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Appendix 1: Recommendations from the three Working Groups

Recommendations from Working Group 1: Communication and Natural Resource Management


The Isang Bagsak (IB) experience, in enabling people to become drivers of their development through Participatory Development Communication (PDC) and Natural Resource Management (NRM), presents evidence of the importance of PDC in development taken in a holistic context.

General recommendation

We recommend sustaining the IB community of practice as an avenue for continued exchange and collaboration in PDC training, research and evaluation and other PDC initiatives. PDC is a process that is used for developing local involvement, resolving issues, identifying problems and solutions, and sharing knowledge and information


Recommendations for training

We recommend instituting experiential, value based, culturally sensitive, collaborative/interactive, inclusive and empowering training in PDC based on the IB principles for the following stakeholders: decision-makers, media specialists, communication, training and education institutions and communities.

Recommendations for research

We recommend research must address how to achieve and sustain both the process of participation and the outcomes/impact of participation. This requires:

We recommend PDC research utilization and dissemination must address:

Recommendations for scaling-up

We recommend PDC should seek to maximize involvement and collaboration of a multi-stakeholder environment to support local development.

We recommend scaling up the process with drivers of development based on impact assessment and improve methodology to influence practice and policy at every level.

Action Plan

Recommendations from Working Group 2: Communication for Isolated and Marginalized Groups

Common characteristics of isolated and marginalized groups:

Obstacles and constraints

Governments: context

Governments have committed themselves to the MDGs. We are not going to meet the MDGs unless all actors recognize that communication with the poor is key to meeting them. More importantly, this is the principle identified by poor people themselves.

Current government policies and trends are making the voices of the isolated and marginalized even more isolated and marginalized.

Recommendations to Governments:

1. Create a plural information society

2. Support the voices of isolated and marginalized groups

Recommendations to communication practitioners:

Recommendations to donors and development agencies:

Recommendations from Working Group 3: Communication for Development in Research, Extension and Education

Development communication in Research, Extension and Education is:

Key challenges

Dominant models do not provide desired outcomes in the longer term

Challenges are old but environment is new with key changes being active role of private sector, decentralization of many services, new opportunities for application of ICTs, agricultural services reform, farmer organization development, social pro-poor extension, non-production-oriented extension

A number of successful examples exist including AKIS but these are small-scale

Making the links between:

Successful examples

Recommendations when scaling up

Recommendations to practitioners and donors

There is a need for:

Recommendations to the UN

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