FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2 - July 2003 p.38

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Final official estimates of the 2003 cereal harvest have been revised slightly upwards to 2.11 million tonnes, including 1.98 million tonnes of maize. No imports of maize will be necessary in the 2003/04 marketing year because of the satisfactory production and unprecedented levels of maize carry-over stocks.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production2951 5571 654
Previous five years average production2872 0582 147
Previous year imports503620673
Previous five years average imports421191234
2003/04 Domestic Availability1572 1622 220
2003 Production (rice in paddy terms)1882 0522 141
2003 Production (rice in milled terms)1572 0522 110
Possible stock drawdown--110110
2003/04 Utilization60572 1672 284
Food use60481 8151 923
Non-food use-9352361
Exports or re-exports----
Possible stock build up----
2003/04 Import Requirement59-564
Anticipated commercial imports59--59
of which: received or contracted----
Food aid needs--55
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges-3-3
of which: delivered----
Donor-financed purchases----
of which: for local use----
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)54156165
2003 Prod. compared to average (rice paddy terms)50101100100
2003/04 Import requirement compared to average140-327
Cereal share of total calorie intake   58
Additional Information    
Major foodcropsmaize; pulses; roots; tubers; rice
Lean seasonFebruary-March
Population (000s)11 657   
GNP per capita in 2001 (US$)160   

FAO/GIEWS - July 2003

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