New Addition to Aquaculture Group

Valerio (middle) in Haiti with Mr A.B. Monizi (left) and Mr J.P. Dimanche (right) during a project backstopping missionIn October 2003, Mr Valerio Crespi joined the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI) as Fisheries Resources Officer (Information Systems). Mr Crespi is a biological sciences graduate of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy). He also possesses experience in inland water resources, marine biology, small-scale fisheries and aquaculture. He spent three years at the Institut Française de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) in Sète, France.

As a database consultant to FAO, he worked in the Mediterranean regional project "FAO-Copemed" in 1999 and established a database on the French Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions) small-scale fishery. Then he went on to finalize the Inventory of Artisanal Fishery Communities in the Western and Central Mediterranean. The regional database "ArtFiMed" and several versions of CD-ROMs are also to his credit.

After completing three years at FAO headquarters as a database consultant to the FAO Fisheries Global Information System project (FAO-FIGIS) compiling and integrating information on aquatic resources and their exploitation, he joined FIRI with technical responsabilities for assisting the Service in the development of specialized and integrated database systems and applications for inland fisheries and aquaculture. Valerio will not only assist in maintaining and updating the information systems at FIRI, but will also disseminate information to the outside world. Mr Crespi can be contacted by telephone at +39 06 57055617 or by e-mail at [email protected]