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Terms of reference for consultant to prepare an analytical and comparative view document based on the country case studies


The Extension, Education and Communication Service (SDRE) and the Research and Technology Development Service (SDRR) of the Research, Extension and Training Division, Sustainable Development Department at FAO headquarters are interested in having the country case studies on Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development (AKIS/RD) analysed and synthesized. These studies were recently conducted in a number of countries in different geographical regions of the world.


An AKIS/RD links people and institutions to promote mutual learning and generate, share and utilize agriculture-related technology, knowledge and information. The system integrates farmers, agricultural educators, researchers and extension workers to harness knowledge and information from various sources for better farming and improved livelihoods. A detailed description of the AKIS/RD system is contained in a FAO/World Bank publication Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development (AKIS/RD): Strategic vision and guiding principles (2000).

In summary, AKIS/RD place strategic emphasis on the following:

Country case studies

With the aim of preparing operational guidelines for translating into action the strategic vision and guiding principles highlighted in the joint FAO/World Bank publication mentioned above, SDRE/SDRR initiated/conducted case studies in the following countries:

1. Malaysia
2. Pakistan
3. Uganda
4. Lithuania
5. Cameroon
6. Morocco
7. Chile
8. Cuba
9. Trinidad and Tobago
10. Egypt

The objectives of the case studies were to examine the status of the AKIS/RD system in terms of its membership pattern, resource allocation, operations, strengths and weaknesses, and to learn lessons from the case studies in order to strengthen the AKIS/RD effectively in the countries of the studies and elsewhere.

The case study methodology involved a combination of approaches including document and secondary data review, rapid appraisals, questionnaires, group and individual interviews with key informants and workshops/seminars. To the extent possible, both quantitative and qualitative data were utilized in the studies. The national consultants who conducted the studies to obtain technical information required for preparing the study reports performed the following specific tasks:

identification of the major AKIS/RD operators, both public and private, in the country in the areas of agricultural research, agricultural extension, agricultural education and the farming profession;

recording the perceptions of the identified operators about their roles in the AKIS/RD system;

In addition to the FAO/World Bank publication on AKIS/RD, the following information on major discipline-specific issues, trends and considerations was provided to each consultant responsible for conducting a study:

Agricultural extension: broader role beyond mere agricultural technology transfer, stakeholders’ participation, decentralization, privatization, pluralism, client focus, gender sensitivity, application of electronic information technology, etc.

Agricultural research: research policy environment and management style; participatory and gender-sensitive research agenda; research coordination, priority setting and M&E; decentralization and resource allocation; research partnerships, linkages and outreach.

Agricultural education: systemic approach (i.e. looking at basic, vocational and higher education in the context of rural development systems); curriculum renewal and relevance (including gender, environment, biotechnology, food safety and rural development issues); pedagogical innovation (i.e. using more participatory and experiential teaching methods, and giving opportunity for practical experience and skill building); equity of access to quality education.

Farming practice: indigenous knowledge, farmer organizations, farmer empowerment, and participation in the making of decisions related to agricultural extension, research and education that affect farmers’ lives.

Analysis and synthesis of the studies

The objectives of analysing and synthesizing the country studies are: 1) to identify major hurdles to smooth functioning that are faced individually by any one AKIS/RD partner institution and/or by all the partner institutions, any good practices being followed by any AKIS partner/s in any country, which could be tried in other countries; and, based on the lessons learned from the case studies, 2) to come up with normative guidelines that developing countries could follow for the satisfactory functioning of AKIS/RD, and that could also be used for formulating projects aimed at AKIS/RD strengthening.

A consultant who has working knowledge of English, Spanish and French, is familiar with the AKIS/RD concept, has the necessary training and at least ten years of senior-level experience in an international setting in agricultural extension, research and education, and has a basic degree in agriculture and preferably a Ph.D. in one of these fields will be contracted to do the analysis and synthesis of the country studies and prepare a comprehensive report on the subject. Working under the direct technical supervision of the Senior Officer for Agricultural Training and Extension, SDRE (M. Kalim Qamar) and the Senior Research Officer, SDRR (Henry Mwandemere), the consultant will perform the following specific tasks:

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