بإمكانك البحث في أرشيف الموقع الإلكتروني للمكنز الزراعى متعدد اللغات (مكنز أجروفوك) عن الأخبار ذات الصلة بأي موضوع يخص المكنز.
Reminder: Call for Good Practices, Achievements and Lessons Learned
22 أبريل 2020
Utilizing Scientific Information and Digital Data on Food and Agriculture via AIMS Community Assets The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s Scientific Information and Digital Data for Innovation team through the...
COVID-19 information available on Research4Life
27 مارس 2020
With the global spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) it’s important to be able to find reliable expert advice, as well as to have access to the latest peer-reviewed research. Research4Life and AGORA users can log in via their preferred program to access...
Workshop in Moldova paves the way for Research4Life and AGORA in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
14 أكتوبر 2019
The first regional AGORA workshop took place in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova on 3-4 October. The participants in front of the State Agrarian University of Moldova in Chișinău. 26 selected participants joined the workshop from five East European...
First regional Research4Life workshop builds research capacity in Eastern Europe
3 أكتوبر 2019
From 3-4 October 2019, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is hosting the first ever regional Research4Life workshop, open to eligible countries in Eastern Europe. The purpose of the workshop is to strengthen ties with...
Up to 100.000 resources now available through Research4Life
19 يونيو 2019
We’re celebrating, as Research4Life now provides access to up to 100.000 resources! By the end of the first quarter of 2019, the amount of scholarly and professional content available has grown to an impressive 22,500 peer-reviewed journals, over 80...