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Documents received by the Joint Secretariat

Prior to the workshop the Secretariat called for additional information to be distributed to the experts. the following documents were submitted:

Marco Sievi, Michael Binggeli, Jürg Rüfenacht: 2003 Border Veterinary Service annual report SFVO Magazine 2/2004, pp 32 - 35.

Hans-Jörg Heiz: 2003 National Residue Testing Programme. SFVO Magazine 2/2004, pp 36 - 41.

Carry-over of coccidiostats authorized as feed additives and medicinal substances in medicated feed. Letter from the European NGOs for Agriculture (COPA-COGECA), Feed manufacturers (FEFAC) and Anima Health (IFAH) to Dr. W. Penning (Head of Unit Animal Nutrition, EU Commission, DG SANCO), dated 25 March 2004.

Explanatory note and discussion paper: Control carry-over of coccidiostats as feed additives and medicinal substance in medicated feed.

Summary Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health - Animal Nutrition Section, Brussels, 29 April 2004

Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants on the Draft Guidance Document for the Setting of an Acute Reference Dose (ARFD) (Opinion adopted by the Scientific Committee on Plants, 18 July 2002); SCP/GUIDE-ARFD/002-Final

Efficient and sensitive detection of residues of nine coccidiostats in eggs and muscle by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Michel Dubois, Gilles Pierret, Philippe Delahaut. Abstract.

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