ayuda
Ayuda ali-
o enviada
AFRICA   24 191.1 1 362.3 25 553.4 22 945.0 4 291.4 521.5 3 769.9
Africa del Norte   16 344.7 298.3 16 643.0 15 362.0 3 436.7 4.5 3 432.2
Egipto julio/junio 11 112.3 20.7 11 133.0 10 650.0 3 090.6 0.0 3 090.6
Marruecos julio/junio 5 232.4 277.6 5 510.0 4 712.0 346.1 4.5 341.6
Africa oriental   3 937.1 510.7 4 447.8 3 255.0 180.6 174.0 6.6
Kenya oct./sept. 1 871.9 301.1 2 173.0 1 200.0 92.6 92.6 0.0
Somalia ago./julio 168.6 34.4 203.0 300.0 13.9 13.9 0.0
Sud�n nov./oct. 1 385.9 157.1 1 543.0 1 415.0 12.9 12.9 0.0
Tanzania junio/mayo 510.7 18.1 528.8 340.0 61.2 54.6 6.6
Africa austral   1 478.1 418.1 1 896.2 2 272.0 608.2 277.1 331.1
Angola abril/marzo 441.2 198.8 640.0 581.0 137.4 124.4 13.0
Lesotho abril/marzo 224.9 3.1 228.0 332.0 59.0 0.0 59.0
Madagascar abril/marzo 368.5 24.4 392.9 195.0 34.1 34.1 0.0
Malawi abril/marzo 12.2 29.9 42.1 274.0 185.8 5.8 180.0
Mozambique abril/marzo 271.3 158.0 429.3 499.0 173.9 112.8 61.1
Swazilandia mayo/abril 87.0 0.0 87.0 123.0 18.0 0.0 18.0
Zambia mayo/abril 73.0 3.9 76.9 268.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Africa occidental   2 431.2 135.2 2 566.4 2 056.0 65.9 65.9 0.0
Pa�ses sahelianos   2 431.2 135.2 2 566.4 2 056.0 65.9 65.9 0.0
Burkina Faso nov./oct. 216.9 16.5 233.4 170.0 12.8 12.8 0.0
Cabo Verde nov./oct. 41.5 35.0 76.5 93.0 6.5 6.5 0.0
Chad nov./oct. 69.2 20.0 89.2 65.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Gambia nov./oct. 163.1 1.2 164.3 123.0 1.7 1.7 0.0
Guinea Bissau nov./oct. 42.8 10.0 52.8 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mal� nov./oct. 108.2 2.7 110.9 95.0 2.2 2.2 0.0
Mauritania nov./oct. 294.6 35.1 329.7 280.0 11.3 11.3 0.0
N�ger nov./oct. 622.3 9.0 631.3 320.0 20.7 20.7 0.0
Senegal nov./oct. 872.6 5.7 878.3 840.0 10.7 10.7 0.0
ASIA   26 610.4 3 698.7 30 309.1 33 807.0 5 613.9 1 118.4 4 495.5
Afganist�n julio/junio 919.8 212.4 1 132.2 2 178.0 143.2 143.2 0.0
Armenia julio/junio 274.0 95.0 369.0 303.0 24.0 24.0 0.0
Azerbaiy�n julio/junio 785.7 10.3 796.0 800.0 36.1 7.9 28.2
Bangladesh julio/junio 946.0 649.2 1 595.2 1 669.0 586.9 145.2 441.7
Bhut�n julio/junio 54.8 0.2 55.0 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
China 2/ julio/junio 9 041.4 58.6 9 100.0 12 160.0 1 683.0 33.2 1 649.8
Corea D.P.R. nov./oct. 618.1 1 492.0 2 110.1 1 467.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Filipinas julio/junio 4 176.0 104.3 4 280.3 4 307.0 602.6 61.8 540.8
Georgia julio/junio 560.0 97.0 657.0 460.0 150.2 96.6 53.6
India abril/marzo 88.0 194.0 282.0 282.0 121.9 121.1 0.8
Indonesia abril/marzo 6 731.8 418.4 7 150.2 6 440.0 1 713.5 172.8 1 540.7
Kyrgyz Republic julio/junio 75.0 61.0 136.0 159.0 20.2 20.2 0.0
Mongolia oct./sept. 140.0 63.3 203.3 203.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nepal julio/junio 69.2 9.8 79.0 145.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
Pakistan mayo/abril 91.6 2.2 93.8 260.0 132.2 132.2 0.0
Syria julio/junio 1 110.0 28.0 1 138.0 1 065.0 248.5 8.6 239.9
Tajikistan julio/junio 340.0 159.0 499.0 788.0 75.8 75.8 0.0
Turkmenistan julio/junio 20.0 6.0 26.0 61.0 7.6 7.6 0.0
Uzbekistan julio/junio 569.0 38.0 607.0 1 005.0 68.1 68.1 0.0
CENTRAL AMERICA   3 809.9 263.0 4 072.9 4 033.0 1 129.2 335.7 793.5
Cuba julio/junio 1 605.6 1.9 1 607.5 1 657.0 71.6 1.2 70.4
Guatemala julio/junio 966.5 64.5 1 031.0 1 036.0 479.9 196.4 283.5
Haiti julio/junio 456.0 101.0 557.0 490.0 177.1 76.9 100.2
Honduras julio/junio 520.7 56.0 576.7 560.0 207.8 22.6 185.2
Nicaragua julio/junio 261.1 39.6 300.7 290.0 192.8 38.6 154.2
SOUTH AMERICA   863.1 197.9 1 061.0 1 021.0 196.4 77.5 118.9
Bolivia julio/junio 234.9 74.0 308.9 331.0 27.6 16.7 10.9
Ecuador julio/junio 628.2 123.9 752.1 690.0 168.8 60.8 108.0
EUROPE   645.4 90.6 736.0 856.0 107.8 107.8 0.0
Albania julio/junio 326.5 2.5 329.0 309.0 34.7 34.7 0.0
Bosnia&Herzegovina julio/junio 215.7 74.3 290.0 290.0 73.1 73.1 0.0
Macedonia, FYR julio/junio 103.2 13.8 117.0 257.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL   56 119.9 5 612.5 61 732.4 62 662.0 11 338.7 2 160.9 9 177.8


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