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Appendix 2: Agenda

Monday, 6 September


Official Opening


Chairperson: Dietrich E. Leihner , FAO


Rapporteur: Nikki van der Gaag, Panos Institute



John H. Monyo, FAO


Representative from the Government of Italy


Wijayananada Jayaweera, UNESCO


Paul Mitchell, the World Bank


Oumy N'Diaye, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)




Introduction to the Roundtable and Keynote Papers


Chairperson: Rina Gill, UNICEF



Current trends in the field of development communication will be presented for discussion, including relationships between communication and development, challenges and priorities as defined during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the World Summit of the Information Society and the Millennium Development Goals.



Programme, Methodology and Organization of the Roundtable (15 minutes)


Jean-Pierre Ilboudo, FAO



The Context of Development Communication in 2004 (30 minutes)


James Deane, Communication for Social Change Consortium (CFSCC)



Communication and Sustainable Development: Issues and Solutions (30 minutes)


Jan Servaes, University of Queensland, Brisbane


Questions/Issues (30 minutes)




Background Papers


Lessons learnt, issues and constraints in the use of development communication practices and approaches will be highlighted in relation to Natural Resource Management; research, extension and education and isolated and marginalized groups.




Communication and Natural Resource Management (20 minutes presentation, 25 minutes questions and issues)


Guy Bessette, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)




Communication for Isolated and Marginalized Groups


Silvia Balit, Communication Consultant



Communication in Research, Extension and Education


Niels Röling, University of Wageningen




Summary of deliberations on Keynote and Background Papers


Nikki van der Gaag, General Rapporteur




The UN System Network on Food Security and Rural Development


Presenter: Stéphane Jost, FAO


Rapporteur: Carine Rouah, Consultant, FAO


Tuesday, 7 September


Debate on the Background Papers



Chairperson: Eve Crowley, FAO



The session will provide an opportunity for participants to (i) contribute to the concepts and ideas presented in the papers, (ii) share examples and lessons learned from their own experiences at the field level, (iii) identify issues and challenges related to the appropriation of action at the community level, and (iv) identify areas for potential collaboration at local, national, regional or international levels. Papers will be discussed in the same order of presentation



I. Communication and Natural Resource Management


II. Communication for Isolated and Marginalized Groups


III. Communication in Research, Extension and Education




Highlights of activities on Communication for Development by UN Agencies


Chairpersons: Jean Fabre, UNDP/Paul Mitchell, World Bank


Briefs will focus on significant progress made since the 8th UN Roundtable held in 2001 in Nicaragua.






Working Groups


Terms of reference and organization of the Working Groups (WG)


Jean-Pierre Ilboudo, FAO



WG1 – Communication and Natural Resource Management


WG2 – Communication for Isolated and Marginalized Groups


WG3 – Communication in Research, Extension and Education




Working Groups

Wednesday, 8 September 


Working Groups Continue




Parallel sessions



A. Preparation of final reports by WG facilitators and rapporteurs


B. New Initiatives in the UN


Chairperson: Sandra McGuire, IFAD



This session will provide a forum for sharing information on new projects and proposals and explore opportunities for partnerships.




University of Queensland Clearing House on Development Communication


Presenter: Jan Servaes, University of Queensland


Rapporteur: Kwamé Boafo or Venus Jennings, UNESCO




The World Bank – Building Partnerships on Communication for Development


Presenter: Lucia Grenna, Development Communication Division at the World Bank


Rapporteur: Paolo Mefalopoulos, World Bank




FAO – La Ond@ Rural: A Latin American Initiative


Presenter: Bruce Girard, Comunica


Rapporteur: José Luis Aguirre, AMARC



Thursday, 9 September 


Chairperson: Guy Bessette, IDRC


Reporting by the Working Groups




Discussion on the Working Groups' reports and final recommendations




Chairperson: Ricardo Ramirez, University of Guelph



Information and Communication for Development in Support of Rural 

Livelihoods: A Collaborative FAO/DFID/World Bank Programme


Presenters: Stephen Rudgard/Clare O'Farrell, FAO


Rapporteur: Sophie Treinen, FAO



Building Alliances and Collaboration on Communication for Development – The Way Forward



Discussion will aim at developing a preliminary action plan for collaboration on Communication for Development based on recommendations from the Working Groups and presentations. Projects or activities will be identified where two or more partners either share strong interests or are ready to agree to joining efforts and resources for implementation. The tentative plan will hopefully include information on who will do what, with whom, where, when and with what resources.




Closing ceremony



Chairperson: K. Kwame Boafo, UNESCO



Conclusions, recommendations and final declaration


Nikki van der Gaag, General Roundtable Rapporteur



Word of thanks


Jean Pierre Ilboudo, FAO



Closing speech


Wijayananada Jayaweera, UNESCO

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