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Resource rent is of overriding importance in fisheries exploitation. Depending on the institutional arrangements in a fishery, it may be the driving force leading to overexploitation in its two main forms (overcapacity and overfishing) or it may be the basis for the generation of sustainable wealth and revenue. Fiscal arrangements, and hence their reform, are important in at least two ways. First, fishery management systems are gradually beginning to emerge that allow resource rent to be generated on a sustainable basis. Fiscal conditions will determine the sharing of this wealth between different stakeholders. Second, fiscal arrangements may themselves constitute an important management measure, usually supporting other management instruments and helping to control exploitation levels.

In this context, the Support unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research (SIFAR) conceived and organized an international workshop on fiscal reform for fisheries, which was hosted by FAO from 13 to 15 October 2003 in Rome, Italy. Financial support for the workshop was provided by DFID (the UK Department for International Development).

A key goal of the workshop was to facilitate discussion between participants, drawing on their varied backgrounds, on the central theme of how best to use fiscal methods to achieve both fisheries policy objectives, and broader economic, social and environmental objectives.

This report presents a synthesis of the workshop. It draws on presentations made by participants of the situation in each country represented at the meeting. It also uses the summaries prepared by chairpersons and rapporteurs of discussions held in thematic subgroups which concerned:

And it uses the summaries prepared by chairpersons and rapporteurs of discussions held in three more regionally-based groupings, the aims of which were to:

Finally, the document draws on a set of conclusions and recommendations developed and unanimously agreed by the participants in the closing plenary session of the workshop. The workshop participants recognized the importance of fiscal reform and recommended strongly that ways be found to continue dialogue at international, regional and national levels.

This document was prepared and edited by Stephen Cunningham and Tim Bostock, respectively Consultant from the Institut du développement durable et des ressources aquatiques (IDDRA) to SIFAR/FAO and Executive Secretary of SIFAR. The papers prepared by participants will be presented in a supplement to this report.

Workshop participants
Directors of Fisheries
FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Members

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