Regional Training course on Desert Locust Survey

Yemen, 28 March - 2 April 1998

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  • Day 1: The Minister of Agriculture opened the training course at the Plant Protection Department in Sana'a. A pre-evaluation test was given to the trainees. Presentations were made on why, where, when and how to make surveys, and hot to use latitude/longitude. Trainees completed an exercise on map reading.
  • Day 2: Everyone moved by vehicle to Hodeidah (4 hours). In the afternoon, trainees learned how to use a geographic positioning system (GPS) for coordinate determination and navigation.
  • Day 3: Trainees were divided into four groups, each with a trainer, a 4WD landrover, maps, compass and GPS. Each group did an all-day field survey on the coastal plains north of Hodeidah to the Saudi border.
  • Day 4: Two groups did a survey east of Hodeidah and two did a survey south of Hodeidah. In the afternoon, grops presented their survey results and discussed methodologies and difficulties. Locust biology and behaviour were reviewed.
  • Day 5: All groups used the GPS to navigate to two infested sites near the Saudi border, about 3 hours from Hodeidah. Here, they practiced evaluating densities and sizes of the hopper band and swarm infestations. In the evening, a presentation was made on how survey results are used for assessment, planning and forecasting by countries and FAO. A post-evaluation was given and trainees evaluated the course.
  • Day 6: Everyone returned to Sana'a. Course certificates were distributed.