Growing conditions improved in August but overall crop prospects remain unfavourable. . Following above-normal precipitation in mid-June, which allowed planting operations, rains decreased during the last dekad and mostly dry weather prevailed until early August. Some germination failures were experienced and some fields were replanted. Most of the crops suffered temporary wilting but others were permanently affected. On 23 August, the Government declared 2002/03 a year of crop failure and food shortages. However, rainfall has resumed since the end of the first dekad of August and the situation has improved substantially. An FAO Mission which visited the country on 6-7 September, verified that crops affected by the lack of rains in July have been recovering, particularly the important millet crop. However, the impact of the dry spell on crops varies greatly according to areas. Overall, the Mission anticipated a general reduction in yield potential and a decline in this year’s cereal output. The final outcome of the season will depend on the rainfall pattern through October.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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