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Sample terms of reference for National Consultant - Cameroon

Under the overall supervision of the Chiefs of SDRE and SDRR, with the direct supervision of the designated SDRR Research and Technology and SDRE Extension, Education and Communication Officers, and in collaboration with other FAO officers as required, the consultant will carry out the tasks described below in order to prepare a case study document on AKIS/RD in Cameroon.


FAO and the World Bank recently prepared a publication on AKIS/RD that sets out a strategic vision and guiding principles. A remaining task is the preparation of operational guidelines. To this end, FAO is conducting case studies in various regions. Cameroon has been selected as the AKIS/RD case study in West and Central Africa. The objective of the case study is to collect lessons learned through efforts to operationalize and implement AKIS/RD systems.

An AKIS/RD links people and institutions to promote mutual learning and to generate, share and utilize agriculture-related technology, knowledge and information. The system integrates farmers, agricultural educators, researchers and extensionists to harness knowledge and information from various sources for better farming and improved livelihoods. A detailed description of the AKIS/RD system is contained in the FAO/World Bank publication, which will be provided to the consultant along with other relevant documents.

To summarize, AKIS/RD places strategic emphasis on the following:

Case study methodology

The case study methodology (research focus) should involve a combination of several approaches including document and secondary data review, rapid appraisals, questionnaires, group and individual interviews with key informants and workshops/seminars. To the extent possible, both quantitative and qualitative data should be utilized in the study. The consultant will be expected to present a brief description of the research strategy that will be utilized, including a list of the institutions and organizations that will form part of the study.

The consultant should involve representatives from the following institutions, among others: The Institute of Research and Agricultural Development (IRAD), the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI), The Ministry in charge of Livestock, Animal Production and Industries (MINEPIA), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MINEF), the Support Project to the National Agricultural Extension and Research Programme (PNVRA), donor agencies supporting AKIS/RD programmes and projects (ADB, IFAD, World Bank, among others), the University of Dschang, NGOs and farming groups and organizations.

In general terms, the case study should address the following questions: 1) Who are the actors in the AKIS/RD system? 2) How do the different actors perceive their roles in the AKIS/RD system? 3) What institutional or technical arrangements are in place to facilitate/ensure the integration of AKIS/RD components? 4) How effective and efficient are the present linkages/arrangements? 5) What are the modalities for sharing responsibilities and resources? and 6) Is there any evidence of AKIS/RD impact, especially at the farmer level?

The case study also should draw on the principles listed below in order to identify lessons learned as well as constraints. It should be recognized that some of these principles may be intended objectives of the AKIS/RD system and some may be only partially implemented, while others are planned for future implementation through AKIS/RD programmes and projects. Also, some may not be considered at all in the AKIS/RD system, indicating a potential "gap" or weakness.

Economic efficiency. Are the benefits of AKIS/RD programmes commensurate with the costs, and are programmes/projects tailored to a scale that is commensurate with, and justified by, expected outcomes?

Match between comparative advantages of AKIS/RD organizations and the functions they perform. Is the rationale for all organizations involved clearly stated and in accordance with the concepts for public and private sector AKIS/RD roles? For example, is the public sector’s involvement in AKIS/RD programmes/projects focused on "core" public good functions?

Subsidiarity. Are operational authority and responsibilities for AKIS/RD programmes allocated based on the principle of "subsidiarity", i.e. decision-making devolves to the lowest possible level of government consistent with organizational competencies and efficient use of funds?

Clear repartition of costs. Do the main stakeholders in AKIS/RD programmes/projects share the burden of funding AKIS/RD activities based on agreed criteria, including their ability to pay and their use of services?

Careful assessment and optimal mixing of funding and delivery mechanisms. Which AKIS/RD programmes are funded and delivered by central and local governments, and which AKIS/RD services and products are contracted to outside sources such as private firms, NGOs and farmer associations?

Pluralistic and participatory approaches. Are various approaches to service delivery used, and are a range of stakeholders and organizations with different strengths utilized?

Effective linkages among farmers, educators, researchers, extensionists and other AKIS/RD stakeholders. Are AKIS/RD programmes and institutions explicitly designed to create synergies and collaboration among stakeholders in all AKIS/RD domains (i.e. research, extension, education, farmers)?

Building human and social resources. Do AKIS/RD programmes provide resources and incentives for educating staff, e.g. to empower rural clients, to operate in rearranged public/private responsibilities, to use new information and communication technologies, and to apply concepts for participatory learning and problem solving?

Sound M&E. Are AKIS/RD programmes results-oriented with procedures for monitoring progress towards achieving goals and for evaluating outcomes?

Expected output

The final output will be a case study document prepared in English or French in electronic format and hard copy, approximately 75 double-spaced pages in length. The consultant will first provide an outline of the document to the responsible FAO officer for clearance. A first draft of the document will be reviewed by FAO officers and returned to the consultant to incorporate changes as necessary. The working title of the document will be Best practices and lessons learned from AKIS/RD in Cameroon (or its equivalent in French). The following timetable will be followed in order to produce the case study document in a timely fashion:


The consultant should be thoroughly familiar with the concepts, principles and practical applications of AKIS/RD in the context of Cameroon. He/she should have at least ten years of work experience in Cameroon in aspects of AKIS/RD implementation (research focus). The consultant should hold a higher degree in agriculture or a closely related discipline. The consultant should have excellent writing skills in English or French and in the use of computers for word processing.

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