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Many people have contributed to the development of this publication and the authors would like to express their deep gratitude to all of them.

An earlier version of the Family Nutrition Guide was prepared under the FAO project TCP/SUD/6714 and benefited greatly from Charity Dirorimwe’s broad experience in community nutrition.

During the planning phase of this version of the guide, we obtained very useful practical advice from Anna Mswata, Regional Nutrition Coordinator, Arusha, Tanzania, and Grace Maina, Nutrition Consultant, Nairobi, Kenya. A number of people contributed up-to-date technical information and useful comments, which ensures that the guide takes fully into account both the latest scientific thinking and the experience of those who work in the field of nutrition. For these contributions, we are particularly indebted to: Marlou Bijlsma, University of Zimbabwe, Harare; Bruce Cogill and Ellen Piwoz, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC, USA; Andrew Trevett, Cranfield University, UK; Lida Lhotska, IBFAN-GIFA (Geneva Infant Feeding Association), Geneva, Switzerland; Madeleine Green and Andrew Tomkins, Institute of Child Health, London, UK; as well as our colleagues at WHO, Geneva, Switzerland: Peggy Henderson, Constanza Vallenas and Martin Weber, Department of Adolescent and Child Health, and Bruno de Benoist, Randa Saadeh and Catherine Melin, Department of Nutrition for Health and Development.

Within FAO, Ellen Mühlhoff and William D. Clay, Nutrition Programmes Service, provided useful comments and suggestions at various stages of the guide’s development. Terri Ballard, Robert C. Weisell and Guy Nantel, Nutrition Planning, Assessment and Evaluation Service, provided technical information on nutrient requirements.

Special thanks go to Sara Kionga-Kamau, Nairobi, Kenya, who prepared both the cover and the illustrations for the key messages in the guide, thereby enriching it considerably.

Several people helped to prepare the guide for printing. Acknowledgements are due to Linda Mitchell for copyediting and coordinating the overall publication process and to Cecilia Valli for document design and layout.

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