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J. Pretty and P. Koohafkan

Authors are grateful to:

J. Ashburner, J. Benites, S. Bunning, L. Elswick, T. Foster, L. Fresco, S. Jutzi, L. Kubat, E. Kueneman, P.J. Mahler, J. Poulisse and other staff of FAO for their helpful comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this compendium.

Institutional support:

FAO and University of ESSEX

Cover photographs:

Charcoal and gold green fields, Bugbug, east Bali Zero tillage and conservation agriculture practices, Brazil

Photo credits:

J. Pretty, P. Koohafkan, J. Benites, R. Helmi, S.Vaneph, L.Lueras and FAO photo library

Design & layout:

Simone Morini, Rome

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