Undisplayed Graphic


Overall crop prospects are favourable reflecting generally regular and widespread rains. After irregular and below average rains in May and June, precipitation improved in early July and remained widespread and regular through August, although decreasing somewhat in late August. Reflecting these favourable growing conditions, coarse grains are developing satisfactorily. Millet and sorghum are heading in the Sudanian zone and tillering in the Sahelian zone. Pastures are generally adequate in both the Sudanian and Sahelian zones.

Grasshopper attacks are reported on millet in Abéché, Abougoudam, Mabrone, Massakory and Mongo regions while army worms infestations are reported in Abéché and Guéra regions. No desert locust activity is reported.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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