FAO Regional Office for Africa

Africa Forestry and Wildlife Commission concludes with a call to advance sustainable management of Africa’s precious natural resources

AFWC24 wraps up in the United Republic of Tanzania


3 November 2023, Arusha - The 24th Session of the Africa Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC24) and the 8th Africa Forestry and Wildlife Week (AFWW8) have concluded with a renewed commitment to advance sustainable management of Africa’s forests and wildlife resources.

Hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the dual events brought together more than 200 government officials   and stakeholders from  African countries and other partners to deliberate on the pressing issues related to the management of forestry and wildlife resources in Africa.

In the recommendations agreed on the closing day, delegates reaffirmed their commitment to the sustainable management and conservation of Africa's forests and wildlife, emphasizing the need for increased investments, use of technologies and innovative approaches in the management of forest and wildlife, and strengthened partnerships.

H.E. Shamata Shaame Khamis, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, Natural Resources and Livestock of Zanzibar said in his closing remarks, “the 24th Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission and the 8th African Forestry and Wildlife Week have been a momentous and remarkable opportunity for African renowned experts on forestry and wildlife to share experiences and lessons on matter of concern and importance to our resources in the region”.

“The 24th Session of the Africa Forestry and Wildlife Commission and the 8th Africa Forestry and Wildlife Week have strengthened our collective resolve to preserve our natural heritage. We leave here with a shared vision and commitment to creating a sustainable and prosperous future for Africa,” said Edward Kilawe, FAO Senior Forestry Officer and AFWC Secretary .

AFWC24 recommendations

The 24th Session of AFWCcalled on Member Nations to develop coherent laws, policies and strategies that empower forest communities to secure land use and access rights, and support them to combat illegal activitiesi. The Commission encouraged Members to ensure the integration of agricultural and forest policies to enhance food security and support inclusive livelihoods. They also urged Members to engage with the private sector to protect ecosystems and contribute to green cities and the adoption of climate-smart agriculture.

The Commission requested FAO to support Member Nations to: strengthen their capacities on integrated fire management to reduce wildfires; develop coherent trade policies within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to increase credibility of forest products and enhance forest management policies; develop an enabling environment to access funds for long-term conservation of ecosystems; address emerging issues at the human-wildlife-livestock-ecosystem interface; and implement the African Strategy on Combating Illegal Exploitation and Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora in Africa.

Sustainable beekeeping in Africa

One of the discussions focused on sustainable beekeeping value chains in Africa and looked at the potential of beekeeping as a way to combat deforestation and biodiversity loss and implement nature-based livelihoods. The Commission invited Members to promote sustainable beekeeping practices and develop national beekeeping strategies. The session heard that this work includes improving data on bee-product production, consumption and trade, market information systems, and traceability. In turn, the Commission requested FAO to support countries to design a framework for sustainable beekeeping and value chain development.

AFWW8: sharing knowledge

In addition to the substantive discussions, AFWW8 featured numerous side events, exhibitions, and interactive sessions. These activities provided opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing among participants, reinforcing the spirit of collaboration and unity in addressing Africa's forestry and wildlife challenges.

The outcomes of AFWC24 and AFWW8 will help to shape discussions at FAO’s Committee on Forestry (COFO)  and the 33rd Session of the Regional Conference for Africa (ARC33) which are governing body meetings of FAO  and Member Nations.

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Alice Maro
FAO United Republic of Tanzania
Communications specialist
[email protected]

Zoie Jones

FAO Regional Office for Africa
Regional Communications Officer
[email protected]