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This international workshop on fiscal reform for fisheries was conceived and organized by the Support unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research (SIFAR) and subsequently hosted by FAO from 13 to 15 October 2003 in Rome, Italy. Financial support for the workshop was provided by DFID (the UK Department for International Development).

The report of the workshop is presented in this document[1]. The workshop agenda adopted by the participants is presented at Annex 1. The workshop brought together 29 participants from ten countries and six organisations. The list of participants is presented at Annex 2.

Papers prepared for the workshop by participants are to be presented as a supplement to this report. Two background papers prepared for the workshop are included in Annex 3.

[1] The views expressed in the report or in the papers prepared for the workshop are those of the respective authors or participants and should not be considered as reflecting the views of FAO or its Members.

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