FAO Regional Office for Africa

FAO recognizes that non-state actors (NSAs) play a critical role in the fight against hunger.  FAO classifies NSAs into the following groups: Academia and Research Institutes, Civil Society Organizations (including Cooperatives), Parliamentary Alliances and Private Sector.

FAO recognizes that civil society organizations play a critical role in the fight against hunger – given their experience, their proximity to local communities and representation of the hungry and poor, and their increasing presence in the field. FAO appeals to their field knowledge and capacity on a variety of issues related to food security.

At a regional level, FAO is pleased to support a biennial meeting of CSOs prior to the Africa Regional Conference. This CSO Consultation (2018 gathering in Khartoum, Sudan pictured above) produces a Declaration, which is presented by CSO representatives to the Assembly of Ministers of Agriculture during the Regional Conference for Africa, FAO’s highest governing body in the region. To learn more about the conference, please visit the Africa Regional Conference page.

In October 2016, FAO formalized its partnership with the Pan-African Parliament, a body of over 200 representatives elected by their national legislatures, headquartered in Midrand, South Africa. FAO supports the Pan-African Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (PAPA-FSN) through a technical cooperation programme (TCP) project. FAO is also collaborating with subregional groupings of parliamentarians (East African Legislative Assembly, Economic Community of West African States) and national legislatures (Cameroon, Djibouti, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Uganda).

FAO partners with the private sector to increase responsible and productive investments in agriculture, enhance efficiency in the supply chain, make advancements in data and science, improve the management and dissemination of knowledge, and encourage sustainable business practices in corporate social responsibility programmes. The private sector plays a crucial role in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. FAO is pursuing partnerships with the private sector at all levels. FAO includes the following entities under the label of the private sector:

  • Farmers and farmers’ organizations 
  • Producers’ organizations and cooperatives 
  • Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) 
  • Large firms (national and multinational companies, including state-owned enterprises) 
  • Financial institutions 
  • Industry, trade associations, and private-sector consortia 
  • Philanthropic foundations 

Across Africa, FAO is currently working with the following foundations: Bill and Melinda Gates, Rabobank, Rockefeller, as well as the International Fertilizer Association and ENI.

As sources of knowledge, expertise, and innovation, academic and research institutions are natural partners of FAO. Their comparative advantages add value to FAO’s work in the region, particularly in the organization’s training, capacity-building, and knowledge-management activities. Academia and research institutions benefit from partnering with FAO by providing opportunities to strengthen technical and institutional capacities, gain access to information and knowledge resources, participate in policy dialogues, and engage with other stakeholders.

FAO partners with academia and research institutions based on a shared vision and common goals. In the African region, FAO collaborates with various institutions, including but not limited to:

  • AfricaRice Center
  • International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
  • International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
  • International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
  • Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies
  • World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) 
  • Additionally, FAO is proud to have signed partnership agreements such as Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the following:
  • Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
  • Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
  • University of the Western Cape

FAO also offers opportunities through its Internship, Volunteer, and Fellows Programmes. More information can be found by clicking on the specific programme of interest.

To substitute the second para within the drop-down menu “Civil Society Organisations and Cooperatives/Producer Organisations” with the following:

At a regional level, FAO is pleased to support a biennial meeting of CSOs (2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024 sessions) before the Africa Regional Conference. CSO Consultations produce a Declaration, which is presented by CSO spokespersons to the Assembly of Ministers of Agriculture and other relevant Ministers during the Regional Conference for Africa, FAO’s highest governing body in the region. To learn more about the conference, please visit the Africa Regional Conference page.

To add as a last para within the drop-down menu “Private sector” the following:

At a regional level, FAO organizes biennial meetings with the private sector, the AALD – African Agribusiness Leaders Dialogue (2020, 2022, and 2024 session), before the Africa Regional Conference. During these meetings, the private sector is called to share its perspectives on agrifood systems transformation and discuss related pressing challenges and opportunities. Private investors, business associations, and organizations across the agricultural sector deliberate recommendations through a declaration that is aimed at informing and shaping supporting policy interventions.

Across Africa, FAO is currently engaged with the following private sector partners including foundations, including but not limited to Agricycle Global, Inc.Burkinabè Economic and Social Development FundBill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Dairy Platform (GDP)IKEA Foundation,  JR Farms,  Mandulis Energy Limited,  MARS, IncorporatedRabobank,  as well as the International Fertilizer Association.

Guiding Documents



Regional office:

Samy Gaiji, Senior Regional Operational Partnerships Officer (GEF/GCF)

Kazuyuki Fujiwara, Partnerships Officer

Roberto Villa, Resource Mobilization and Strategic Partnerships Fellow

FAO Regional Office for Africa

Accra, Ghana


Central Africa:

Lionel Kinadjian, Fishery Officer/Partnerships focal point

FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa

Libreville, Gabon


Eastern Africa:

Mohamed AwDahir, Programme Officer

Bamlaku Alamirew, National Partnerships Development Specialist

FAO Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Southern Africa:

VolantianaMuriel Raharinaivo, Programme Officer (Partnerships)

FAO Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa

Harare, Zimbabwe


Western Africa:

Mehdi Drissi, Senior Liaison Officer

FAO Sub Regional Office for West Africa

Dakar, Senegal